01 October 2011

ladylydialondon October 2011 Twitter

Our mission in life is to go through the many trials that come to us to see how we cope. One thing is for sure, we all survive, and nothing is left to chance. 

See the Olympic Games come under threat in this country. A movement to upset the evolution of it is now in operation

Security forces will have to be tightened up for the safekeeping of all athletes and the general public

There will be a national threat, a build up is already occurring

The Iranian government will be in conflict. There are massive stirrings going on behind closed doors

All will be revealed. The President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, under enormous fire and backlash from his own government

A new uprising, not seen before, with military backing now gathering strength – they wish to have their say. They wont be silenced anymore!

It is now that the positive production of economic reform for all the countries of the world will be shown to them

It will have to be a joint venture with everybodys cooperation and where it is not done…

…so Governments will be unseated on the request of its people

President Obama will announce shortly a new and improved fiscal mandate, which will be approved by the Senate

His job now very much on the line and he will be able to hold that line – just!

All of those whose mindsets are different from the European fiasco, will be saved in their own way

They will not be a party to this mockery and by a Higher Law will be saved because of it

Afghanistan will open up its frontiers again and allow its people to escape from further tyranny. Much bloodshed will be spilled again

There is no containing this melting pot of unrest as it works towards its climax

The Afghan troops will seize control of a major town and will start to get power hungry

The Pakistani Government cannot hold control of a further disruptive people. There will be further clashes in the street

China to make a stand on economic policy, which goes against their first statement. They too will enter the fight

The man in the street gathering momentum with every passing day – no government is safe anymore

It is the voice of the people, who will forge ahead with new policies that they will dictate…

…not what governments want for themselves anymore

The releasing of the old ways & a new formulation of correct advisers will come forward whose policies are sound & acceptable by the people

Nothing else will be heard – that time has already passed

See the Israeli/Palestinian situation hit rock bottom. A new peace plan will not become effective at all

Greece to fall on its knees heavily – their cries heard in every country and felt also

A new ministerial election cannot save this country while old financial methods are still in place

A stripping down of many of their assets will be required as a matter of course

For the Eurosceptic, there is real reason for concern. The entire European Economy plan will not work out

A new mandate for improved fiscal facilities will only be put in place once the Euro has completely crashed

The banks now are paying the price for their greed…

…and the man in the street will have to suffer these consequences as a result of their messed up policies

The people of Europe will be heard finally…

…and a new draft for a future economy will come about only when everything has finally been taken away

Is there anybody listening?  Heed this if you value anything at all!

The people throughout the world are finally waking up to the mismanagement by Governments

…and their flagrant arrogance that they can get away with matters which are jeopardizing their own people’s welfare

It is the people of this world, not the Governments, who will finally have their say

…Through the Internet the truth now comes out and no country is safe anymore

Politicians will have a strict code of ethics to adhere to, the likes they have not seen before

otherwise they are out. There are no longer any safeguards

This code of practice will finally bring in the right politicians. There wont be any room for corruption, they will be scrutinized too well

Either you serve the people with honesty or you are out. There is no more room for arrogance and self pomposity

The people of Libya must be allowed to conduct their affairs as they see fit and not to be intimidated by outside forces…

…whose agendas are different to theirs

The Libyan people must have their time for mourning for all those who readily sacrificed their lives…

…so that this great nation can be set free

A new coalition of various factions will come together to rule this country and to restore peace in the hearts and minds of so many

See the liberation of Libya, but with many tears.  Their lives now having to deal with a quagmire of mess and destruction

The new Government will open up a dialogue with all the people throughout this world whose main interest is in the rebuilding of this Nation

A new name, a new criteria and a new direction – the old Libya is now dead for all time

A coming together of nations to make a package of trade restrictions and concessions upon each other will not work

For lasting peace to occur within the Middle East a lasting respect & understanding for each others needs is fundamental to all agreements…

There can be no secondary illusions

The Pope will be smitten down with an illness. He exudes negativity and it already has its grip on him

Begin to see further uprising in Egypt. The army dictate is coming under increasing fire

The Egyptian people will be heard and new elections will be pushed forward at the behest of the people

A growing upsurge will see the country split in two. No one wants to take the initiative or the blame…

See another uprising until this matter is resolved

A leader to unite this country will come forwards in time. His place in history has not yet been decided!

Peace will be restored to the troubled mind when the understanding that life is remarkable despite its many ups and downs

Mankind to emerge from the darkness of ignorance, but only when matters become impossible, then new light is born

The true value of things comes in only when it is taken away and it can never be replaced

Afghanistan is on the brink of civil war. Many tribes up in arms as the redistribution of wealth is not being evenly shared out

There is so much unrest and dissension. British and American intelligence cannot get to grips with this situation…

…no matter how many years they are prepared to stay and how many countless lives still need to be lost

You cannot confine a warring population. They need to address this situation for themselves…

…Pouring untold millions into this country will solve nothing

In time one man, who is respected by all the tribes, will emerge and then a peace between tribes can begin to start afresh

Until that day comes nothing will remain safe

Look beneath the ideology of so many things & begin to see the structure of life changing, from what it was to how it is now is transpiring

All this is awesome and self rewarding. It allows mankind to finally think outside the box of propaganda…

…and to start to think for the first time for himself

Start to see not only a world revolution, but an individual’s as well. It is high time Man awoke from his sleep of ignorance

The passage of time now is fast approaching, where Mankind must start to believe in an intelligence far beyond his own puny self!

The Syrian ambassador to the UN will be sent packing. There are further rifts going on and no Syrian official is safe any longer

See an implosion of authority within the middle of the country as the Government of Syria is now fully exposed

Mounting aggression and attention from neighbouring countries will see Syria fall out of favour. They are in a rift of their own choosing

Many people speak of liberty for all, but few understand the true meaning of it. It is the right to be – without oppression

Mankind must find it in their hearts to help those who are unable to defend themselves

Their actions will be the redemptions of many and ultimately their own salvation

Peace to come to the Middle East, but at a far higher price than each of us is prepared to give

Now we are all asked to come to the plate and to do our to bit to further this cause

A new fiscal deal involving China, which will only be arbitrary to help beleaguered countries get on top of their debt crisis

No one has any clear solutions to their problems. All want a quick fix

…None are prepared to tackle that countrys deficit in the correct and proper way

A forging of heads of governments to start step by step negotiations to bring about safe banking laws

The economy will continue to get hit with sliding values, which will drive down the Euro and the Dollar before they actually start to listen

We are not there yet!

Start to see a major catastrophe emerge in the bringing down of the Syrian people – their blood on the conscience of the world

These people, crying out for help, will require intervention from outside…

…They are not able to deal with this oppression and violence entirely on their own

The U.S. military will get involved, but will take a much harder line than before

…Sanctions are not the answer. Other Muslim countries will give their own backing. They have no choice!

Many countries are now in full support of financial schemes to allow individual countries to act according to their own countrys interest

This will have a negative affect initially and then the parapet of realization will occur leading them onto a different path

It is in the stillness of thought that new and great ideas are born. The true emergence to do the right thing by all

To bring peace to the Middle East will need to see its very heart and soul ripped out of it first

Suppression will be stemmed by the people and much bloodshed will be spilled before ultimately justice is done

We, the entire world over, have reaped this holocaust and must pay the ultimate price for our own ignorance

Until Mankind begins to realize that every action forges a reaction, either good or bad…

…then, and only then, will they be mindful of their own responsibilities

We all must own up to our own successive governments, who have put these people in power for our own ends. The wakeup call is now!

Begin to see the new flood of unrest take over the entire globe. All countries are ultimately affected. None can escape this wrath

People, who have never spoken before, are voicing their displeasure with respective Governments. Many policy changes will be administered

The women of the world will finally stand up for their own human rights. Their suppression has been long and hard!

Accept the Divine Right to turn around all opposition to what is causing the long term drought

The people of Africa to further rise up against their Governments. Their voices will be heard. They are unstoppable.

The Middle East blockage of events will be prized open to allow a freer thinking policy to emerge

The emerging of a new Worldwide Banking Group, the likes of which has never been seen before…

…to alleviate finally all of the broken aspects of the current situation

This new Banking Corporation to come into effect with legislative powers to deal with crises as and when they occur

All this to emerge just before the final collapse of the banking system as we know it today!

The people on both sides have had enough. It will be the people themselves whose voices will be heard, not the politicians

See the borders of Gaza reformed and a more open society under the new system is born

The people will finally come together and a peace not known before is created

See the new enforced peace plan. No one must object as there is no more room for discussion. Those ways are now blocked

The saving now of both settlements where true integration will be implemented. New laws not seen before will come into effect

All hardliners will see their power removed. All must be regulated and come to their senses

Where they can no longer win, capitulation comes in 

An awakening to the world at large will see great destruction of liberty by the perpetrators, who systematically harm their own people

The Israeli conflict to spiral out of control and judgment unilaterally will be enforced. They have no more cards to play

The Palestine/Gaza situation will be rectified. A new treaty by the U.N. to stop the building by Israel will be enforced

There will be a growing pride reintroduced in this country. People from all nationalities proud to be British

Start to see a greater nationality. A strong emotional grip to take over to unite this country – not seen since the Falklands

Togetherness will finally fix this Nation as all unite to make this country great again. See its emergence

See our political system come again under scrutiny. It is necessary to further shed the past

Many people of some standing will completely emerge to take on the challenges this country faces…

…They will succeed and make a name for themselves 

Every nation now will take a further tumble financially. The economic grip is tightening right across borders

Great Britain will be able to emerge a stronger, more robust country. Their monetary policy is now showing signs of recovery

The people of Great Britain to rally around Government and strikes, which will start, will have an abrupt end!

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