01 December 2011

ladylydialondon December 2011 Twitter

Our mission in life is to go through the many trials that come to us to see how we cope. One thing is for sure, we all survive, and nothing is left to chance. 

To see the New Year through on so many levels will see a changing world from strengths being transferred from West to East

Iran will see further testing on its nuclear programme fail again. They have come across a programme that they cannot see around it

Mankind to look within and decide on the many changes it must deal with in order to right itself

There will be many challenges of which Mankind does not yet have the answers to. The answers will be revealed in time

The Syrian situation will spiral out of control. The justice to their people is not being met…

…The Arab League will pay for the mess they have further incurred

The people of Syria will demand external forces now for help to intervene. The situation is now a complete farce

See further uprisings occur until more forced pressure is put on President Assad

He thinks he is winning. History will prove him wrong

Accepting a new Jewish state and a state of Palestine is beyond anybody’s comprehension. See a hard and fast settlement employed

The hard and fast rules of the Israeli/Palestine conflict no longer apply…

…World pressure to bring an end to this conflict is mounting.  None can ignore its magnitude

America will need to back off to allow peace talks to resume and with the interests of both parties – not America alone

See senior Joint Chiefs of Staff now come into their own. Their voices heard with wisdom and NOT conflict

See a new fast moving economy coming out of the East…

…as they start radical changes to reform their own banking system, which will be superior to the West’s

Trade to fall dramatically in Europe as it becomes a desert of debt and ill feeling

To put a broken banking system into operation will take decades of reform. The banks will have to submit or go totally under

New banking laws to reel in negligent banks will be in operation by the end of 2012

Financial institutions, which are still falling, have no safety net to secure them. Money now in very short supply

Begin to see further breakouts in Russia’s heartland. A gathering momentum now in progress

North Korea to operate on a more lenient structure…

…The new head Kim Jong-un has many ideas in which to bring his country into the 21st century

He has been well educated and he wishes to lift a form of suppression to his people…

…He loves his people and has a respect for the role he now needs to play

Kim Jong-un wishes to have stronger ties with China and sees their role on the world stage as mighty indeed

This he wishes to emulate, but he has peaceful means in his heart, knowing his own might.  It is not necessary to abuse it

President al-Assad has shot himself in the foot. Full proof of his hand in the atrocities is coming to light. He has nowhere to go

He will be betrayed by a high ranking General, one who he thought was his friend, but is no more. This man has a conscience, Assad has not

For Syria to have democratic rule will come at a high price, but…

…it will be worth it for full independence against a traitor, who sold his people down the river

The public outcry as more and more evidence comes to light; Syria’s President has nowhere to hide. He is now a wanted man

Start to see a positive move throughout the World as the people’s voices will be heard and satisfied

No longer will people put up with the despots in their countries. The Universal Laws are in place to bring forwards new regimes for change

The voices of the people throughout the World are finally being heard and…

…outside support is now being given to honour these people freedom from oppression

No one has the right to bully people into a way of life that does not contribute basic human rights…

…Now is the time for this change as it gathers momentum

Every country throughout the World need now look at their people…

…Governments will have to prove that they are up for the job and no longer can they see their own entitlement

Bahrain will see further clashes as the Shia movement gathers momentum…

…The People are no longer satisfied with the politics and unfairness of their country

See the majority rule over the Sunni ruling family as they further lose their grip

No political Government can stay in power until a more stable and evolved Government is proclaimed

The people no longer trust in their Government’s handling of situations

That mistrust and continuing hold will bring their eventual downfall

America must realise they cannot rule the world. Their beliefs and their agendas are in total contrast to so many countries of this world

A greater understanding of other country’s beliefs and customs must be recognised…

…so that harmony and restraint can be accomplished for the world’s people to live together in peace and harmony

The Eurozone now in full panic mode as another bank is on the brink of bankruptcy. There is not enough money to bail it out

A second bank now splits in half. One half will die, the other half will be saved – just!

See European Ministers come out in horror as what they have just signed up to will be useless – in other words not valid!

An airline passenger jet will be pulled down due to electrical failure. It will NOT be a terrorist attack

A mild Christmas forecast – an extraordinary warmth for this time of year

See Tibetan martyrdom be exercised again. This is a growing concern with little to no let up

A UN peace force to enter into dialogue to prevent any more deaths in Tibet

Bring back the justice to all those who have fallen foul of others…

…Their time is coming and happiness will be restored to the fallen victims of this world

Think not about the homeless just at this time of the year, but think about them always and finally do something about them always…

…It might be you next time

Teach our children to give to those less fortunate than themselves, so they may best understand what it is like to have nothing…

…For those who really care will send out food parcels to the starving, so they also may feed and be content

A little can go a long way. It is in the giving that you later receive, especially when it is needed

David Cameron will be allowed to speak frankly with regards to the Euro situation…

…He is growing strength around him and his policies will be heard

See the Euro collapse even further. There is no safety net to hold it

The passage of time will see a completely new treaty evolve

Europe will be steered down a different route of collective funding, the likes of which has not been seen in this lifetime

See Pakistan hit a new low as politicians will disagree on fundamental principles concerning their country

An attempt at an atomic blast will be experienced. The fallout catastrophic should it succeed

The world now in crisis. Everyone still asleep should finally be woken up. Man must learn to abide by his responsibilities

All nations now will see that they must act and work together to bring about peace through ensuing hardship. No one can be exempt!

The cloud over Italy grows ever thicker. The people do not have the will to endure this package, no matter what Prime Minister Monte creates

It is too little too late and so this once mighty country will crash under the weight of its own debt

France now is teetering on the edge, as it gets ever sucked into the debt crisis. See a quarter of its reserves go overnight!

The nation of Syria now split in two. See the army defect more and more as this brutal dictatorship loses its grip

The scaring of so many women and innocent children as a direct oppression of the male dominating factor…

…All will pay as justice will turn around full circle

See the women rise up in Bahrain. Man’s dominance cannot suppress them any longer

An uprising this world has never seen before will see both women and children take to the streets…

…Their rights have been violated long enough!

The Greek Government is now split in three ways…

…They have no common ground and so they will all sink under the strain of their debt. All is in free-fall now!

See the Italian Government come up against a gridlock situation. Only a very small solution will get passed

Their financial solutions are just waving in the breeze. Nothing concrete can now hold it

China will have to backtrack on deals held in other European markets.  They cannot take the risk while all is falling away

They have to hold onto their own currency for fear it too will become contaminated. This is likely to happen anyway

More Euro countries will fall by the wayside as enforced legislation puts extra strain on an already falling economy

No one has the answers to the Euro crisis except the Higher Intelligence, which will show its hand soon enough

It is only when the barren waste land of so much bureaucracy is put aside…

…that real growth and new prosperity can emerge under the confusion of it all

A new leader to emerge with new directives and, with its neutral aspect, will do away with the Franco German stranglehold

Syria will be further banished by world leaders as the squeeze continues to stem Syria’s lifeblood
Bashar al-Assad has already signalled his own death warrant

To be at peace is a wonderful thing. It creates wellbeing and a positive outlook that can be shared with others

To share positive joy with others is the true healing balm that builds and solidifies partnerships for all time

To be a trusted friend in the true sense of the word is the spark that reignites every time you are together

That light never dies. It remains for a lifetime

The Eurozone is systematically breaking apart. All those who are not involved will thank their lucky stars

All those who are committed to its support and survival will wish they had the guts to walk away. Their future is entwined in its downfall

New bank regulations, the likes the banks have never seen before, will bring them all into line and to heel

They will have no choice. Such is the extent, that their woeful ways will be clipped forever

Begin to see the bigger picture emerging in Russia as a fall out will occur leaving Putin stuck in a quagmire of indecision

The American Government must now wake up to the needs of its people…

…The continued deadlock in Congress puts their own Americans in further hardship

Americans cannot dictate to other countries of the world…

…when their own democracy and human rights are in direct conflict with its own people, many of whom are starving and homeless

This is as a direct result of their own inadequate safeguards to their banking systems, which have ridden roughshod over their own people…

…Justice to the people will prevail

Many bankers think they have got away with it…

…but a Higher Power will deal with them later when all their mismanagements will be revealed and justice then enforced

For Washington to move on it must hear the cries of its people…

…Change is coming and the iron tight grip by Republicans cannot stop this motion

American, whose deadlock situation is stifling every aspect, every sinew, will be prized open…

…and more freedom to exercise what is right will occur

See President Obama start another term of office. His job is only just beginning

David Cameron will see a growing interest, not only in his party, but outside his party to add strength to these challenging times…

…He is NOT sunk. He is rising all the time

For real social structure to occur all must be ready to make the effort to support each other…

…and bring about true harmony to each and every one

A total mending of the ways needs new policies and new ideas. We are not there yet, but growing in strength and fortitude

To remain positive in all things brings in radical changes anyway. See and then believe it to be true

David Cameron made a brave move. He won’t be liked for it. He may even be chastised for it, but he will be proved right

See the European heads further fall into the slippery pit. The grave they have already dug themselves many years ago

England will just about manage to survive the holocaust of the European downfall, but only if it keeps its head

For David Cameron to come back without egg on his face, he has to speak loudly and firmly

His agenda will be heard and a lightening quick talk will carry favour

England, with its financial hardship, can ride this storm of uncertainty. They will trade effectively inspite of the Euro fall

See England pave the way for new legislation, which will bring it up to scratch and where respect in Europe is acknowledged

…… It will be hard, but fruitful

David Cameron will begin to see a light at the end of the tunnel. He must learn to keep his nerve!

To bring about peace in this world, we each must reflect on our own little world…

…We must be prepared to turn hostile situations around and bring back harmony into our lives

Harmony and balance is the only way to live and to function. From that, great joy comes in and becomes the ebb and flow of every day life

Moderation is the perpetual answer to all happiness. Take matters gently and see significant changes happen daily in your lives

Accept yourself for the time being. Allow a Higher Intelligence to make your path for you without struggle and with much contentment

Egyptian people to rally around against Government officials to place their case for change. These people are not satisfied

The Egyptian Government still holding on to its inextricable power for the time being

See further reprisals in Kabul. None are safe at this time

All life is sacred and all life is watched by a Higher Supreme Intelligence…

…What wrongs you do in this world, so you will pay for it throughout your lifetime

Man’s thinking will only start to change once he understands that he is responsible for it…

…How he operates will reflect back on him either kindly or severely

To walk blindly in this world is irresponsible. Know what is around you and act with kindness and consideration for all living things

Syria’s refusal to budge will allow opposition from other countries to come in. The hand at the throat of Bashar al-Assad is now tightening

Iran’s split Government will start to erode its right on their people…

…The people already sense an ever growing distrust of their governing elite

Egyptian people in uproar, they will see their votes count for nothing. Further outcries & reprisals will be met! The struggle not over yet

Look now to the Eurozone being destroyed. It will literally keel over and sink in its own time

Nothing and no one can save it!

Talks with Angela Merkel & Nicolas Sarkozy will end in deadlock. The solutions to recover this crisis is not there & so they cannot see it

Nothing can get fully sorted out until the full slump of the Euro is finally over. It is a burning currency and nobody can hold it!

See the European Economic Group break up at an alarming rate. All will become fragmented. They won’t be able to hold it together

The European Central Banks will not be able to achieve their objective…

…Their hands will be tied. The debts overall outweigh their own gross amounts

See Europe sink into the abyss getting further sucked down by economic legislation

See policy changes inflicted on Iran. Their unstable, but iron tight regime, is cracking and much unrest in the country is now festering

Iran has nuclear arms, but there is an instability in its make up and this is what infuriates them. They still don’t have control of it!

A vast depression over the north east area of Syria is now growing…

…There is dissent in its people, who are prepared to die until the last man in order to oust Assad

President Bashar al-Assad is increasingly being isolated. He no longer can control nor have full command of his army