01 September 2011

ladylydialondon September 2011 Twitter

Our mission in life is to go through the many trials that come to us to see how we cope. One thing is for sure, we all survive, and nothing is left to chance. 

Open up your mind to new and exciting things. Don’t stagnate, when the mind dies the body follows suit

To see the principles of life is to understand the Laws of the Universe and to exist within these parameters

Let love rule you always, so that the best result comes out of everything. The intentions are always right

Accept your life for the time being and when you feel that push of motivation act according to what the guidance tells you

Everything in life has a purpose for the teaching of your lifetime’s destiny…

…Don’t feel disappointed, but feel privileged to accept these challenges

Life is a gift to enjoy each day and feel invigorated by its design

The captivation of Col Gaddafi is imminent. He will not surrender. A universal trial to expose all his atrocities will be televised

The people of Libya will be humbled by the experiences of their once dictator

The healing of the Libyan people will take decades to achieve, but they will be healed!

Mankind must recognize the rights of Mankind and once that established fact has been verified then change is born

A strange opening of World Parliament to bring in extreme measures…

…to safeguard the rights of all human misery throughout the world will become operational

New sanctions against despots will be administered so that all world leaders have no doubt as to where the verdict must lie

It is arbitrary that the world is in so much chaos and confusion

…but as we all start to look closely degrees of self reliance is now forthcoming

Pockets of people are emerging from the hell of dictatorship as the revolution for freedom continues to mount

The safeguards of the people, vital for all earthly existence, is approaching the tipping point and nothing can stop this advancement

All will back away from Israel. They have overstepped the mark and they know it. Blood is on their hands and they will be held to account

A nation who thinks God is on their side must start to wake up and think again...

…Justice will be recognised for the Palestinians as Global involvement now is recognised

Israel have nowhere to hide their shame. They have ridden roughshod over people for far too long. Justice to them will be administered!

As everything collapses worldwide, no one is safe anymore. A revolution of new and improved monetary systems will be put in place…

…All will adhere to these new policies

The Israeli and Palestine conflict to increase and war will be at their doorstep again…

…This time Israel will have to submit to mounting Global pressure. They cannot save face this time

No one will back Israel. America cannot come to their rescue anymore. They will feel the strength of isolation & they will feel it intensify

Let the light of true love enter in and heal those who have been subjected to so much misery so that they at last can find peace

The beauty of nature is so powerful and extends beyond this earth…

...Other planets around this world have their own beauty and so nature continues

Never doubt the power of the Universal Intelligence to keep everything in balance despite Mankind’s destructive ways

Peace throughout the world comes in when the right ingredients by the people and their thinking is in place

To accept change one must be open in your own mindset to adopt another strategy that is ultimately right over and above your own thinking

Too many people think their own view point is right without ever considering whether it can help the greater good or hinder it!

The new policies will attract new ideas and allow for a frontier of growth and wellbeing…

…This will be the new format, which will be introduced in a very short while

All countries both in or out of the EU structure will have to adapt their own slant, so that it can work for home policies…

…and begin to drive home a better more efficient way of managing market conditions

The so-called risk strategy will be wiped out completely – never to return again

It is now that the entire world will come to a stop and be made to think as to how it can finally sort itself out of its financial mess

The true calling by a couple of important people will see the light & bring about a return to true policies where growth can be established

Their position within the structure hierarchy is non-political, so they have nothing to gain…

…but the realistic purpose of bringing down the old worn out currencies and establishing a new one

We have the technology.  When will we start to use it in the proper way?

Mans continuous war against himself damages so much. The atomic fallout still has repercussions to this day

Nature is the most powerful and precious thing. Interfere with this creative source and bring about your own downfall

Mankind must protect the planet, so that she can continue to yield her harvest upon the world

To continue to disrupt the ecology will have a devastating effect upon the entire world

Famine, droughts, flooding are all part of Mans destruction upon the planet. Deforestation destabilises the delicate ecosystem

Start to see a more organised Afghanistan emerge. Their people will unite at last against their common foe

US Intelligence to aid the new President to take office…

…He will be in specialised talks with all tribal groups to adopt and bring together a common theme

An uncovering of a hornet’s nest of filth, deceit and dishonour will bring about a will to finally clean up their own country…

…The power now is entirely in their hands

The Afghan people in open revolt against their oppressors, the Taliban, will see them at last take charge of their country

President Karzai will be removed. His corrupt ways further exposed to his people who will tender for his resignation

A younger President will be born out of the affray, one that can finally unite his people. He is a moderate and has no axe to grind

To believe in a Higher Intelligence guiding us is to see our lives as hopeless and from nowhere a miracle to save us appears

Out of the impossible, new things are given. It is only then that we really appreciate the healing light

It is now that Man’s perception of a Higher Power is heightened…

…so many impossible acts globally are being freed up and justice from nowhere comes in

The Afghanistan question is to release the stranglehold on corruption. New policies will emerge after further slaughter

Further cracks in the Afghan Parliament to emerge, there is a virtual split now!

No one can win this war against oppression until they start to believe in their own destiny…

…There is no future for this country. Again they will be abandoned

A unilateral peace plan will operate keeping stability throughout this region and open trade policies will further stabilise these policies

None can act against it otherwise they forfeit their own trade concessions. The safeguards are in place

New life is born out of the mayhem of mistrust. A new formulation is activated and will be passed by both Israel and Palestine

For peace to even start in the Middle East all must put aside their differences & an impartial go-between to act to bring about a settlement      

The Israeli/Palestine situation will be quashed and their own bargaining chips are no longer relevant…

…Their people want peace and it will come about without those governments        

It is finally the voice of the people and their agendas that will be heard. A peace plan with safeguards is coming

In order to make sense of this violent time is to know that all share a common thought and that is to be at one with Our Creator

To be saved for a higher purpose is always shown to us and those 9/11 survivors all know their purpose now!

Great feats of ingenuity are given to all and all are reborn as a result of this devastation…

…the message not always clear at the time, but exact now!

The 9/11 anniversary will see a parting of the old ways. People all over the world will reunite in love and forgiveness

See the blessings put on the survivors and see them feel all special in their own way

To survive a holocaust of this magnitude is to see your life change forever. Nothing is ever certain again

To see success played out is to realise a dream finally and to achieve all one has set out to do

To work with constraints puts ones life in jeopardy. All should work according to the laws and safety

To begin anew is to see the rebirth of an idea & to follow its course no matter where you are taken. The outcome is always worth the journey

Love is the essence of all life and is the sustaining food that helps to keep all from falling apart

Give love always where you can. It is the beauty that is within and is that vital God spark that was given to us at birth

The neglect of children breeds dysfunctional adults, who then neglect their own children

For the cycle to be broken the adult must take personal responsibility. Often this is not forthcoming

For children to blossom and grow, love must surround them. Nothing can flourish where love is absent

All planetary action is in direct sequence of order. Everything works in harmony according to Universal Laws

When fear is given anger lashes out. Discontent is the root of all anarchy

To be alone with ones thoughts is to experience an understanding that not everything is possible in life & when that time comes it’s alright

To pass over to the other side and not help an individual in distress is to ask yourself, “Are you worthy of help when your time comes?”

Love all round us is shown if we are prepared to look.  Everything that grows naturally is produced by our Creator for our benefit

To be of gentle heart is to know what real peace means from within. It is a rarity and is a seldom found

Be content with what you have, for tomorrow you could lose it all

Nothing is certain in life except we pass to a higher understanding

For the people of the world to appreciate freedom, they first must experience a curtailment to their liberty

So much is taken for granted in this country…

…and the young have no idea of the numerous sacrifices our grandparents made for us to live in freedom

To believe in yourself that you alone can change a situation is an awesome thing. It is however true…

…the practical solutions far outweigh the negatives

To restore fresh belief into Mankind’s ability to move forwards is always given at the right time

No person need feel alone. The spiritual helpers gather round to give support whenever it is needed. No one is neglected

To recover will not be an option, but necessary to embrace the new life. All woe will finally be forgotten…

…The passage of time for full recovery is now!

See everybody embracing the new start to action. The calling for everyone to act and to be of purpose is now thrust to you…

Work wisely in order to benefit

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