23 May 2011

ladylydialondon May 2011 Twitter

Our mission in life is to go through the many trials that come to us to see how we cope. One thing is for sure, we all survive, and nothing is left to chance.

To be at peace is a Heavenly quality and can be achieved on this Earth also

One must seek to be in harmony with Nature where all balance is achieved as a constant flow of adjustment and care

All who are brave will be given the opportunity of an existence so perfect they will know that it is Divine Love

Every soul on this Earth is bound on a special journey of enlightenment…

…To lose ones path is to know true fear. Step back onto the right track and be saved

All creation comes under the umbrella of love. All sustenance is available to you provided you acknowledge where it comes from

The might and the power of the human spirit knows no bounds. It literally turns everything upside down in order to achieve its end

To fight for a cause that is just is always winnable – acceptance of the cause is not

To be exalted in the Divine programme, first one must lose everything and then all can be given in the just and orderly way

The breakthrough of the Middle East conflict gathers momentum and justice to the people is now in operation

To mount an assault is not practical in the conventional way…

…but will come about due to extensive pressure and where all who thought they were safe will now no longer be accepted

To be a lost soul is to be in turmoil.  The true direction is always shown when one reaches the darkest hours

Put faith first and see the pattern emerging of help in every way. One is never let down and understanding is always strengthened

Sensitive souls are aware of the changing vibrational energies and are able to respond quickly to them – the insensitive cannot!

Love transcends all continents & it’s the only way to make a difference in so many people’s lives. It literally turns helplessness into hope

For the poor and suffering, there is often no way out. It is Man’s collective responsibility to turn this matter around…

…Who knows? Maybe it could be your turn

All people of this world are gathering in their collective unconsciousness…

…to produce a formidable force that will allow safe passage for humans to live in

No man stands alone. It is for all men to work and to interact together for the common good of survival and ultimately peace

Now that everything starts to bite back with the Middle East, a new front of optimism is slowly gaining

On all fronts new policies are being activated like light bulbs one by one being ignited to light the way for full recovery

To see is to believe that The Higher Intelligence is in charge in all things not Man.  …

…Man is directed towards the higher cause to allow change to occur
The coming of the age of freedom to so many, whose daily nightmare is drawing to its closure, will see revolution as life changing

To accept a settlement on a whim will never lead to a concrete solution…

…All facts and figures must be negotiated for satisfaction to be accomplished

For those who thought their livelihoods were safe…

…will come to realise that by Spiritual Law they will have to adjust their thinking in order to survive

No one can deny the winds of change are all upon us. All those who seek freedom from suppression in one way or another will receive it

The true turning of events within the Middle East is about to explode out of all proportions

It will be unstoppable and will mask the turning point in global history the likes this world has never seen before

All Presidents passed and future will be brought together to review policies that were once laid down by law but now will all be revised

The bonds that have held them are being released and daily thousands now can breathe the sweet smell of freedom

Be strong. Continue on your course of action and Angels answer all calls, action now in force

See tyrants fall in their droves. Even drugs lords will lose their power…

…All people are being liberated in one form or another. No call is too small to be answered

Salvation not only for nations but for individuals has taken root and the worlds population are now collectively calling/crying out for help

This help, universally, is there for all who wish now to take up this cause…

…be finally redeemed from their own incarceration never to be held again

Everywhere on this Earth a mighty change…

… a mood not known before has been activated from a Higher Source to release Mankind from bondage in one form or another…

…The mood is unstoppable

The Universal energies are ripe, activated, so giving Mankind new found courage to express and do what is right…

…The individuals are at last breaking free…

…Even their captives are experiencing a tidal wave of indifference where before they had control now they see that control slipping away
Freedom on every level whether country by country or in the home is now unstoppable…

…and every one around the world is starting to fight for their individual freedom

The control of Mankind towards another, where individuals feel captive in their own homes, are now breaking free

Help one another. It is the act of helping that you too will receive when your turn comes as it surely must

No matter how bleak the situation seems a light does present itself & is the saving grace by which Mankind is released from his suffering

The light for all creation is what sustains us throughout and is the means for our survival and must not be disregarded
To experience the will of God is to face your greatest hardship and miraculously come through it as only God knows how!

To be afraid is to turn yourself away from the light of reasoning and to be enveloped into the pits of despair…

…Everyone in time returns to that light in order to live – reasoning overcoming despair in the long run

Nature in all its glory is magical…

…To see life from virtually nothing into something magnificent at whatever time of year brings hope to us all

All energy has a purpose and that is to reproduce itself into something stronger than before. The mind also an energy force will do the same

To feel the love of the Heavenly Angels is to be soothed in a cocoon of warmth and protection while still floating over many hazards

When ones life has been saved through Divine Intervention, you are truly changed forever and nothing quite seems that important

Every moment of a child’s life is precious.  Don’t throw that time away for material gain where compromise can be met

Many opportunities come to us. Unless we recognise them as gifts from a Heavenly source we tend to nullify their meaning

Open your heart and look within. The same fears and aspirations are felt throughout Mankind. None of us are different at all

Remember to build up your riches for the next dimension. All your good deeds do count – material riches do not!

When the time is right new openings are offered to you. Whether you take them or not is your choice. They may never come round again

Be kind to yourself when you’re sad Recognise that this is a process which you alone must take so that you can learn to appreciate happiness

Having time for yourself seems like a luxury. In fact it is necessary to give your life balance and find peace

To see and acknowledge The Higher Power at work is to realise that no prayers have gone unanswered. Now the true awakening has arrived

Man will find his greatest hour and believe in his destiny to fulfil his own promise to himself all those years ago

As Man now awakens from the slumber of ineptitude he is reborn and redrafted into a better place where he can be heard and finally seen

As world politics start to nosedive in the light of world affairs, so the people of this world will claim their rights & action will be done

A systematic chain of events which is unstoppable will see world leaders coming together to salvage what cannot now be left undone

For the world to be a free trading place so dictators will be driven out in their droves The mighty force that surrounds them is unstoppable

As world policies start to reshape the future people to look to your finances as banks will need to restructure or go down without bailouts

The banks think they are safe to carry on as before not wanting to learn from past mistakes but to carry on regardless. See them lose & how!

The entire world’s banking corporation will see them scrabbling to hold on. They will be shaken to their very core & everybody else besides

Miracles happen daily, not by chance or accident but by Divine intervention, for those who have gained by the experience are changed forever

Smile to cheer another persons life. It costs nothing but it gathers strength by its goodwill and can cure many ills

To be brave and stupid is to be irresponsible. To act cautiously with wisdom is to succeed

All we can take with us are our experiences when we pass this life – for most of us that is enough

For those of us who have no concept of anothers life, they have not taken the time to find out – the shock for them is great indeed

The angels of light help to carry this world from the fallout of negativity that brings Mankind down. Their task is great indeed

The courage of men will win through the mayhem of this world and stability will be formulated in a peace treaty never before known to man

The culmination of years of diplomacy can now shift a mighty obstruction of mans fears and inadequacy. A new legacy will be formed

It must be said, as one matures the strength of love deepens and fulfils all needs to strengthen ones life

Blessed are those who know love and blessed are those who have love shine upon them for that is Heaven on Earth

Now the day of reckoning begins where all must now look to their conscience and see where negative thoughts cause so much destruction

It must be said, as one matures the strength of love deepens and fulfils all needs to strengthen ones life

Blessed are those who know love and blessed are those who have love shine upon them for that is Heaven on Earth

Now the day of reckoning begins where all must now look to their conscience and see where negative thoughts cause so much destruction

To love is not to deny yourself anything. In loving another one also learns to love oneself and so life is enriched by its process

Two souls in harmony with one another is an expression of sheer delight. It becomes effortless by its very existence and lasts a lifetime

The joy that love brings heals all hurts and allows for peace to enter in.  One is so blessed to be in this state of grace

To love is not to deny yourself anything. In loving another one also learns to love oneself and so life is enriched by its process

Two souls in harmony with one another is an expression of sheer delight. It becomes effortless by its very existence and lasts a lifetime

The joy that love brings heals all hurts and allows for peace to enter in.  One is so blessed to be in this state of grace

Dreams are the visions of angels imparting your desires in an open forum of delight and expectation

Be not afraid as dark clouds gather around you. It is only a state of mind. Lift yourself into the sanctuary of light and laugh again

To have & to hold from this day forward is a saying given with much love and affection. To cherish those we love is precious as life itself

ladylydialondon April 2011 Twitter

Our mission in life is to go through the many trials that come to us to see how we cope. One thing is for sure, we all survive, and nothing is left to chance.

Universal Laws determine the advancement to Mankind or its loss. Never think we are in control here we remain present while love sustains us

Our true path always becomes clear when we have the eyes to see it and the knowledge to understand its existence

To equate love as being the true healer in all things is to know the broken heart is mended by this act and life is restored again

To be of use to another is to see what needs are required and act upon it the right and honourable way

The suffering of mankind brings down a whole nation…

…The wise bring up the poorest of their people and with that all rise and are prosperous. Then the entire nation gains

A growing movement of spiritual understanding is now shaping the world to allow people their freedom and a right to live will follow

Trust your instincts. The higher intelligence will steer you to safe passage and safe ground. Go against it and you suffer for your loss

It can be said that man created all things but it is the higher intelligence that first put the thought in man’s mind

The light of the world is upon us so that we are able to evolve and transform into the spiritual beings we were always meant to be

Every good will is given to us. It is how we learn to use it and understand it in our daily lives that true differences are made

See the vast higher vibrations help to change your lives for the better.  They are always positive and come in at the exact right time

Every thought and deed is acted upon. Nothing is ever wasted. It produces either good results or negative ones – the choice is yours

Easter a time for reflection of a saviour whose teachings have touched each of us in his special way…

…Whether we believe or not he is always there!

It is in the breaking down of much hatred that a new vision of hope is born and the suffering people are then healed

When the mindset is ready for change so it is thrust upon them. The unconscious mind asks for this to happen and it does

Open up your hearts to what is possible and be prepared for the impossible to follow. You will be greatly surprised

Nothing comes by accident. All is given freely and comes at precisely the right time of need and not before. Begin to trust in the outcome

For man to be reborn and to be reinstated in his own mind, he first must learn to justify his actions upon this earth

No man is an island and we are all linked to a common intelligence that gives us credence for being here. We are united in love

To make preparation for your next life one must begin with this one. All that you do and say is recorded and will be what you take with you

Allow your thoughts to wander naturally and begin to hear other thoughts of wisdom to enter in. These will guide you well

The seeing of a new dawn is to experience life from another dimension where release of a past burden opens up more than you dreamed possible

Every soul has a beginning and no end.  It becomes constant and evolves naturally to become all wisdom and infinity

To open ones heart to another is to be able to trust completely.  Know that you are safe and secure for all time

Heaven is all around us.  The invisible veil transcends all time and space and can be seen by those who are clairvoyant

Happiness is obtained in those small still moments of time when sheer satisfaction overwhelms the spirit and you are aglow with your Creator

Peace restores life and limb. It is the repairing agent for the entire body and mind and where healing can finally take place

To move on in ones life is to first ask, “Where do you wish to go?”  Once that acknowledgement is realised the rest can be manufactured

A smile says so much. It means, “Welcome. I am pleased to see you. You brighten my day.” Keep that smile going. It helps to transform lives

To open up your heart to another means trust in that person It takes time to build up & can be easily shattered, take care in whom you trust

To be in a position of authority is to know you are truly blessed in the direction and giving unto others in whose lives you are entrusted

Wisdom comes in small bursts so that you are able to understand and mull it over without getting too deep into its meaning

The delicate grace of the butterfly brings grace with every flight. It is a vision to behold. Its delicacy and endurance is life itself

Take your time. Everything is preordained to make events happen at the exact precise time for maximum effect to you and yours

To be complete within oneself is to know what must be achieved at all times.  We are all on our paths and the right way guides us forwards

We are always protected while we work.  It is in the recognition of that fact that more is achieved and fear is finally released

Learn not to beat yourself over the head when situations go wrong. It usually turns out for the best anyway

All life is creation and all creation is God made.  It is beauty in all its entirety and lasts the test of time

Man is here to serve not only himself but Mankind also.  It is in that true service that rewards are always given and Mankind is restored

Change hits us all & we must change in order to keep in step with what is required of us regarding our destiny Holding back is not an option

The loneliness of a soul is brought about by the coming of much frustration. Unburden what is no longer desirable and walk free

The spiritual awakening lasts the test of time and is always uplifting and forever powerful in its delivery

To be able to see and feel a lost loved one is a joy to behold. The knowing that it is real and positive dispels all fears

The understanding of all creation is formed by a single thought - love

Expect all and take nothing less, then you will experience life changing events coming your way

The path of life is easy. It is us who make it difficult.  Sense and ask and all is revealed for your comfort

To go passively through life is to become non productive.  Life is about living and not sleepwalking through it. It is too precious to waste

Man must learn to change his thinking in order for situations to change & work.  Without that cooperation they continue to flounder & fall

It is in the believing that new life is created and possibilities open up

The past is finished.  Look always to the future and accept what now must become a part of your life. It is in your hands to be great

Know that you are always loved and no matter how hard life gets that eternal love never diminishes and is your saving grace for all time

Out of the dark clouds of despair a new direction is found.  Follow it as it becomes your salvation, a turning point has been reached

Miracles are born out of great tragedy, but they also come daily in the normal way of life

It is in the thinking of your future that you are able to bring it about. Aim high always to achieve the best results

To go positively through life brings about circumstances that could become a part of your life. It is in your hands to be great

The knowledge of all creation comes to those who seek its truth and are not shy in voicing it at the appropriate time

Science now acknowledges the spiritual forces that work with it to produce and create great feats of expertise in all fields of life

To ignore the higher intelligent forces that constantly surround us is to be blind, deaf and stupid!

Being brave is not necessary. Being wise is! Know your limitations are in the mind. Release yourself from this bondage and become free again

A measure of where you are in life is shown by the gratitude that you have for the simpler forms of life and what they have to offer you

Every moment is a joy and a luxury held forever. It sustains growth to the mind and to body as new forms of undertaking become possible

You are a necessary cog in the evolution for change. Every thought on a positive vibration gives credence to the possibilities for salvation

Nothing is impossible when the right criteria are in motion. It is the creative forces that apply this motion so its effects are long lasting

As life takes a dip one is held in suspended animation until creative forces can manifest a solution to bring about vast recovery

All beliefs that were once discarded are now manifesting to you.  You hold your course and thrive

To move when the impetus for change presents is how you will accomplish your dream. Act according to the vibrations and see they are meant

We ask for help and it is given. We seldom recognise it in this format, but always realise it sometime afterwards as life changing

The passing from one dimension to the next is the rebirth of ones soul, the new discovery of what now needs to be learnt and satisfied

To know my words will assist you on a daily basis will be shown to you. Everlasting joy is all around you. Access it and change your life

As the power of the Creator fills you with much joy and happiness, a true evolvement of your state of being come into operation now!

Look within yourself as great. You are a microcosm of experience and knowledge. Never underestimate your own abilities to succeed

Together we can move a mountain of mistrust and hardship, by our collective unconsciousness a negative situation becomes a positive outcome

All hardship goes where love is in abundance. Slowly the fear is extinguished and healing becomes possible at last

It is in the knowing that you are a good person that situations open up for you to make it more possible to be good

Negativity can crush a person, whereby a positive outlook affects the way you feel, act and breathe…

…Peace manifests where a positive outlook perpetuates

Life can be a tangled web of intrigue if we let it. Make your life as simple as is possible to allow greater scope for life

This is the springtime for your evolution, take each step as it comes and savour the experience. We are all young in our learning

Remember all those who have passed before, you will enjoy meeting them again when the time is right for all of you

It is in the appreciation of what you have that makes a difference to what you are still about to receive

It is in the giving that you are always rescued and your light shines the better for it

Many are still in heart; few are chosen to take the interest of the many to a greater plane of understanding

Let no one dictate to you who or what you should be. You are a creative force in your own right and should be who you are always meant to be

We in the modern society tend to take so many things for granted. Go back four centuries and then you will appreciate more

It is in the passing of time that one can make a difference to one’s life and truly appreciate the effort

Great minds come together to communicate a mutual interest to increase awareness to mankind

ladylydialondon March 2011 Twitter

Our mission in life is to go through the many trials that come to us to see how we cope. One thing is for sure, we all survive, and nothing is left to chance.

To forgive another, changes you to a higher plane of understanding and will always benefit you in the long term

We can only see the bigger picture as circumstances pass. This is where we become wise after the event

We grow through the mistakes of our lives, but are they really mistakes or circumstances that we might grow

It is in the changing of yourself that others are changed also.  How you operate differently will affect others to do the same

Be blessed in your circumstances for they allow you to grow and to be more compassionate to others

That spark of ingenuity comes from the higher intelligence and is as clear as a bell

The innocence of youth is tarnished by corporate advertising to change them into something they are not ready for.  Protect that innocence

To understand yourself is a lifetime’s achievement.  Know you are truly blessed throughout this process

We all have hurt in our lives, but the experience has always stood us in good stead for future events.  We can overcome what once was

Hold on to childhood, it is such a precious thing and over before you know it

It is today that you must look to your future and act according to your highest intent. Happiness comes to those who ask for it

It is fitting that you are here at this time and space.  Learn to appreciate all that is given. You might not get this chance again

All is provided for you if only you realise it. Nothing is left to chance. All is equally decided in the proper way

Be not too quick to end the day. Start to see and really appreciate what is around you. To saviour life comes in when time is running out

The tiny baby and the aging man have so much in common.  Both are closer to the Almighty than the rest of us

It is in true despair that the window of opportunity always comes in and one is automatically saved

Peace comes to those who hold the Universal Laws in their lives and learn to grow through them – true harmony is then born

Suffer not in silence, but speak out to those who wish to hear and that is where you will find you own comfort and support

The child through innocence is brave indeed throughout this ever-changing world.  Theirs is the greatest crusade and the greatest challenge

Be gentle on yourself.  If you don’t, no one else will be

Learn to obey your instincts.  It is wisdom given to you from a higher source

It is through the Higher Consciousness that one finally understands eternal freedom

To see oneself as great is to know you are part of your Creator and greatness is all around

In pursuit of happiness is never out there.  It always starts from within

The smiling energy of light gives life enhancing properties and is always well received

To value life itself is far more important than possessions.  Learn to value yourself more

Happiness comes easy to those who have everything, but rarely exists for those who have nothing

Dignity is everything.  Sentimentality is a waste of space and can only be afforded by the few

To be passive does not show weakness, it shows wisdom

A higher command takes you where you are meant to be, not always where you want to go

The weight of the soul is only heavy by the control of the burden.  Realise it and you are liberated for all time

To cry wolf too often will only get you into trouble

To be soft with people is not a sign of weakness, but of too much strength

The gold of life is staring you in the mirror every day.  Yes, it is you

When you realise just how powerful you truly are then you will know you can overcome so many difficulties

A new home is like a new start.  Learn to appreciate the beautiful things that come your way

Being blessed with foresight is a wonderful thing.  We all have this gift if only we would learn how to use it

It is the little things that give the deepest pleasure

To be able to give to another unconditionally is to show that side of you that is connected to the Creator

Every wish is granted, but not always in the way you thought

To be at one with your Creator is to know absolute bliss.  It takes time to get there, but the journey is well worth it

Happiness borne out of tragedy is longer lasting and much appreciated

Never take things for granted.  It might be taken away from you

To heal externally is far easier than to heal internally.  Take one day at a time – you can’t rush the process

To laugh is to raise the vibrations of life and it is makes one worth living

Everything has a reason for being. Our existence here is necessary to blend in with all creation. We are all part of that Universal Force

It is in the difficulty of life that true happiness is born.  One begins to appreciate what is really important

It is the simple unplanned moments that bring in so much happiness especially when we least expect it

To be at one with your Creator is to be like a tiny grain of sand held in perfect balance through the oceans of life

Happiness and contentment is born out of hardship.  One must learn to know and experience the difference to be truly elated

Spirituality comes from within.  It is the helping of mankind in whatever form it must take, asking no glory or recognition

Charity today is such a public affair.  The most rewards come when it is done anonymously and from the heart

It is now you must look to change yourselves, so that you can accommodate changes in your lives.  Nothing remains the same, all is in motion

Remember you are mortal.  You also have an eternal soul, which talks to you daily.  Do not ignore its wisdom.  It can save your life

To know the answers to your questions, first you must ask it in the right way.  The answer then is always returned
To live in harmony with others one must first be at peace within oneself.

Power is not in size, but in ones mental attitude towards the problem

Learning to go forwards in life is to let go finally of the constraints of the past

To feel love of a person in your life truly changes the way you feel and act for the better

To be at one with a Higher Power is to be truly powerful in every way.  Fear no longer exists

As we learn to blend with nature we feel no threat by the animal species and they do not feel threatened by us

Bliss is to be free of all limitations and to know you are held in the power of love

The magic of life is the dance throughout all eternity

To be at peace is to have joy in ones heart and know you are held in the bosom of a higher power

It is not that situations are difficult.  It is just that we make situations difficult for ourselves

Happy are those who lead the simplest of lives and ask for very little

We are the future of today and tomorrow.  What we say and do affects everybody’s lives.  Act with caution.  Think carefully and be content

It is now that one must change in order to perform a pattern of life changing events, so that out of the ashes we all rise again together

Open your hearts see life for what it is beautiful in all its forms. Nature once destroyed re-emerges as the victor as recovery is possible

When one is lonely and in a void, think Heaven and the world opens up to you with people you never thought possible before

One must be practical in a disorganised world and begin to see beauty in all things

To forgive your enemy is vital in your own steps of moving on.  Healing then on a massive scale always comes to you

ladylydialondon February 2011 Twitter

Our mission in life is to go through the many trials that come to us to see how we cope. One thing is for sure, we all survive, and nothing is left to chance.

For love to find you you must be open to the elements and embrace the prospects forever more.

To begin again is no hardship.  It is only in the focusing of it that you believe the hardship is there

Trust and the help is always provided.  Believe and you create a recipe for continued satisfaction

The wise man never conquers.  He is the builder of all things great and small

Peace finally comes about when man decides to work together for the greater good and not before

To trust in a spiritual intelligence is to finally come to terms with your own creation and know you are truly saved

War destroys everything.  It is only wisdom that builds for the future and maintains the stability

Happiness is to be shared.  We all need a part of it to survive

Cast yourself out there and know the truth lies deep within your soul. All are saved at the appointed time and none are forsaken

We speak to each other, but do we know what that person means.  To be able to penetrate the feelings unravels the purpose behind the words

Between all species is to see the intelligent hand in all things and to know of their purpose

Man’s concept of each other is so shallow these days.  Love changes the myth behind the pain

We make the world we live in by the ideology we see.  To go further one must brace all ideologies and find the common ground

Ones kindness to another is a thought forever

It is when true trouble hits you that salvation is always found in the arms of another

Great joy and happiness comes finally after the aftermath of great pain.  The price is always worth it

To always be true to yourself releases you from the bondage of pain

It is through spiritual knowledge that fear is removed

The eternal struggle for Mankind is in his conscience and it must be obeyed no matter what the cost to the individual itself

To see ones soul and know it is real and boundless is to know you are spiritually created

When one connects with ones inner self the true awakening becomes the miracle

To give of yourself to one another is the most powerful of love’s energies anyone can hope for

Every aspect of the human condition is enlightened by the Love Force and we are always resurrected by its power

To be at peace is to allow the forces of love to surround you and to smooth away all hardship

As you give out positive energy the source of all good will be returned in strength to you always

The truth of all happiness is there in your hearts desire to be at one with supreme energy

All men are connected by the single thread of intelligence that is universal love and it cannot be denied

To give one a chance to survive we must be able to trust in the process of living

If you go too fast in life you miss the beauty of what is all around you

To a person stranded in life makes you miss out on opportunities life has to offer you