29 December 2016

ladylydialondon December 2016 Twitter II

29th December 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“One life, one voice, is all that is ever needed to make a difference to this world of ours”

“One person strong enough, who will stand alone and say what is right, will see others follow as well”

“The churches are now in freefall, religions no longer hold the grip of fear to the populace”

“More and more people are now renouncing the churches and their twisted argument to sustain their cherished lifestyle”

“Mankind is beginning to think for himself and to renounce what the churches stand for”

“Start to see a new movement of spirituality, where people are beginning to question God, religion and the organised churches”

“A new movement based on love, compassion and understanding of the Higher Intelligence is now being formed”

“It is the young people, who are questioning what they believe is fundamentally wrong”

“That belief systems around the world are fundamentally flawed”

“Time now is progressing, where everything appears fast moving and where it is the people who decide who they love and in what way”

“It is the people themselves who are the new movement of today”

“Where they feel free to openly talk about God and Jesus in ways not thought possible before”

“God and his ministry are now active in opening people’s minds, saying they must now think for themselves”

“They must question religious doctrines to see if they sit right in their minds in today’s society”

“It is the people themselves who want a new direction based on transparency”

“Where the truth is no longer hidden by a barrage of false arguments”

“The Vatican and the established worldwide religions are now falling. All are being questioned as to their validity”

“Wars based on religious dogma have no place in modern society. These are now being crushed”

“It is the new movement of people armed with their own thinking and evolution, who will change a world thinking”

“We are no longer in the Dark Ages of Ignorance. The churches cannot anymore pull the wool over our eyes”

“Men are now fewer than ever before going into the priesthood. They see these roles as ridiculous and want to heal people in their own way”

“The calling to many people across this world is growing and one by one they are standing up and being heard”

“Spiritually and the giving to others is a worldwide concept and is both natural and real”

“It does not need the dictate of a religion to form that necessity”

“Man can and does now think for himself and his words are now being heard”

“We are all spiritual, all God-faring. We know instinctively what is right and wrong”

“The world is changing and religions entrenched in the past have no meaning in this modern world and life”

“The voice of God is heard by every soul”

“It is our conscience. When we choose to do the right thing we are always saved and that is the reality!”

20th December 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“It is simply a matter of giving and loving, everything else is not necessary at this time”

“It is in the giving that we also are looked after and gifts come back to us naturally without ever having to ask”

“Take this special time also to reflect on a year which has been unsettling for so many”

“Many people daily are being saved at this time of the year due to the generosity of so many”

“Almighty God works in mysterious ways and His plan is mighty and foolproof”

“Know that all are saved, not always in the way that they think they should be, but in a better way”

“The time is now changing and where the people are returning to the Higher Intelligence without the need of a building, such as a church”

“It is the people themselves who are finding God in their hearts and minds and…”

“…where restored faith is now happening to individuals all over the world”

“Peace is restored through the daily interaction with the Spirit – that is where true salvation lies”

“Giving and receiving without any monetary transaction is where love is given freely and freely received”

“We are all capable of giving freely, so now and always is the time to give!”

16th December 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“A time for giving, a time for sharing, a time to re-connect with others after so many years”

“Life is too short for so many and must be cherished”

“All of us are in need to be reached out to at some time in our lives. Christmas time is one of these times”

“See a heavenly hue come over all to bring back happiness and understanding, where rifts have perhaps blocked this in the past”

“Renewed friendships are vital for all our survival and where we can contribute again to other peoples’ lives”

“Fear and anger must not be allowed to prevail. This is a time for sharing and building bridges again”

“Think now over your lives and see where this best applies”

“We are all one family. Humankind is all connected in one way or another”

“Seek out to help others, who are less fortunate than ourselves and bring back happiness to the lonely and suffering”

“One thing is for sure, you won’t regret the outcome!”

16 December 2016

ladylydialondon December 2016 Twitter I

9th December 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“When things go wrong around the world, whom do we tend to blame?”

“God, who let it happen or Mankind, who’s will suppresses all the good in ourselves?”

“The forces of power or evil are indeed strong and, as they often tend to see it, that they are doing right by themselves”

“Putin & Bashar al-Assad are power crazy individuals, who don’t think they’re doing anything wrong by their justifiable need to be in charge”

“People to them are merely a commodity to reflect their glory in themselves. They have no heart for justice or love of their people”

“They are simply there to do their bidding to stay in power. Without their power, they are nobody and they know it”

“They must continue to gain control over their dominions and they, above all else, must remain the supreme head”

“History has taught us that all dictators fall in time and this time is no different”

“Putin and Bashar al-Assad will be taken out of this life by the very acts of violence they have created”

“What is so shameful is that so many innocent people have to be slaughtered before this happens”

“There will be no peace in the Middle East until compromising occurs and when the rest of the world forces that to happen”

“We, the rest of the world, are complicit in these atrocities, because we simply stand by and watch and do nothing”

“The UN Security Council is a shambolic affair and where they are consistently responsible for letting these atrocities take place”

“We all have a right to defend our fellow man from annulation, yet we do nothing”

“The stain of the Middle East’s atrocities is on all our hands, as we are negligent in our inaction”

“When we finally wake up to stop this plague of injustice & needless slaughter it will be too late. It will already be on our doorstep”

“A united force to prevent further slaughter has to be formed”

“Where global decisions are made to stop this carnage & to finally release our fellow man from the power crazy people of this world!”

“A higher intelligence guides us, but we are all too frightened to take up the reins and put things right”

“We must now bow down to this higher intelligence and free our fellow man from the tyranny of bondage”

“Justice will come in and a peaceful transition will be formed”

5th December 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The Italian Referendum paves the way for other countries now considering coming out of the European Market”

“There is too much bureaucracy and self-opinionated ideas coming from Brussels.  The Gravy Train gets larger every year”

“You might not realise it, but there are more countries wishing to withdraw from the EU than actually wanting to get in”

“The balance of power is now turning and where the European Union must now look at their disgusting record of bleeding counties dry”

“Until there is a drastic overhaul of policies and a slimming down of its membership, it cannot be sustained in its current form”

“Italy has protested and this will start a landslide of money from their various banks, which will not be able to sustain the onslaught”

“See the financial markets fall as long term confidence is no longer there”

“It is high time that the EU started to look seriously at their many mistakes and where they have grown out of control”

“Europe is imploding in so many ways and the financial crash is gathering all around it”

“The Euro can no longer be propped up. It is already a spent force/economy”

“See once again riots in the streets. It is the people of various European countries who want their own independence back”

“No longer will they kowtow to Brussels dictate – that has now finished”

“See more countries breakaway and become independent once again”

“Control of their borders and to have their say in how immigration is run and handled will be for the people to decide”

“Now England’s Brexit will look much more appealing to both Great Britain and Europe, who will no longer have the upper hand”

“A swifter more agreeable deal for Great Britain will now take place with Theresa May finally having the upper hand”

“See Europe bend to the will of the British people and be glad of any deal they can negotiate!”

“Great Britain once again is in the driving seat, their future assured!”

28 November 2016

ladylydialondon November 2016 Twitter II

28th November 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“We must all learn to believe in a Higher Power looking after our welfare”

“Nothing is left to chance and where we are constantly being guided, nurtured and loved”

“We are the products of a great Creator, whose will is mighty and foolproof”

“As a result our lives are mapped out to extraordinary lengths, so that we can experience what it is like to be human”

“This experience takes us through many phases of our lives, some good, some bad, some even disastrous and some even heavenly”

“By learning as we go along & where we are all prepared to take that path of uncertainty & to trust in the Higher Power to get us through”

“This is where the true experience lies. We are helped always along the way and if we ask for that help, so it is given”

“We have to learn how to communicate with this Higher Intelligence if we are to get through this earthly life”

“Too many obstacles are constantly around us upsetting the normal peaceful way of things”

“That is when we need help the most and also further insight as to overcome these obstacles for our own benefit”

“It is only by open and truthful communication with The Higher Intelligence can we secure the correct information and guidance”

“Then miracles happen and peace is restored to our lives. By the guiding light, so we are saved and where immense progress becomes possible”

“We are then reassured we can make it and last the course of this life, not in trepidation, but in love as Our Creator always meant it to be!”

22nd November 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“As the world comes to terms with the American Election, there are many types of ripples felt around the world”

“Mankind will see another agenda, the crisis of poverty around the world is now at the highest and this needs to be addressed”

“All the money ploughed into countries will not be sufficient to feed the starving millions”

“What is necessary is education, a complete let up of wars and for an exclusive recovery package to be started up”

“Every nation must now address this problem, not only in their own nations, but in others besides”

“Livestock & farming on every level needs to be addressed & where the people themselves are taught to grow food & to be encouraged to do so”

“World famine is frowned upon. It is not a subject easily discussed, especially if it is in your own neighbourhood”

“All countries of the world need now to come together to solve the full problem of food manufacture”

“Access to clean water is the paramount necessity”

“The United Nations are starting to realise that this is becoming epidemic & out of their reach to achieve a full & final settlement”

“Wars need to stop. Rebuilding on so many levels is now needed”

“A new lifeline, which was not there before, is coming in and where people are now trying to address these vital needs”

“See a strong commitment by the nations of this world to forge ahead with a plan of action, which can reverse this epidemic finally!”

16th November 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“As the world comes to terms with the unexpected victory of Donald Trump, many countries will see a different America approaching”

“Donald Trump will try to side-line issues to his own advantage, which will be out of the box of usual politics”

“Some will work, others will not!”

“His head is full of ideas and practices he usually uses in his businesses”

“World politics is another way of doing business in his eyes – this is not always the case”

“Life on the world stage is full of compromises and not necessarily the best deal for the individual”

“Too many world institutions have their own agendas and these need to be looked at in their entire context”

“NATO will not be scrapped, but reinforced in many more ways than it has been”

“It is a vital and necessary lifeline for so many. See a new and lasting NATO coming out of the affray”

“Donald Trump will make some changes, but many things will not be changed”

“He will soon realise the heavy and burdensome aspect of governing is not as straightforward as he had hoped”

“The American people will see their lives change, not for the better, but different”

“They will however fight for their independence of the old state regimes and they will finally win on those!”

15 November 2016

ladylydialondon November 2016 Twitter I

10th November 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“As America recovers from the Election, the people will find many changes occurring”

“Their trade deficit is not a healthy one and needs putting right almost immediately”

“The American people have been suffering much hardship, as their great military machine sweeps up nearly all their revenue”

“Notice a greatly reduced military force and where other countries can no longer rely on US backup”

“Times are now needed for reinforced diplomacy and where the strength of other nations now have to play their parts”

“The Middle East is in chaos and where Syria will be divided into four sections & where the invading countries will all claim their share”

“America will go into retreat for a few years, while it licks its wounds and starts to repair a shattered empire”

“Afghanistan, their so called golden nugget of control, will see the US lessen their iron tight grip as it is gradually dismantled”

“They can start to rebuild themselves in their own way”

“All countries around the world now need to get their act together, putting in trade deals instead of war zones”

“Iran will become more verbal and have a greater say in Middle Eastern stability”

“Saudi Arabia, who are frightened of their own shadows, will need to realise they cannot any longer hide behind America”

“Those days are numbered and some oil wells that are slowing down will need to be managed differently”

“New foreign policies will spring up all over the world, where the United Nations will start to find its feet & its voice & start to deliver”

“Despots, who feel they still have the upper hand, will no longer have that power and they will come back down to earth with a bump”

“A new world order is now being acted out with India and China as the forerunners”

“Their economies are now booming and you will see less rhetoric and more action being administered by these powers”

“America will have to stay in the shadows for quite some time, no longer are they the prime rulers of the world!”

6th November 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“We will experience in the next few days an election in the United States that whoever wins will shake this world to its knees”

“The tyrannical minds of both opponents will bring down the United States to a lower common denomination than it is already experiencing”

“America’s fall from grace will see other countries around the world rise effortlessly”

“They already have tried and tested regimes in power and will now take this golden opportunity to usurp all that was dominant before”

“America is losing both their power and respect around the world”

“Countries once loyal to America are now turning away to other allegiances leaving America out in the cold”

“No longer can America rely on friendship and support from global countries”

“They will see their downfall as other great powers have done in the past”

“America has already lost respect and trading with this nation will start to slow down”

“It is providing a vacuum where other countries can and will trade among themselves”

“See America isolated.  Their President’s voice will have little regard on worldly issues”

“New powers and allegiances are now being formed, where a better understanding of each other’s needs will be reciprocated”

“It is not only the American President who will fall from grace, but the American people also”

“This is the direct responsibility of a corrupt Government”

“Start to see the American people stand up finally for justice in their own country and where one small state will start the ball rolling”

“A gathering of momentum will see the American people oust out their President with no confidence in how Washington governs their people”

“Europe will begin to rise out of its ashes and form different allegiances”

“Their shattered economies will need drastic overhauls and this will come about sooner than they would like”

“Britain leaving the European Market will forge ahead with new trade deals and begin to prosper once again”

“It will leave the EU to deal slowly with its own mess”

“Britain will again become a leading contender in today’s world markets and nothing will stop this becoming a reality”

“The British people will emerge stronger and resilient, as they have always been and…”

“…where respect for this tiny island around the world will be forthcoming”

“Britain will become great again and that is testimony to the British people and their sound governing spirit!”

29 October 2016

ladylydialondon October 2016 Twitter II

25th October 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“To be happy and successful is what most people desire for themselves”

“This can be achieved if the right mind-set is in place to receive it”

“First you must realise you are worthy of these requests, that you have always conducted your lives in the right and honourable way”

“That is in doing and giving to others without payment. It is then returned to you without effort from the Higher Intelligence”

“Everyone on this earth has the capacity for health, wealth & success with happiness”

“The action comes in when the belief system is activated, then miracles can come in and one’s belief system is further advanced”

“All becomes an ongoing process and where all our lives become richer because of it”

“It is necessary to be continually broadening our field in giving to others and this is outside the confines of the immediate family”

“This then allows for a greater area of success coming back to you from a much wider area”

“All again becomes that ongoing effect, which is powerful, profitable and where happiness and generosity of the spirit becomes constant”

“It will be in harmony with all energy forces”

“The Universe becomes the continuing benefactor in your lives”

“One’s belief continues to grow and to be enlightened by the benefactor of love!”

19th October 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Everybody had a choice in life whether to go down the right path or the wrong one”

“Most of us take the right path, while others are influenced into going down the wrong path”

“That is our decision, when we do go down the wrong path the repercussions on us can be enormous”

“To take the right path can sometimes feel hard, as it tends to feel difficult”

“It feels like hard work, because anything worthwhile never comes easy”

“That is why it is always precious and always sustaining”

“The rewards at the end of much hardship and dedication are enormous and always worthwhile”

“To go down the wrong path always appears easy and trouble-free, even exciting at times and then the problems come”

“We find we have been snared, entrapped with false promises of luxury and easy pickings”

“We find the reality is harsh and painful and very upsetting”

“We pay the price for an easy life, an easy path”

“All that is obtained in this life is done through sheer hard work and dedication”

“It helps to build our characters and makes us worthwhile citizens”

“We begin to value aspects in our lives and never take them for granted”

“This is the sustaining life and where true happiness begins”

15 October 2016

ladylydialondon October 2016 Twitter I

12th October 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The mind must always remain positive; it is in our thinking that we must always know we will be saved”

“So many people on the point of giving up, see their salvation come to them out of the blue and when they least expect it”

“The helping hand given with no concessions, but with unconditional love is the life saviour for so many”

“Learn to trust in a Higher Intelligence acting on your behalves, where a light in the darkness shows us the way forward”

“We are all mortal, but a spiritual creation and when we are connected to that Higher Intelligence we see our own true paths”

“The turning point is now, when the world will stand up against the oppressors”

“We now are collectively armed to seek an alternative way and where we can defeat the evil arms of aggression”

“Then we will know peace is in our hands to command”

“We must act now and together to know we will all be directed and where sound solutions are found to bring an end to violence and fear”

“We stand united and brave and we will triumph!”

5th October 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“When you have extremes of emotions, love or hate, then much disruption occurs in one’s life”

“To have a person, who loves to the extremes that they become obsessional with desires, can bruise the delicate soul of the individual”

“All of us are built differently and so to be less obsessive is a good thing”

“Obsession leads to harshness in a relationship, a wanting to know at every second of the day what that individual is up to”

“Through the opening of social media, where so many souls are exposing their lives for individuals to spy on – this becomes unhealthy”

“We are becoming a race of nosey parkers, all obsessed with what celebrities are up to and how they are portrayed in our estimations”

“If they handle their publicity correctly, we love them.  If it is adverse publicity and they fall from grace, we hate them”

“How can we control our emotions when there is so much media exposure looking into the private lives of all of us?”

“It is now time to look at ourselves to rise above the social voyeurism and to look at what is important”

“It is high time with our humane love to help those whose lives have been shattered by hate”

“We need to heal and put balance back into an unbalanced world and to see what is important and how we can help here”

“Getting back to nature, being at one with it, restoring balance back into our lives where we can actually restore an inner peace”

“Getting away, obtaining solitude with ourselves and our Creator is all that any of us need from time to time”

“Allowing love that is pure, unsullied and not overpowering but restorative, is the best for all us and completely necessary”

“We owe it to ourselves to be in balance, in harmony and where the extremes of love or hate do not affect us”

“Then we will begin to see what is important and how we can obtain lasting peace and security at all times”

27 September 2016

ladylydialondon September 2016 Twitter II

27th September 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“We are all entering a phase of self-discovery and, where through knowledge and education, we are able to move forwards with our own lives”

“No longer do we wish to remain entrenched in the same old dogma and routine”

“Changes the world over are ongoing and are turning situations from a hostile one into permanent peaceful solutions”

“We are negotiating peaceful transitions from our local lives to the global spectrum”

“Compromise must be at the heart of change and where we all come together to discuss how we can go forwards”

“It is the will and the might of the people, whose voices are being heard and where politicians no longer have their say”

“It is now down to Governments & local authorities to listen to the voices of the people to see that changes for the better become possible”

“The voices and the energies of the people are being heard”

“No longer can Governments turn a deaf ear to what is now becoming a global trend for change!”

20th September 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“When every day changes leave little time for you to reflect on the very good things that you already have…”

“…we tend to moan and groan so many times”

“Reflecting and applying positive energy to what you already have brings about several more changes, all good and lasting”

“The feel good factor inspires us to do well to achieve more and be grateful for all those things we already have”

“Look now at rising up above the norm and to bring about a better form of satisfaction into our lives”

“We all owe it to ourselves to remain buoyant and positive and to encourage the many positive energies coming daily towards us”

“That old saying, “Success breeds success” is a very true concept”

“What we believe to be, actually happens and our lives are shaped by our thoughts every day”

“Be happy. Remain positive and start to see the many good things coming your way, as well as the many good things you already have”

“Lift off happens every day if you allow it to be so”

“Trust in a Higher Power to give you all you need at any one time. It is your time to receive and to be content with life today!”

15 September 2016

ladylydialondon September 2016 Twitter I

15th September 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“It is almost as hope is lost that Almighty God steps in and solutions are found, which were not there before”

“We all are saved many times in our lives and it is only by looking back that we can see and appreciate the perfect timing of it all”

“Everyone is given the chance to see that perfect timing and to acknowledge gratitude to a Higher Intelligence looking after us”

“For those souls who see it as luck and not Divine Intervention, they do not understand the mechanics of the Spirit”

“They are closed people, who in their minds think that when you are dead you are dead – that there is nothing else”

“Fortunately, in this day and age, there is a searching, especially among the young people”

“They are looking for answers that they cannot find any longer from what the Church gives them”

“They are fed up with the hypocrisy of the Church and all its faults”

“It is the young people of today, who are finding at last the answers to their questions and…”

“…many unexplained instances that control and protect our lives in love and consideration”

“It is by searching that the answers are given and shown”

“Happiness and peace of mind comes in, knowing that we are all guided by a loving Intelligence, who has our best interests at heart”

“Never doubt that we were created by the Supreme Intelligence and our lives are certainly the richer for it”

“We are all given the answers when we ask and peace of mind comes with that understanding”

10th September 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The situation in Syria is now drawing to its climax”

“Both factions cannot blow each other out in spite of their various atrocities with Russia putting the boot in at every opportunity”

“The Pentagon and the CIA will have to join forces and bring about an end to this human catastrophe”

“Bashar al-Assad will be ousted out.  His days are already numbered. He will be arrested before he escapes”

“This war is almost on its last legs now.  Important territory is only rubble; so much has already been destroyed”

“A lifting of restrictions will allow for the humanitarian forces to come in with much needed resources”

“This country is now split down the middle with two opposing sides.  None will agree to a joint Government”

“So the country will remain in a deadlock split until international agreement can unite both factions”

“The people have had enough. Vital trade routes have been severely hampered and alternative ways are being found”

“As for IS, their numbers are now dwindling. No more have they the command they once had”

“Important leadership in IS is no longer in place, so their structure is being slowly eroded. They will become a spent force”

“Syria is a dead country until a ray of light starts to shine and a new Government becomes possible by the people”

“International agencies, who are interested in Syria, as in US, Iran and Russia, will start to back off”

“They do not have the resources to rebuild this broken land”

“It will be private investors, who will start to creep in and restructure this once beautiful country again”

“It is the people, who deserve it most. New hospitals and infrastructure will take decades to become established, but they will”

“The future for Syria is there.  The people will finally speak!”

2nd September 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The world revolves around kindness, as being the only criterion to save people in many ways”

“Not everybody is able to receive kindness as they see it as a precursor to owing to that person, as if indebted to them”

“When genuine kindness is shown there is no debt to be paid as it was given unconditionally & always at a time when the recipient is in need”

“The Higher Intelligence always brings in a saving hand when one least expects it and where individuals are then saved”

“It is important that we all realise that help when not expected, miraculously always turns up as if from nowhere”

“Every day we are all guided and helped. Some of us recognise it, others do not, but nevertheless it is there”

“We all give out kindness in our own way without ever actually thinking it. We do it spontaneously for the greater good”

“In our uncertain world, where fear now becomes the driving element, we find ourselves in more need of kindness”

“This for us becomes the healing balm, where we are all able to survive!”

01 September 2016

ladylydialondon August 2016 Twitter II

24th August 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“To bring a child into the world is a great responsibility”

“Too many people consider children as a commodity that they must have in order to make their lives complete”

“Many parents ignore the emotional welfare of their children and so great suffering occurs”

“Their suffering continues from early childhood through to adulthood”

“The emotional suffering never seems to get sorted out until the individual feels they must do something about it, usually in adulthood”

“Society does not teach people the rights and wrongs of parenting”

“So many go blindly through it, never realising the consequences good or bad to their offspring”

“Until society steps in and teaches people how to prepare for becoming parents, we will continue to produce a damaged society”

“Many souls think it is their right to have large families and never realise that their love cannot be distributed evenly among them all”

“Some children always get left out and feel their needs are never met”

“Loneliness is often a factor and many children feel isolated, unloved and misunderstood”

“Until we, as a society, start to take the welfare of our children seriously and begin to cherish them as gifts from God…”

“…we will continue to bring children into this world as damaged souls”

“Love in abundance, understanding of a child’s needs and enormous support is the criterion for a safe and balanced child”

“Where parents have to go to work and try to balance work and parenthood at the same time…”

“…they have no idea of the damage they are causing their children”

“Children need their mothers/fathers in their early years in a constant way”

“Farming them out to nurseries or grandparents is not the answer”

“Those children require the fulltime attention of a parent in order for them to grow up as stable adults”

“When finances prevent a mother staying at home and looking after their precious gifts…”

“…then decisions need to be made and putting off having children would be the best thing”

“Because parents cannot see the psychological damage incurred on their children they feel they must be alright”

“Little do they realise the long term damage through neglect they are imposing on their loved ones”

“The question has to be asked, “Can we as adults provide for our children, not in a material way, but in a psychological way?”

“If the answer is, “No”, then do the responsible thing and don’t create unhappy children”

“They are our future generations and must be treated with respect as tiny human beings and not as a commodity!”

19th August 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“To see a Sparrow surviving, yet doing very little to make this happen, is a revelation for us all”

“We, the children of God, are equally surviving and doing very little to make this happen”

“All that we need is always provided; even the beggars in the streets are always fed and watered”

“Passers-by always give and those who beg, who are genuine, are always looked after”

“Those who disguise the truth as to their true status do not. We all are seen for who we are”

“Nothing is hidden from the Almighty and it is in our transparency that we are always looked after”

“Many souls now are being educated and are seeing first-hand the Hand of God in helping them, not only to survive, but to flourish as well”

“We are beginning to ask/pray for help, especially when we do it, help is always given”

“Sometimes we don’t always recognise it, but more often we do”

“We must all learn to communicate with the Higher Intelligence and begin to see how direct help and understanding are always given”

“No longer do we need to think that priests/bishops and the elevated clergy have that exclusive right”

“We mortals all have that right to commune with The Almighty and where we are helped in so many ways”

“The more we communicate direct; the greater understanding of God’s direct help in our lives is shown”

“We then survive in a better way and peace in our lives is restored”

“The Universe provides always for our needs, we just need to specify exactly what we are after and as our just desserts, so it is given”

“Look now to your lives, see even in your darkest moments a light of hope was shown”

“An emergence of how we go through it and survive is always there”

“As we begin to understand The Almighty’s Hand in our daily lives…”

“…so we become lighter and secure in our thoughts that we are always loved and provided for!”