28th February 2018 (jandmayers and ourlivingproof twitter)
“It is now clear that the American people
are facing a tumultuous array of pressure to reduce automatic weapons in the
light of the Parkland shooting in Florida two weeks ago”
“It now is taking shape that a National
voice is being demonstrated, mostly by students across America standing up
against their politicians for increased gun control”
“Their policy “enough is enough” is being
heard. The voice of the people is
gathering momentum and they are being heard”
“The National Rifle Association with their
five million members is being scrutinised together with the politicians, who
take their millions in election money”
“As with the Vietnam War, the American
people marched successfully to bring their solders home”
“So equally a march by students, parents
and celebrities, who will march on 24th March to have America’s gun
laws sorted out”
“It has to be the power of the people,
young and old, who must stand together and with one voice being about change in
their society and their laws”
“The time has come to honour their dead and
to bring about justice that these souls did not die in vain”
“By using their voices, the momentum grows
and gathers strength and sanity and not for insanity will reign
“People power can change a Nation’s
thinking and that is now”
“Too many children have been lost and for
what reason, that anybody aged 18 years old can buy a gun and use it for their
own notoriety”
“The American people will speak and the gun
lobby will in time be disbanded!”
18th February 2018 (jandmayers and ourlivingproof twitter)
“Yet another tragedy in
America’s violent past and present”
“How many children &
teachers need to die needlessly before America wakes up to their senseless idea
that everybody has a right to bear arms?”
“Nothing will change. These deaths will be recorded as just another
senseless act of wilful aggression by gun violence”
“The dead have a voice. They need to be heard in the conscience of the
American people, so that they know they did not die in vain”
“Jane Fonda became known as a
civil rights activist during the time of the Vietnam War”
“She travelled to North
Vietnam in 1972 to see for herself the brutal killings of US soldiers and the Vietnamese”
“She became known as Hanoi
Jane & due to her, many civil rights activists were opposed to this
senseless war”
“This war was stopped. The American soldiers returned home”
“It took a nation of
demonstrations & public opinion to bring an end to that war”
“Is it now time for the
American people to come together again to stop this brainless right to carry
“Nobody is safe in America –
they just keep killing each other”
“Until there is a change in
their Constitution that people no longer have the right to bear arms, the
killings will continue”
“How many innocent children
and teachers have to die before lessons are learned?”
“If Canada, Australia &
Great Britain can be gun free together with Europe and the Scandinavian
Countries, so can America!”
“There has to come a time now
when the nation’s grieving parents start to march”
“They must exercise their
right not to have arms in their States any longer”
“We are not there yet. The
American people are angry, but they are not outraged”
“Until they realise that
change comes only through the American people themselves & not from their
entrenched politicians, nothing will change”
“If the people of America can
stop a Vietnam War, so they can bring in an end to guns in all States”
“The Harvey Weinstein
situation through women’s collaboration has now brought an end to decades of
sexual abuse”
“Those perpetrators can no
longer hide. They are exposed for all
their evil ways. They have ruined thousands of lives”
“So with the Gun Lobby, who
are responsible for these deaths, but they will never give up their arms!”
“Legislation and the power of
the people are the only way forward that will make situations change”
“The American people owe it
to all those killed needlessly. Let their deaths mean something – an end to gun
“Let the people speak today
and change their Constitution, as it is no longer working for this country”
“Hear the voices of the dead
through the power of the people to change the law, so that their deaths have a
meaning for change now!”
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