01 October 2014

ladylydialondon September 2014 Twitter

The global loss of species is even worse than was previously thought

The London Zoological Society says its new Living Planet Index shows species have been halved in just forty years

These results are extremely alarming over what was first reported two years ago

Populations of mammals, birds, reptiles and fish have declined by 52%

This is a staggering amount.  Freshwater species have suffered an even worse fall of 76%

The Living Planet Index tracks more than 10,000 vertebrate species and population from 1970-2010

The Zoological Society have improved their methodology since their last report two years ago – this is why these results are so alarming

WWF says humans are cutting down trees more quickly than they can re-grow

They are harvesting more fish from the oceans than can be re-stocked

We continue to pump water from rivers and aquifers faster than rainfall can replenish them

Mankind continues to emit more carbon in the oceans and the forests than they can absorb

In short Mankind is killing mother earth of all its resources without a care in the world

Lion populations have decreased by 90%

Forest felling has restricted elephants in their historic ranges – not to mention the amount of elephants killed daily just for their ivory

Nepal tigers, which numbered 100,000, are now just 3,000 and declining

The biggest threat to biodiversity is by uncontrolled and unsustainable human consumption

Mankind’s incontrollable greed over wildlife and natural resources will see nothing left of this planet, while Man’s greed goes unchecked

While Governments continue to ignore the plight of destruction to our planet, there will be nothing left

This will enforce a decline in Mankind’s population

At the rate we are going we will not have the resources to feed and maintain our lifestyles

As these resources become greatly reduced and where pollution continues to poison our planet, then Mankind will ultimately die

We will not be able to sustain our needs

As there is natural culling to help various species to survive, where other species are more dominate and can cause extinction of the other…

…so Mankind will die off naturally, due to starvation and the absence of basic natural resources to keep him alive

We will in effect be killing ourselves off in ever greater numbers than even warfare can manage

We will be starving ourselves out of existence

All the IT and financial institutions will be redundant

It will be the farmers of this planet, who will make the difference of life over death

When one is starving what good is millions in the bank, where there is no food or water to live off

Food and fresh water will be the currency of life, not money!

The world population is ever increasing with Mankind taking no responsibility to curb his desires

The resources to keep one American child alive – those same resources will keep eight children alive in Africa

We all must now look to our own responsibilities and to start to see what we really need and can we make do?

Do we really need to change our cars every three years?

Do we really need to have a hundred pairs of shoes and clothes?

Do we really need to change our mobile phones every year?

Or are we of that mentality, “Yes we can?”

Therefore we will have these items regardless of the impact and drain on the environment

Understanding of our planets needs to maintain a healthy life on this earth, needs to be addressed before it is too late

We cannot keep taking habitats away from our animals and polluting our atmosphere so that poisons enter our oceans and forests

Be mindful that the Zoological Report is a deeply worrying concern and cannot be taken lightly!

We all need to act

The people must speak in order for Governments to address important serious issues if we are to survive at all!

The tragic reminder of all those firefighters who went in to help victims of the 9/11 disaster are still paying with their lives today

Three firefighters who were on duty at Ground Zero on that fateful day have died within hours of each other. They all died of cancer

The thirteen years that have gone by still see firefighters paying with their lives after their heroic efforts to save those on that day

It is now known that 1,000 deaths have been linked to the toxic dust, which was breathed in from the twin towers

New York’s Fire Department had lost 343 firefighters on that dreadful day

Since then they have lost a further 89, who have died as a result of illness to their lungs and bodies

Although compensation has been set aside for these illnesses, there needs to be more done!

It is understandable that the emergency services almost volunteer their lives on a daily basis to keep us safe

They never know how dangerous a situation they may encounter when the call comes in

These brave men and women, who engage in our emergency services, are the true heroes of the day and our admiration goes out to them

Whatever their salaries, it can never be enough as they put their lives on the line for us every day

Their courage and bravery is outstanding

These tragic illnesses that the fire department and the public of New York are still battling with daily with no relief in sight

Building materials, that are used which are toxic, need to be better scrutinised should another tragedy occur

Asbestos used in roofing materials has been especially toxic

Many different forms of cancer have been diagnosed due to asbestos inhalation

The dust that falls as the asbestos begins to deteriorate, causes many forms of illnesses, cancer to the lungs and other organs of the body

Schools especially are vulnerable, where asbestos roofs have affected the children’s breathing and is known to be carcinogenic

We all have a responsibility to society and its welfare and a need for non-toxic substances should be examined more thoroughly

Our hearts and prayers go out to all those who have lost loved ones and for those who continue to suffer due to the 9/11 disaster

India can applaud finally the conviction of Tamil Nadu’s chief minister after 18 years of evading justice

There has to be a clean-up of India with politics and corruption, which far outweighs all situations in India

The politician has been sentenced to four years imprisonment on corruption charges

Jayaram Jayalalitha has been found guilty of amassing wealth of more than £6.1m, which was unaccounted for

Indians cannot even defecate because of no toilets and where politicians practically steal funds for their own purposes

The law really needs to throw the book at these criminals

These criminal politicians, whose corrupt ways are squeezing the life out of their own country men, have no conscience

Greed is at the very heart of their cause, the Indian people are but a means to their ends

It is high time the Indian judiciary continued to name and shame and bring down corruption in their Government officials

When will the people see justice for all and where is there a level playing field?

The situation with the new Iraqi Government is not great!

There are too many obstacles still left undone

The motion to go forward continues to be disrupted and the consensus is not forth coming in so many ways

Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has not fully got the measure of the problems

He knows he has to fight IS, but is still unable to make strides on the domestic issues, which are mounting up all the time

His level of diplomacy and tact are not really there, as he circumnavigates a minefield of problems and adversities

Until he can start to deliver on various points of reform, the status quo of limbo remains the same

His allies, on whom he is relying to deliver, will only do so once certain diplomatic issues are in place

Stalling for time, as he has been doing, is not favourable to those who feel aggrieved and hard done by

His philosophy of hoping all will go away and get sorted out by other people will not happen

The US is watching his performance with a keen eye. What they have seen so far does not come up to the mark

Another incompetent politician, who cannot negotiate himself out of a pint pot!

Until there are more robust strategies on the table to meet the Iraqi people’s demands for equality and performance…

…the slow plod of going nowhere remains

This only fuels more resentment and allows for IS to seek more territory under a flagging regime

There needs to be strong political advisors, who can make a substantial difference to guide Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi

He cannot alone get through the minefield of problems, which he sees himself in

At this time he is not equipped to make these decisions

It will be up to the US once again to sort matters out, if they want a united front for all of Iraq and a working force against IS

Pope Francis continues to be put under pressure from humanitarian rights movements

He is finally beginning to show action against atrocities done by the Church on sexually abused young parishioners

The latest sacking is of a Paraguayan bishop accused of protecting a priest, who was involved in sexual abuse on young people

It is the second time this week that Pope Francis has taken disciplinary action over clerical sex abuse scandals

Pope Francis has promised “zero tolerance” as part of his ministry. He has a long way to go!

The bishop has been at the centre of a local dispute over the promotion of a priest accused of inappropriate sexual behaviour

This has been the culture for decades, promote the perpetrators and move them on to continue their practice of abuse

Pope Francis has insisted that there be no privileges for bishops when it comes to sex crimes against children, hence his dismissal

Church prosecutors have dealt with some 3,500 abuse cases worldwide during the past decade. This is but the tip of the iceberg

The Higher Intelligence continues to watch over us

This Intelligence begins to instruct those who can be swayed to take a proactive course to bring justice to all those abused victims

Peace and healing must be at the very heart of saving those who have been so wilfully damaged

They have been damaged by those who were in a position of power and trust

As the Ebola outbreak appears to be contained, new outbreaks will follow and the disease will continue on its path of destruction

There needs to be more hospitals on an International basis in Africa

The proper staff and medication are needed in a greater capacity to deal with such diseases throughout this continent

Wars need to be abated and stability needs to come to several regions throughout this troubled land

Hospitals must be protected, but equally provide assistance to a much larger area

Africa needs to wake up to its own responsibilities and cannot always expect the richer countries to come to its aid

Until corruption in many parts of the continent is brought to a halt, the people are continuously left vulnerable and helpless

It is time for African leaders to work in partnership for the Greater Good

A certain amount of an individual country’s finance should be used to obtain hospitals and widespread health assistance

Ebola and Aids will continue to spread and more must be done to alleviate suffering and the spread of these diseases, which won’t go away

Education on the ground and in schools needs to be more active to reduce the state of potential infection

Ebola can become a world problem. Its spread knows no limits and so needs to be taken seriously

The wakeup call for Africa has already been given in the past and virtually ignored

On humanitarian grounds and, what is now right for all countries of Africa, that wakeup call is more serious

The World Health Organisation cannot manage alone

Help and responsibility must be taken by all countries, as disease affects us all and is now more prevalent than ever before

As IS make new advances in other areas of Syria and Iraq…

…it is bringing its forces together to disperse other areas of opposition against them

Its new plans of action are dependent on what the onslaught of US/Arab factions against them incurs

Its main theme is to bring about swift decisive divisions within the US/Arab onslaught

IS has the upper hand at this time, as its control over many regions of territory increases and not decreases!

The US/Arab onslaught, although effective in some areas, leaves them exposed in others and there is no back up for them at this time

IS military action is well coordinated to bring down what they feel is injustice against their fellow Arabs, whom it is fighting for

It will win the guerrilla warfare, as air supremacy by US/Arab forces is unable to penetrate the heart of where IS is and this it knows!

IS has various false dugouts

It uses them momentarily and leaves again giving false readings for US/Arab air forces to strike when there is no one in them

So the cat and mouse game continues. What seems effective by US/Arab teams is in fact non-effective, but they can’t always know that!

The onslaught on IS will take an unexpected turn, where IS rebels will be able to infiltrate areas not known to the allied assault…

…thereby insuring a defect for the allies until a more construction method to annihilate them becomes possible

Don’t believe the propaganda that comes from the US and Arab states

IS are playing for time in their guerrilla warfare and so expect many casualties on their side

As they have no fear of dying anyway and they trust in a Higher Power to save them…

…they become an invincible force, where fear is not part of their vocabulary

The object by IS is to create fear, destruction and isolation of their enemies

The fact that the Arabs are now joined at the hip to US airstrikes makes IS’s criteria even stronger in their eyes

They oppose an enemy, which is not of their mind-set

IS will try to force a divide, so they are fighting simultaneously on two flanks causing confusion

Allied forces will need to be careful not to attack each other

The cat and mouse game of weaving and ducking will become effective on IS’s side

They wish always to reduce the power force on them by their opponents

Thus rendering the opposition forces inoperable with many more misses than hits

For IS to be defeated means a collapse in their strategy to occur,

A massive wave of force by the allied opposition to go in as a tidal wave and systematically take them out

The tidal wave force needs to be a broad one, as IS will double back to do a rear action assault

Something they have already practised and they are very good at it

So there needs to be a constant broad sweeping wave of attack followed on behind with another

IS’s leader has seen strategic warfare before and is well adversed in dealing with most plans of warfare

They are capable of contingency plans, as they have their forces positioned all over the place

Defeating IS, as we have said before, is not by military action, but by steady demolishing their ideology

This tyrannical group is a challenge to the entire world.

With the right plan of action they can be defeated!

Angelina Jolie has signed up to direct “Africa”

A film about a celebrated conservationist called Richard Leakey. He has personally battled with ivory poachers

Richard Leakey is a former head of the Kenyan Wildlife Service and was key to stemming the trade in illegal ivory

Leaky had to take extreme measures to tackle poachers, which included sending helicopter gunships to the National Park

This helped to secure Kenya’s elephant and rhino population from the brink of disaster

Unfortunately this trade still continues, so the battle is always ongoing

Angelina Jolie has a deep connection with Africa and it is where she chose to give birth to one of her beautiful children

Africa with its culture and protection are very much a part of her life

Miss Jolie is an extremely sensitive and caring person

She will be able to add her special gifts in directing what will become a masterpiece of filming

This film will be cherished by all ages around the world and will send out a very clear message that these animals are worth saving!

Tragedy has occurred with some 66,000 refugees, mainly Syrian Kurds, who have had to cross over to Turkey for safety

They have been fleeing the onslaught of IS militants over the last 24 hours as IS advance onto northern Syria

Until the ideology of IS is undermined, nothing will stop them

They have to be shown that their actions will only destroy them in the Afterlife

Everything that they do is against the teachings of what their Prophet Mohammed said and is contrary to the laws of God himself

The eroding of their ideology has to commence now!

It is simply no good that other Arab states condemn their actions, as this only puts their backs up even more

For they will see it that those Arabs states will want power over them and therefore make them more violent

What is required here is what the Islamic instruction by the Prophet Mohammed stated in God’s name

This is that their behaviour will only lead to their own destruction both in this world and the next

Either way there is no salvation or gains for their heinous crimes

The punishment for them by the Higher Power will be forthcoming, rendering them inoperable

They will see all their gains gradually diminish

God sees their actions against humanity as a direct sin against him and his vengeance will be swift and everlasting

To go blatantly against the Higher Authority will bring further shame on their families and offspring for generations to come

By IS’s own hand they will destroy themselves and others attached to them in the face of God!

This message needs to be sent out now!

There is the tragedy of six Iranians, who were arrested for appearing in a video dancing to Pharrell Williams’ song ‘Happy’

The Iranians had been sentenced to one year in prison and ninety-one lashes

The sentence having been suspended for three years, means they will not go to prison unless they re-offend

The video shows three men and three unveiled women dancing on the streets and the rooftops of Tehran

In six weeks it has been viewed by one million people on YouTube

One has to ask oneself what kind of a society wants to suppress happiness in their people

This kind of attitude breeds a public who are morose and cut off from what God intended, which is that happiness and joy is a part of life

This is what God had said to his prophet Jesus Christ. It is not a sin to be happy and to express it

The tragedy here is that the state seeks to think otherwise and better over a Higher Intelligence over them!

The NO vote has won, which is what we advised would be the very best course of action for Scotland

The hearts and minds of the Scottish people will be honoured by new enforced legislation, which will be both a comfort and a security

The Scottish people can feel proud about this

The vote to remain in the UK is a vote for reason and common sense

The UK consists of the whole working together in partnership with everything now going for it

The united element will give the people a stronger say in European matters, which are flagging in its control of output resources

There needs to be a major overhaul of European matters

The control from Brussels has become overinflated and ineffective in so many ways

With Scotland now united in the UK, the force for change far out paces anything that has been done in a long time

See speedy solutions being met and managed

This knock on effect will assist Wales, Northern Ireland and Britain in so many ways

The almost top heavy aspect of powers in Government will become more centralised, allowing greater autonomy to the rest of the UK

It is high time that responsibility is handed down to local governments

There will need to be greater accountability for all the people to see

No longer can the people be allowed to sleepwalk through life

They need to learn to act, if they wish a better life for those in local communities

The revolution is here to stay bringing in a greater balance of power

As this begins to manifest and the people can see the benefits in their local communities, so a more effective consensus can come in

The people will then feel they have a greater say and control in how they want things to happen

This will bring back more stability, as everyone will need to participate and will be expected to for the Greater Good

No longer will it be a select few who hold the power, but that everyone will now have a say & where a united contented front is established

Too many UK people have felt left out in the cold, even abandoned in some cases

Where their position has gone unheard as if nobody cares

This now will have to change and where the people by governing will be included and not excluded

Parliament in London will become more democratic, representing the people and not what the respective parties wants anymore

Scotland will thrive after this. The battle has not been lost. It has just shifted to a better way to govern

In time the UK will challenge and win against Europe, where the need to reform is ever increasing

The power of the people will be heard!

A physicist, a graphic memoirist and an organiser of homecare workers are among this year’s recipients…

…of the MacArthur Foundation’s Genius grants

Each of the 21 recipients of the MacArthur Foundation receives £383,000 over five years to use in the way that they wish

It is impossible to apply for the grant and the recipients do not know they are being considered

Many of this year’s winners work on issues facing minorities and underserved groups

The idea of the grant is to speak to people’s sense that this kind of work needs to be done

Some of the recipients are in psychologist researches racial stereotypes and crime

Others work with getting legal rights for Native American women in sexual assault cases

Another is a filmmaker, whose work has covered the states use of violence

A lawyer, who works to improved legal representation for the indigent

Grants were also awarded to a playwright, two poets and a physicist working on brain connectivity

All this goes to prove that people, who engage in projects with the sole intention of helping others…

…who are unable to help themselves, is certainly worthwhile

It is high time that these kinds of people were rewarded, but as is often the case they are the unsung heroes

They always do their best to serve humanity, but no one recognises them

Now that is changing and we hope it will encourage more people to do good works, not for the money, but because it is the right thing to do

As Russia braces itself against further sanctions, it will be the people who will feel the pinch first

Inflation has already increased, as the weakened rouble increased the cost of foreign imports

Putin has enforced a ban on foreign food produce from Europe

This again will affect the Russian people, as they have very much enjoyed the free market available to them

The Russian Central Bank has to take action to boost liquidity in their banking sector

This will allow their banks to overcome the limited access they have to foreign capital due to these sanctions

Other aspects have already affected the value of the rouble

This includes the fall in the price of oil and their related products, which still account for nearly half of all exports

This means lower prices translate into lower export revenues, which again puts pressure on the currency

Sanctions will have a great material impact on the Russian economy and this is where Putin has already over stepped the mark

Until Putin removes his brutal control over Ukraine he will see the economic situation begin to squeeze hard

It will be the Russian people who will cry out in outrage

The banks and Putin will need to listen, in spite of his ego being so large he will personally rebel against it

EU-Russian arms deals have also been banned. The squeeze is on!

Mankind must realise we are all joined together in trade

One cannot be so arrogant as to think they alone can dictate policy over another and simply get away with it

The Civil War in Central African Republic (CAR) between Seleka rebels coalition forces and the Government began in December 2012

This war had shown no signs of abating. Now the UN is formally taking over in the way of peacekeeping operations in CAR

Some 25% of the population have already fled their homes

The new peacekeeping force will largely comprise of 6,000 African troops, who are already there

Some 2,000 French troops will not be a part of the UN force, but will have other duties to perform

CAR has been in turmoil since the rebel Muslim group seized power in this majority Christian country

The rebel leader was forced to resign under intense diplomatic pressure, but the killings continued

More than 5,000 people have already been killed this year alone

Muslims have fled revenge attacks, with the country now being largely split into a Muslim North and a Christian South

The African Union troops will don blue UN peacekeeping helmets

The point of this mission is to protect the population, back the political process and restore the authority of the state

The UN Security Council has authorised a force of some 12,000, but many more troops are still needed on the ground

They must effectively protect the people and restore justice and faith in a Government to control the country

The protection mandate is the main priority, so that informed solutions can be presented to the Government & begin a secure working strategy

This way all the people gain and not just a few

Confidence to the CAR people, from all sides of the religious divide, is necessary

An established political framework, which has not properly been in existence, will become operational

The overseeing UN Protection Plan will allow for a stabilising of the entire country

This will allow for people again to feel safe and can go about their business

Any rogue elements will be dealt with severely

The process is too valuable to allow for upstarts to violate this necessary peaceful mandate

All the people in CAR must co-operate with the eventual ruling of Government, so that solutions on the ground can bring in a stable future

Only then can the displaced people return to their homes and rebuild their lives again

All will be working on a united front to enable this stability to occur with contingency safeguards already in place

CAR, as with other countries around the world who are experiencing wars, do deserve peace and security at long last

It is only the arms dealers who gain in war. All else is destroyed for all time

You cannot rebuild on so much suffering, healing will take a very long time indeed

The situation in the Ukraine is on the brink of collapse

There are too many infiltrating forces not only in the eastern section of Ukraine, but overall as well

There needs to be a more orchestrated and consolidated approach to dealing with the multi-faceted aspect of the pro-Russian separatists

The separatists have access to intelligence supplied by Russia, which allows for them to entrench in guerrilla warfare

It is now up to Kiev to bring about a settlement, which could mean annexing off part of the Ukraine in order to save the rest

Putin wants Ukraine back as he sees it

It will be a slow death for Ukraine, a sucking out of its life blood

This Putin is prepared to do to get what he wants, which is his mission of a greater Russia

Putin’s mission is a dream of his that he has been after for a long time

President Poroshenko needs to summon up a deal, which segregates the Ukraine

Otherwise he will see the slow, but methodical removal, piece by piece of Ukraine

Russia has all the time and Putin will act as a constant thorn in the side of this country

There will be no peace!

A wall, the likes of what happened in Germany/Berlin, might be the only way the rest of the Ukraine can feel safe

Then by becoming a part to the European Union, it comes into a broader aspect of controlled protection for all its people

Out of the EU it becomes too vulnerable and exposed to the Putin reforms of liberty-taking with land he feels he already owns

Regrettably the people of Eastern Ukraine have not made their feelings clear enough, so the pro-separatists have gained the initiative

It is the people themselves, who see themselves as more Russian than European

Sadly for their naivety is that Russia controls!

Europe is democratic and lenient, where travel across states is taken for granted

In Russia there are controlled areas, travel is closely scrutinised

The Eastern Ukrainian people have enjoyed the liberty of being free

Now that is to end and they will experience what it is like to be under the Russian thumb again

A cold but hard realisation no one wants, but the Eastern Ukrainian people are complicit in their own downfall!

The only way to defeat IS, is not by guns and air missiles, which is exactly what they want to happen

It only adds credence to their anger and feeling of what they are doing is right in their eyes

They want to fight their enemy with guns and slaughter; that appeals to their thinking and to the cause that they are fighting for

How to beat them hands down is to wipe away and literally destroy their ideology

To be done in such a way, that their every advancing step that they take will only bring them closer to their own destruction

It is their own belief in the cause that they are fighting for, which gives them the fuel to rip people apart

They see no wrong in it. If anything it is their divine right as they see it to oppose the suppression of Islam in their eyes

What is needed is to find their default strategy/mind-set and remove it

By appealing to their better nature it will have no effect

They want violence, which will allow for greater violence as being justified in their eyes

One needs to destroy the very heart of their thinking to neutralise it so completely that they are stopped in their tracks

You have here a fanatic group with fanatical leaders

Reasoning with them is futile

But to neutralise their ideology as fit for no purpose sends the seeds of destruction, which will be fast growing indeed

Their purpose on this earth and in the hereafter will be of no account

They cannot proceed towards a state that will never exist, because it has no purpose/foundations for merit

It just can’t happen. It can never evolve. It is like pouring water through sand. It cannot hold its substance

By destroying the one thing that gives them power over all others, it leaves them helpless, redundant and ineffective

They would become the laughing stock of the Islamic world

Their voice holding no sway – no credence. It is what it is, nothing but hot air and rhetoric

Understand the majority of their fighters are young and impressionable and are easily influenced

For them to see this ideology being of no consequence removes all necessity to fight!

It is the young who fight and want to die for glory, but when there is no glory – there is only nothing

What is then the purpose in dying for nothing?

The cause ceases to be and so the entire IS army will dissolve of its own accord

It will just peter out – cease to be!

You cannot fight IS with arms

You need to attack it with wisdom and right thinking and then the victory over their false ideology is wiped out for all time! 

There will be no future in it and they will see it too!

South Africa is a country which has a serious problem of domestic violence

Many had been hoping that the homicide by Oscar Pistorius on his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp would show an impetus…

…for a change in the laws protecting women

Although it has not been proven that this was a case of domestic abuse, Pistorius had a very strong emotional control over Reeva

She had been in abusive relationships before, so she was already psychologically predisposed to the familiarity of this type of relationship

Political parties and woman’s organisations are using Miss Steenkamp as the face of a vulnerable woman

She was not only failed by her country, but by the system which is supposed to protect her

One protestor outside the court said, “Women always lose”

That is the case in some cases, but thankfully not all

The near fatal attack on Malala Yousafzai in Pakistan was where Taliban gunmen shot her in the head in October 2012

They also injured her other school friends that boarded their school bus

Malala’s only crime was to campaign for girl’s education. She was 15 years old at the time

Now it has come to light that the Pakistani army have arrested a group involved in the attack on Malala

There were ten members who were a part of the group involved in the attack on Malala

They are part of the Pakistani Taliban, a joint operation of Pakistan’s army, police and intelligence services

These men will face an anti-terrorism court

The operational group are still hunting the main man believed to have carried out the shooting on Malala

Malala by the grace of the Higher Intelligence was not destined to die…

…but to exercise her right for all Pakistani girls to get an education

Her attack brought light to the International community, who were outraged about her assault

Since her full recovery, she has been catapulted to International fame

Malala continues her dedicated work to bring attention to the plight and subjugation of women around the world wherever she can

It needs more women collectively, who are in a position of influence, to take up the mantle for women’s rights

Men fear the power of women over them and so become misogynists in many societies

Their male-orchestrated culture serves up endless demeaning and damaging images of women

This allows young boys to believe from a young age that they are entitled to have power over women as their right

That is when the abuse starts and continues throughout adult life

Women also have a responsibility to guard against this abuse and to bring it to the attention of the police and other organisations

Too much abuse regarding vulnerable girls and women has been going on

There needs to be a collective force to bring a halt to this practice

Until Governments begin a strategy to change the culture of abuse on women, then nothing much will change

Women around the world can make a difference if they wish to. It just takes a collective force!

For Oscar Pistorius to walk free will be an act of injustice as far as his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp is concerned

A young woman with her entire life before her was cruelly gunned down by a man who is not in control of his emotions

We have here a man whose lifestyle afforded him great privilege and fame, who felt he was above the law in more ways than one

He has now flaunted the law too many times bringing him down to a level he never thought possible before

To say he acted hastily and irresponsibly goes without saying

The verdict is already indelibly marked on his head. He will never rise from his mistakes again

Not only is he a broken man, but he is a man who has divided emotions

One he wants to be let off and to enjoy his freedom and the other he will find harder to bear

That is one must pay for one’s misdeeds and he has stepped over the line more than once

His fiery temper makes him unpredictable and unstable. No one knows at any one time what he is likely to do or what he is capable of doing

When he performed in one of his last races, another man won

Instead of Pistorius congratulating him on his win as all competitors do at the end of the race, he rebuffed him & refused to shake his hand

The winner instead was not perturbed and went on to congratulate all his fellow competitors including Pistorius

Oscar Pistorius is not gracious in defeat and especially when there are cameras recording these events

His attitude was both hostile and cold

He has no grace in him and it was this one event which showed the man up fully for what he is

He is a cold and heartless person, who only shines in self-aggrandisement when the spotlight of fame is on him

When it is not, he pales into insignificance as if nothing

It is this nothing that will eat away into him now. His life ruined by his own hand and reckless behaviour

He still thinks he is great in his own mind and warrants being let off, so that he can pursue his career and greatness again

His thunder has been taken away from him and he will be incapable of living a life of benefit on the back of a senseless crime

Reeva Steenkamp is in a better place, finally realised of his grip of power over her

She shines brightly now in the afterlife, where she will continue to support her aging parents who have lost the light in their lives

Reeva will be missed, but not forgotten. She already is immortalised in the memory of the nation and the world

The world should not expect anything less than abject murder on his fellow citizens by Bashar al-Assad

His regime has used Chlorine Gas to attack both rebels and his people in northern Syria

Chlorine Gas can never be localised, it spreads and this is where the innocent fall in its wake

The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has been seeking to implement global laws banning chemical weapons

The OPCW have found compelling confirmation of the use of Chlorine in its pure and mixed form

These attacks have occurred in the villages of northern Syria

Bashar al-Assad showed the world that by releasing his store of chemical weapons he was abiding by International Law

As with all these monsters, they always hold back, so one should not be so naïve or surprised that other chemicals are being used

He will stop at nothing to maintain his power and nothing has stopped him so far

It is not that his luck will run out, no it will be a Higher Power which will bring this madman down

His country is already destroyed, yet his arrogance compels him to remain in power no matter what the costs

Where is the justice for the Syrian people whose only wish was for a more equal society and to no longer be under the hammer of a dictator?

The continued terrible plight of women in India just wants to make one cry

Police in India have rescued a woman whose husband’s family held her captive for three years, because her parents failed to pay enough dowry

“The young woman was dressed in tattered clothes and looked very scared,” said the officer who rescued her

She was also denied contact with her daughter now aged three

Dowries have been illegal in India since 1961, but the practice still continues

This practice leaves women vulnerable to domestic violence and death. Thousands of women a year are killed in dowry-related disputes

The alarm was raised to the police, because the father of the young woman had not been allowed to see his daughter in three years

The torture occurred to his daughter, because she had given birth to a daughter where the culture demands a boy child, which is valued

The poor woman was confined to a dark and dingy bathroom and given little to eat

She was dressed in tattered clothes with unkempt hair and overgrown nails

On being rescued she immediately asked for her daughter and cried inconsolably, because her daughter did not recognise her

The woman’s husband and in-laws were taken into custody and later freed on bail

What kind of a barbaric country is India, where women continue to be treated lower than cattle?

Again what is the Government doing to enforce the rights of this vulnerable class?  Being a woman is of no count in India

There is wonderful news that Michael Schumacher has now left the Swiss hospital to resume his recovery at his home

The medical profession has already done a remarkable job

The rest of the process will need to be determined by a Higher Power than man and science alone

It is the healers of this world who do the true miracles and allow for more in-depth healing to occur

This is out of the scope of the medical profession

Healers are able to cure cancer. Healers are able to cure inoperable brain tumours and so on

For all those people around the world who have suffered or are suffering illness or accidents and who have had healing…

…they know the difference that it makes

It literally gives the individual their lives back and the medical profession have no answer to it. The results speak for themselves

This is nothing new and is not a subject to be sneered at, where even medical science has already discovered scientifically that it works

My husband and I do many incredible things and the medical profession with the help of x-rays are able to see the proof for themselves

That is why we are always in demand for our work all over the world

It is the individual who admits the medical profession have no more answers to their condition

They then look for alternative means; that is when we healers are approached

So if Michael Schumacher wants to make that recovery quicker, then the family should enrol in healers worth their weight in gold

They are able to surpass anything the medical profession can do!

We wish Michael well

His accident will have life changing results and Michael, once he is better, will start to see life in a very different way

All for the better I might add!

Finally the Catholic Church is beginning to deal with years of abuse of children, whose lives have been wrecked to this day

The Church will continue to pay the price until all has been settled and the perpetrators brought to justice

It is now time that the Vatican extended its cause in the form of rehabilitation to all its victims worldwide

A responsibility needs to be openly seen to be done for the public, in restoring what little faith they may still have in this organisation

It is for the Vatican and therefore the Church to accept responsibility in their negligence in these affairs

Archbishop Eamon Martin has been announced as successor to Cardinal Sean Brady whose reluctance to give up his powers is hardly surprising

The people will now see what Archbishop Eamon Martin is able to do to restore confidence

This congregation has seen Sean Brady finally resign. He was leader of all Ireland’s Catholics

Brady’s tenure had been beset by clerical child abuse scandals over an 18 year period. He even covered up one case

Brady had resisted calls to resign in 2010

It emerged that as a young priest in 1975 he attended meetings during which two teenage sex abused victims were sworn to secrecy

This was after they had been abused by Father Brendan Smyth

Brendan Smyth was at the centre of one of the first paedophile priest scandals to rock the Catholic Church in Ireland

He was later convicted of more than 100 charges of child sexual abuse and he is only one priest

Brendan Smyth died in prison in 1997 horror after horror!

The Church must make amends and bring healing to all those victims in Ireland and throughout the world

This they have been denied them for so long now

Until one can walk in a victim’s shoes, nobody can ever know the pain and suffering that they still endure to this day

May the new successor bring in that healing and compassion, so that these lives can finally be restored

The Vatican owes them that much at the very least!

Joan Rivers will be remembered for her strong opinions as a comedian; she was a truly funny lady

What perhaps is less known about her is her charity work, which she was passionately involved in

One of them was called ‘God’s Love We Deliver’, which started in 1986

It is a New York based charity organisation, which provides free nutritious meals to ill and housebound people living in New York

It also works in parts of New Jersey, again where people are not able to provide for themselves

Joan’s impact on ‘God’s Love We Deliver’ will be felt always by her clients, volunteers, staff and community

The charity delivers 4,500 meals a day and there is no waiting list. If you ring up in the morning you will get your meal that day

She had been a board member and volunteer for more than 20 years

In May of this year she delivered the organisation’s 15 millionth meal to an 84 year old lady living in Brooklyn

Joan would sit with these people and listen to their needs when she delivered their meals and always made them laugh

Joan brought love, compassion and humour to every delivery she made and every event she supported

She was also involved with guide dogs for the blind and another charity called ‘Our House’

The ‘Our House’ charity counsels children and families of suicide

When Joan’s husband committed suicide there was no counselling for those left behind and you felt as it if was your fault

This charity ‘Our House’ gives support as well as counselling to the families left behind, so that they can come to terms with their grief

Joan Rivers was a very misunderstood lady, who had deep aspirations to make the world a better place

At the same time, she was hiding much grief and anxiousness about her own vulnerability

Joan Rivers had a heart of gold inside a tough exterior, which was the only way she knew how to survive

Her rare and inexhaustible talent brought tears to many who watched her shows. She will be sorely missed

“Should Scotland become an independent country,” is the question on everybody’s lips?

If Scotland truly wishes to become independent then they must accept true responsibility of all that goes with it

This does not only include the economic situation

Scotland would see a massive dip in revenue and that is in spite of North Sea Oil, which will be running out at some time soon

They have no other natural resources and tourism will be the only other lucrative contribution

Many businesses will go out of business, as they will not be allowed the very generous tax exemptions which they now enjoy

The Scottish people would struggle to make ends meet

There would not be enough revenue in their treasury to meet all the shortfalls they will incur, giving them lasting headaches for all time

Scotland’s current MP’s have severely hoodwinked the electorate

It all appears safe sailing, which is far from what the reality will actually be

Shortfalls in economic revenue is what will split this country for all time

With no way back they would struggle to see their country trying to keep afloat, which will prove impossible for all time

Trade deficits and many of the things they now take for granted in the way of concessions, will all foreclose

Thus bringing the harsh reality of what Scotland will have to endure forever more

Europe will not allow them in and so, as sole traders, they would have to negotiate trade with other world trading markets

With their treasury coffers not up to scratch, they would not be able to negotiate proper deals

In the end they would have to pay top dollar as the saying goes

This will leave them further struggling along the bottom with no safety net to secure any respite from their own self-inflicted situation

They will never be able to repay the balance. There are not enough tax paying people in Scotland to bring about a trade surplus

Many industries will move south of the border as they have no other choice

Those businesses are already considering moving out to safeguard their company, shareholders and the people who work for them

Their jobs will be saved

It will be Scotland’s loss, not these companies who are older and wiser then Scottish MP’s who are only able to see glory

This glory will be short lived

A very unwise situation if Scotland should free itself from the Union. Let us hope the Scottish people will see sense at the last minute?

All those matters, where the Scottish people feel they will gain from removing themselves from the English parliament, will happen

However they do not realise they will encounter far more serious problems of discourse and unsettledness from other aspects

Problems they never thought to even consider will now be placed at their doorstep, which they will encounter head on

There will be no time to think or to negotiate. They will have to act immediately

That will be the unsettling and undoing of this sweet nation

Can they afford in their naivety to take the risk? The answer has to be unequivocally, “NO!”

The rights for the common man are being fought for        

A group of indigenous people in Brazil’s Amazon region have detained and expelled loggers working illegally on their ancestral lands

Leaders of the Ka’apor tribe accused the Brazilian authorities of failing to protect them

The tribe tied up the loggers and set fire to their trucks and chainsaws before forcing them out. The wood was later burnt

These souls request tighter security in the Alto Turiacu Indian Territory to prevent further violent clashes

Brazil needs to honour these wonderful peace loving indigenous people

To remind themselves continued deforestation of Brazil’s forests will have severe ecological consequences starting with their own country

Justice might take its time in coming, but it comes nevertheless

A US judge has approved a $41m settlement between New York City and five men wrongfully convicted of a rape of a woman jogger in 1989

These five men all black, or Hispanic, teenagers at the time confessed under police interrogation, which they later recanted

They served prison terms ranging from seven to thirteen years before their exoneration in 2002

The New York Mayor said the settlement was ‘long overdue’

This settlement marks the end of one of New York’s most protracted and bitter legal disputes

The settlement is thought to be the largest in a wrongful conviction case in the city’s history

It came to pass that a Manhattan prosecutor determined that a serial violent offender named Matias Reyes had confessed to the attack

Reyes also stated he acted alone

This racially charged case shocked the city and provoked fears of gangs of black teenagers going on crime rampages

Too many incidents have occurred unjustly by police brutality and coercion and it is time that the police forces are brought to book

One has to ask the obvious question, “What now has happened to those officers?”

Their brutal interrogation inflicted such a punishment on these youths and they have paid with their lives for no crime committed

What now do the police officers get as punishment for their crimes against these youths or is that swept under the carpet as usual?

Money is no compensation for their loss of life and dignity

Only full justice with the weight of the law can determine a better police force in the future, where all are treated equally

The time is fast approaching where President Zuma is completely found out with no leg to stand on

His days are truly numbered

He is one of the most corrupt men

Zuma denies his own people justified wages to live on and did not defend his own citizens against the mining crisis

Several died by police heavy handedness and all under President Zuma’s watch and little has changed

This man continues to feather his own nest for all it is worth

It had been stated that the white man was using and abusing South Africans

Nelson Mandela sacrificed 27 years’ incarceration, so that equality could be brought to all the people of South Africa

President Zuma blatantly continues to steal from his own people

It is now time for justice to finally make its mark and to bring closure on this man’s tenure of Presidency

Helen Zille, South Africa’s opposition leader, has been handed spy tapes, which should finally expose President Zuma for all he is worth

Zuma has been accused of taking bribes in a multi-million dollar arms deal

New evidence will come to light implicating President Zuma on other crimes against his own people

This man is no longer credible and so he has already shot himself in the foot and will ultimately pay the price for his greedy ways

Vladimir Putin is a most dangerous creature with sights way above his station and control

He thinks he is bigger than he is and so wants to create another USSR

His thinking behind the objective is to make Russia great again and to exercise its rights in the global forum over Middle Eastern policies

Putin wants to take centre stage for officiating deals that will bring Russia more into the global economy

He wants to safeguard and secure all the land under his power & control and has no reason to remove himself from his strategy of command

Putin knows his place in history and it is determined by how great he is and what he alone can do for his people

He has little opposition in his own select cabinet of officers, as all have been handpicked by him anyway

He wants to bellow out that he is the greatest leader that Russia has ever had

Even greater than Stalin, whose legacy still haunts many Russians today

With his strategy already intact he just needs to chip away at the onslaught that he knows will come his way

He has already in his mind thought of everything and where he can build a stronger alliance with the Eastern countries of this world

The West will be hung out to dry

He does not care whether Europe takes his gas or not, as he already has China on side for his surplus supplies

Putin will be able to undercut any market forces, as he has an abundance of gas supplies to meet all needs

As he sees it, he is the rising star and the West better get used to it!

All the sanctions that are imposed on him to bring him to his knees he has already thought about

His contingency plans are now being implemented

He sees Europe/NATO and the West as being both weak and divided and their causes for straight thinking no longer apply to him

Vladimir Putin is a man on a mission and is answerable to no one

His strategy will hold, unless the West make a determined effort to stop him, but nothing will be done

Putin is too clever right now and too buoyant for his own good. The momentum is with him and he sees no reason to change

Europe and the US will just sit on their hands, as usual too insecure to do anything

It allows him further scope for expansion and the cost to him will be minimal in his eyes

To be great always comes with a price and he is prepared to pay that price to satisfy his own ego!

At last common sense prevails and the UK prosecutors have withdrawn a European arrest warrant on Mr & Mrs King

They are free from prison and can now visit their son Ashya

They will be able to take their son to Czechoslovakia, where he can obtain the Proton Therapy treatment there

Southampton General Hospital should be ashamed of themselves for the lies and the intimidation they put this family through

How can anybody afford to ever trust their medical judgement again?

One has to ask the obvious question, “By denying the King family Proton Therapy for their son…

how many other patients were also denied this treatment and, as a result, how many have died at their hands?”

Amnesty International has new evidence that the Islamic State militants are carrying out a wave of ethnic cleansing against minorities
The human rights group said, “The IS has turned the region into a blood soaked killing field”

America is admitting they don’t have a strategy yet for dealing with the sharp rise of this militant group

Since G.W. Bush, America has made an unbelievable mess of its Mideast policies – they are now reaping those mistakes

Small numbers of US troops are being sent back to Iraq to quell the sickening fighting

There will be enough men to get the nation stuck in a new conflict, but not enough to make any major difference

President Obama is now being pressed to attack Syria. This idea is crazy

The US sponsored an armed uprising against the Assad regime, which brutally ruled Syria for 43 years

France, Britain, Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations backed this campaign to overthrow Assad as a way to damage Iran

The result was a bloody war of attrition that is slowly being won by Damascus

Worse still, the western intervention in Syria has produced what is known in the intelligence business as a blowback, this is now happening

These Syrian jihadists supported by the western powers are now running amok with deadly consequences

The IS were a previously unknown band of gunmen, who were trained and armed in Jordan by the CIA, then turned loose on Syria

They now are rampaging across northern and central Iraq

What makes IS so effective is that the major portion of its leaders and soldiers are veterans of President Saddam Hussein’s army

They were the noted Republican Guard

With IS, is the last surviving Saddam insider, Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri

When the US first invaded Iraq, Saddam predicted it would face the “Mother of all battles.” Westerners laughed

Eleven years later the laughter has been silenced

Iraq continues to fight on and it is no longer safe for foreign oil companies – Saddam’s revenge

The Islamic State has risen from the ruins of Iraq and Syria to challenge America

Light bombing by the US in Iraq won’t stop the IS

It is now that America and the West are reaping so many losses of lives and abject carnage that they first started. Well done Tony Blair!

If Mankind stopped and thought before it started a war, then this would not have happened

It is all very well to go to war…

…but if you cannot build a future after the destruction of a country for these people then you do them equally a disservice twice

This is exactly what has happen in Iraq and the same will happen in Syria

Has the West not learnt anything, but to go in with their heavy boots and destroy what is none of their business in the first place?

It is down to Muslims to settle their own affairs and for the West to butt out

Unless they are asked for a better solution that can improve those people’s lives in every way

This, the West continues to destroy

Amnesty International is right to be concerned, as it is often them who have to pick up the pieces of destroyed lives

It is they who are the true heroes with very little back up. This will soon change!

As true to form, Israel takes their right to exploit International Law and moral ethics

They are unstoppable!

There is no court on this earth that has the teeth to bring this flagrant abuse against another nation to account?

Israel is there purely to satisfy its own thirst for land and power

They continue to be a thorn in the side of the world and all the international community just say, “Tut-tut!”

Israel uses any pretext, any excuse, to do precisely as they please, while the world does nothing and looks on

Goliath is certainly ruling the world here. What Israel says, “Israel does.”

Where is the justice that allows Israel to now expropriate four sq. km of Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank?

It will be Israel’s largest seizure of land in 30 years

There was laughable comment by the US to urge Israel to reverse the move

This is like asking a thug, who has you by the throat and squeezing, not to be a naughty boy!

Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said

“The world community should hold Israel accountable for the ongoing Israeli settlement activity”

Let us be very clear about this, Israel does not want peace

They want land and to occupy as much of it as they can

They will stop at nothing to get it and to drive their foe into the ground and rebuild over them

They will continue with their land grab into Lebanon and beyond

The world is not interested in doing anything to stop this carnage continuing

The world will fight IS because of Oil.  Palestine has no Oil, so it is of no benefit to anyone

The moral shame, where one race of people take carte blanche to do as they please over another, while the world stands by and watches

We did not let Hitler get away with it, but we do allow Israel to exterminate in their own way

What are we becoming?  Have we no moral standards any longer?

Is there nobody who is prepared under the law to say enough is enough until it is too late?

What is the point of the law if it is never exercised?

It makes a complete mockery of having any laws, as they are only used when it doesn’t really affect anybody?

Justice is never seen to be done and we purport to be a civilised society?

The joke is on those who are supposed to enact the law, but choose not to

What moral principles or conscience do they have? It appears none!

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