01 April 2014

ladylydialondon March 2014 Twitter

Finally Switzerland’s Competition Commission is investigating manipulation of foreign exchange rates at several British and Swiss banks

They are RBS, Barclays, UBS, Credit Suisse, Zuercher Kantonal Bank, Julius Baer, JP Morgan and Citigroup

Evidence supports the banks colluded to manipulate exchange rates in foreign currency trades

The regulator, which opened up preliminary investigations last October, shows that the most important exchange rates are affected

Authorities worldwide are investigating these same foreign exchange traders

They colluded in setting key exchange rates in the foreign exchange market. This resulted in huge profits

Traders from different countries worked together to influence currency prices

They also failed to accurately represent to their customers how they determined those prices

It has now been said by the Financial Conduct Authority that currency manipulation was every bit as bad as the Libor Scandal

Those banks who were involved in the Libor Scandal have paid $6bn in fines, which is nothing to the profits they already made

Fines are not enough. They are not severe enough to act as a deterrent

It is now time for the law to be introduced where these banks are brought before the courts

Criminal sentences are required for all those who are responsible for this kind of activity

At this time it is all too little too late

However these banks still think they are above the law, which includes their traders who continue to practice in this manner

More of these practices are being exposed and so situations will have to change

The public will no longer put up with what they see as carte blanche by these operatives who flagrantly flaunt the law for huge profits

Brazilian security forces have moved into a slum near Rio Airport as part of efforts to drive out drug gangs

They need to do this before this year’s football World Cup

The vast Mare favela is considered to be one of the most dangerous drug-trafficking areas in the city

Authorities have been carrying out a slum pacification programme aimed at making the city safer

It is also because of the 2016 Olympics, which is a concern for the Government

In this recent raid large quantities of weapons were seized

The raid, which began before dawn, with more than 1000 police and backed by soldiers and armoured vehicles took up position in Mare

This shanty town, the largest, is close to Rio’s International airport and home to 130,000 residents

The entire area was occupied within 15minutes and large quantities of drugs and weapons were seized

What’s so tragic is that it takes the World Cup & Olympic Games to bring the plight of drug gangs & disgusting shanty towns to the attention

Whereby something is now being sorted out, where before nothing had been done

It is high time that the people of Brazil felt safe themselves against these drug and rival gangs operating in their own country

The government needs to do more, not just as a short term fix due to the World Cup and Olympic games

The people themselves deserved more and should be getting more as their own right. That is what they pay their taxes for!

There will be more pacification programmes to sort out

Many shanty towns have been allowed to establish themselves without the right amenities

The people will see improvements, but they will need to carry on so that the Brazilian people can finally benefit

This must not be allowed to be a short stop wonder

Negotiators have worked through the night in Yokohama to complete a review on a key report on the impacts of Climate Change

A detailed 29 page summery is detailing the effects of Climate Change on the planet over the next 100 years

Several hundred members of the UN’s Climate Panel have been in deep deliberations since last Tuesday

The report is the first assessment since 2007

This report is the second of three analyses developed by international teams of researchers

The first part published last September details the mechanics of Climate Change

Explaining the mechanics of Climate Change rests unequivocally that humans are behind it

The new document details the impacts and the vulnerabilities to the rising temperature that will face the world

Two chapters are detailing impacts on the oceans and human health and food security

The document focusses on things that can be done to reduce the risks.  The impacts on Climate Change are “widespread and consequential”

With melting glaciers and tree mortality, when just 1ºC+ is reached, causes extreme weather events, such as with heat waves and flooding

Agriculture is affected in severe drought conditions. Flood risks to people living in Asia are particularly vulnerable

Human health is affected with increase mortalities where heat waves occur

Oceans are becoming more acidic, destroying the coral reefs

People who depend on fish for their protein will have to look for other means as the fish will be fewer as a result of acidity

All over the world, in every continent, there are either impacts on agriculture, wildfires or floods

Sea levels rises and also a lack of water, crop changes and melting ice will occur

All these have enormous effects on the land and the sea

This report shows the areas that are most at risk and what can be done about reducing those risks when steps are taken

Climate Change shows a number of the threats facing the people all over the world, both now and in the future

Once we begin to understand the challenges we can start to manage the risks it becomes a tractable solution

We all must play our part in bringing these changes in to save not only humans and animals, but our planet as well!

As we all enter a phase of dissatisfaction in our lives, we all must proceed to bring in the necessary changes

Then we are able to restore peace and balance

When a person has been harmed or unjustly treated, it is our responsibility to voice our displeasure

To hide it often gives off the wrong signals inviting that person or those beings to continue doing it

Unless we start to openly discuss our feelings, how are we ever going to change the world into becoming a better more balanced place?

Now, as the Universal energies are all heightened, it is our personal duty to rid ourselves of everything that is negative

Then we can enter a stage of productivity and positive acclaim

We can no longer dillydally, but need to act swiftly and decisively to effect change and to restore harmony when it finally comes to us

There are many solutions to many problems. All we need to do is to find out the right ones that suit ourselves

Once that has been agreed, then the action becomes a normality and everything is swiftly acquired

In seeking a better life, one must get rid of the old and to strive forwards with gusto to get to another

Nothing is difficult once we have thought out the solution

These solutions usually come from the Higher Intelligence, who is waiting for us to access it

Then the request is received and the appropriate answer is given

Many of us are stuck in our lives purely because they cannot see a way out

By meditating on the problem, the solutions will always present themselves with the motivation to get things done

From there on, the way is easy and help is always given and the rewards are accepted

Know we are all looked after and nothing is by chance!

Laws banning smoking in public places have had a positive impact on child health, an international study in the Lancet suggests

Researchers also found a 10% reduction in premature births and severe childhood asthma within a year of smoke-free laws being introduced

Laws that prohibit smoking in public places, such as bars, restaurants and work places have already shown…

…that they protect adults from the dangers of passive smoking

This research has gone into 2.5 million births and 250,000 hospital attendances for asthma attacks in children

The study now provides clear evidence that smoking bans have had considerable public health benefits for perinatal and child health

There has also been a 5% decline in children being born very small for their age

There are still many countries yet to enforce smoke-free legislation

This research shows that passive smoking causes thickening of children’s arteries

It can also increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes in later life

It is the children who are particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of second hand smoke

This is because their lungs and immune systems are still developing

At present it is only 16% of the world’s population who are covered by smoke-free laws

Scotland, where the ban was first introduced in 2006, has shown that adult’s and children’s health have improved

Where pregnant mothers smoke, it has had a profound bearing on the foetal development

Babies are born smaller and have underdeveloped lung capacity

It is in all our interests to encourage the population of this world to remove smoking as a right to have

The long term effects on health issues are not only on children who passively smoke, but on the adults who do

Life did exist before smoking and although it has been going on for centuries, we are all better educated now

If we are all to enjoy healthy lives, then consideration to ban this substance from where it can harm us is surely advisable?

The distress that comes when one sees a child literally fighting for its breath is both distressing to the child and the adults too

It is not only smoking where we have to become more responsible, but where there’s pollution on other levels, such as from cars and industry

Even smoke from cooking stoves, where all the family breathe in these fumes, is also a major hazard

Now technology has developed new stoves at little cost, these too will help massively in getting people better

The more consciously aware we all become the healthy and happier will be our race!

A man who has been on death row for more than four decades has been granted a retrial by a Japanese court

Mr Hakamada, 78 years old, was sentenced to death in 1968 for killing his boss and his boss’s wife and two children 

Hakamada confessed after 20 days of interrogation, which involved him being beaten, but once in court he retracted his confession

Japanese police traditionally rely on confessions to prosecute, which are obtained by force

Amnesty International said Hakamada is the longest serving inmate on death row

There have been many unanswered questions over recent DNA evidence

The court ruling came after defence lawyers showed the DNA from blood stains found on the clothing…

…alleged to have been worn by the killer did not match Hakamada

The judge has ordered his release saying it is unjust to detain this man further. The evidence of his innocence has become clear

Hakamada’s sister Hideko, who is 81 years old, has fought bravely for a retrial for many years. She expresses her thanks to all who helped

Human Rights groups have cited long hours of interrogation, lack of access to lawyers and physical mistreatment are the reasons…

…why suspects end up confessing to crimes they did not commit

The shame has to fall on the Japanese Police force, as their form of justice does not come up to scrutiny

Innocent people are given jail sentences when the real killers still go free!

Until there is a superior standard of policing, all the Japanese people are vulnerable to this kind of abuse. What a justice system!

A man’s life has been sacrificed and who knows how many more from this kind of sharp practice

What kind of compensation does he get from the police not doing their jobs, but acting out of complete thuggery?

He has lost his life and liberty and shame should fall on those who acted wrongly. Perhaps their heads should roll?

Seven million people died as a result of air pollution in 2012, the World Health Organisation estimates

The extent of the damage to Mankind due to air pollution is heart disease, respiratory problems and cancer

One death in eight is now globally linked to air pollution. This makes it the largest single environmental health risk

Nearly six million deaths are in South East Asia and Western Pacific regions

These risks from air pollution are now far greater than was previously thought or even understood, particularly from heart and strokes

India has the worst air pollution in the entire world beating China, Pakistan and Bangladesh

Respiratory infections and deaths are the most common in children under five and also in the elderly

India’s cars are the most polluting

India relies on coal and in their brickmaking industries, which are situated in densely populated areas

Reducing air pollution will save millions of lives

In China, where coal is used extensively in their manufacturing industries, the people are suffering smog’s on unprecedented levels

Coal carries toxic metals, which are absorbed into the body

China has said it will take them 20 years to clean up their air

Until then the people continue to suffer with debilitating diseases

What was interesting during the Olympic Games in Beijing was that all the factories were closed and traffic was held down to a minimum

As a result Beijing enjoyed 30 days of clear air and saw blue skies

Once the Games were over the pollution reverted to normal, which was unforgivable, with the population having to wear face masks

We all owe it to the people of the world to lobby Governments to do more to clean up the air we breathe

Where there are polluting countries, the bad air is transferred by winds to neighbouring countries

These countries do their responsible bit and yet are infected by those who do not

This by International Law cannot be allowed and new policies to put pressure on high pollutant countries must be addressed

This is necessary for the welfare of the entire world

Remember it is not only humans who are affected by this pollution

Animals, crops, land and the seas are all being polluted and all need not to be at risk!

This affects us all!

As we gather our strength to come to terms with what is happening around the world…

…we are mindful that underneath a feeling of mistrust and arrogance, there lurks a consciousness not always visibly seen

Many people are now starting to take matters into their own hands

They are fed up with politicians & their slow way of working, where people must wait a long time before laws & statutes are made effective

The people of this world are tired. They want change of a better life and they want it now!

Too many have suffered years of intolerance, where politicians have behaved appallingly

Now, as more and more people are rising up in their own way, they start to force the principles of change

New ideas are being realised and where new terms and conditions are being voiced

No longer will the people do nothing and stand by and watch their livelihoods being demolished in front of their very eyes

A new breed of people is emerging and evolving, where their brutally honest ways are turning events around

They now have the upper hand and say

Politicians have no choice but to finally hear the voices of the people, who will no longer be denied

Start to see this global revolution unleash its strength throughout the world

A growing consensus is being formulated

People from all over the world, whose ideology is self-preservation, peace and a coming together of minds

It will stretch over all social barriers, all languages and beliefs

Nothing will now stop this growing movement

The Internet is coming alive and the new pace for democratic change will no longer be denied

The world will start to see this movement grow and be totally effective

No Governments will be able to stand in their way. The force and the momentum are too powerful and too diversified to be stopped

From every strata of life, from the four corners of the globe, this mounting movement is strengthening and increasing

This is not a war

It is an ideology that will surpass any religious criteria or dogma

The ideology will have its voice in the people and the global concept will be enormous

No military machine will be able to stop it

For the voice of all the people all over the world will speak with one voice

It will act as one beating heart and drum out the rhythm of change

Watch out for this, all will get involved, the people, the media, the Internet

It becomes unstoppable and its strength is both tangible and real

This is history in the making. All old regimes will no longer exist

It will be people power not military arsenals, which will change the world

They will make it a safer and more realistic framework from which Mankind can begin to live again

This movement is already starting

As the Credit Crunch was predicted three years by me before it happened, so this will also happen

See it evolve and where the strength starts to belong to the people and not the politicians of this world

We are all in amazing times!

We are entering into a phase of massive change in our world, where the fight of good and evil is fought on a daily basis

Various parties are only interested in their own agenda and feel nothing for the people who suffer turmoil every day

Many throughout the world are both physically and psychologically scarred

They feel nobody cares and many are left to their own devices to try to live in a world of complete chaos and unrest

The Middle East is a hotbed of uncertainty and raw emotion, where the daily angst takes over

Just to survive and hope they won’t get killed is a major challenge

There needs to be a complete change of the mind-set, where countries start to deal with the injustices to the many victims of this world

Their anger and hate are fuelled on the back of revenge

Their human rights are not being recognised and hope and salvation are but a far off dream

The people, although suffering, have now reached an impasse where their lives are already worthless and meaningless in their eyes

They see their Governments are full of corruption and self-interest

It is these people who have nothing to lose who are the most dangerous and will be the ones who are most to be feared

Their meaningless lives mean they have no life and to lose it means nothing to them anymore

All around them has been destroyed

Any decency that they might once have had has been wiped out by the horror of what has already befallen them

It is this body of people who will rise up and, like the French Revolution of 1789-1799, will determine the outcome

There is a need now for proper democracy, for citizenship and people’s undeniable rights

There is now a quest by the people of this world to tear down the structure of the old ways

They need to bring in a new structure, where the people are valued

Fear is no longer a daily occurrence

The lives of the innocent are protected against the oppressors and where legal justice on every aspect is seen to be done

Those who will not abide by these basic human rights will see their rule coming to its end

It will be the people who have lost everything, who now will rise up and have their revenge

The world had better wake up before it is too late

Man cannot be subjected to oppression by those who feel they have almost a divine right to rule. This day is coming!

An anti-austerity protest attended by tens of thousands of people was held in Madrid

Demonstrators came from all over Spain. Many had walked large distances to attend this protest

The people were protesting over issues including unemployment, poverty and official corruption

The people were calling their protest THE MARCH OF DIGNITY because the protestors say their Government are stripping Spaniards of just that!

Cutbacks by the Government in particular to health and education are causing Spain irreparable damage

Although Spain has come out of recession, unemployment has soared with 6 million people out of work

They want a change in the Government and it is hardly surprising as the Government is corrupt and has embezzled Government money away

Even Spain’s Royal Family have been involved in putting charity money into offshore accounts for their own pleasure

The money should have gone to fund sports programmes in Spain

There has to be justice for the people and a new way of governing, where transparency is the norm

Unfortunately for the Spanish people, the King of Spain has everybody in his pocket and what he says goes and also controls

He holds the power, which means the military and other ministries on every front

It is by his wish whether a person is hired or fired and that will mean literally

It is up to the people yet again to voice their displeasure and bring about a right to justice

Even the highest must fall if justice is to be served

Can the Spanish people be strong enough to go down that road?

Already the Royal Family has come under fire and there is court action against the King’s son-in-law

His youngest daughter is also involved in embarrassing Court procedures

The King has tried to protect his daughter, but the Courts would have none of it

Many Spaniards have lost their lives due to suicide, where all hope ran out for them

The economic situation collapsed and there was no money to feed their families

All this while, the Government and Spain’s Royals are living the life of Riley

It is high time that justice was seen to be serving the people and not the establishment

They always win and continue to suppress the people for their own ends

Pope Francis has launched a stinging attack on the Mafia, warning gangsters that they will go to hell unless they repent & stop doing evil

“Blood stained money and blood stained power, you can’t take it with you in the next life.  Repent,” he said.

What is interesting is, as Pope Francis carried on with the prayer vigil for the relatives of those killed by the Mafia…

…the service continued with the names of all those murdered, which were read out

There were 842 people at this vigil and, although the Mafia have killed millions of people all over the world, it was at least a start

Pope Francis further stated that the life they lived now won’t give them any happiness

That is so true, for one cannot receive happiness at the destruction of another – it is just not possible

Something always goes wrong and the price of obtaining with the one hand is always removed with the other

That is why they have to keep controlling and getting more, as they win so they lose every time

There have been many brave priests in Italy who have stood up to the Mafia and have died as a result

He also stated the wider Church has been accused of not doing enough to confront the gangsters and this is true

If the Church publicised their abhorrent distain towards the Mafia in a more aggressive way and…

…got the people around them to stand up, the Italian authorities would have a better chance of getting to grips with this disease

At the end of the day it has to be a collective fight against terror

It has plagued this country for so long and has brought about its economic decline over decades

The Church has a moral obligation to its flock, who have been intimidated for so long

The fact that priests are being killed shows that the Mafia have no regard for the afterlife and all that is brings

They simply do not believe it

Had they done so, they would not be in this trade of extortion and depravation for their own ends

They think of nothing but themselves, so to ask these criminals to repent is farcical

What is necessary is that the Church should stand in solidarity with the common man and the politicians

Then the judiciary can bring back justice to the people

Then Italy will be in a position to recover both from the fear of being terrorised and economically by the extortion that the Mafia brings

Children’s Services in Coventry have been branded inadequate by Ofsted

Coventry City Council has been criticised for its lacking in management and for not seeing vulnerable children fast enough

Managers at the authority will see at last a £5.6m cash boost. There will now be more social workers employed

The little boy, Daniel Pelka aged 4 from Coventry, died last March 2012 after being starved and abused by his mother and her boyfriend

Daniel was pronounced dead after suffering a cardiac arrest

Ofsted’s investigation in the wake of his death stated the local Safeguarding Children’s Board was inadequate

The report also stated that bosses did not tackle the weaknesses in social care fast enough

The report also shows social workers in Coventry had such heavy caseloads they couldn’t do their job properly

The leadership of management in Children’s Services just wasn’t up to standard

It is now up to Ofsted to get the situation up and running

Their report must bring in the necessary changes at the highest level so that our children become safe

Many children go missing in the city. They are not being picked up or interviewed afterwards to see what has happened to them

As a nation, we have unfortunately lost the close-knit communities that we once had, where neighbours knew each other and took an interest

Children then were not so vulnerable, as the care within the social community was always at hand

England has become such an international and diverse society it can hinder integration

With this lack of integration, isolation becomes normal

The people tend to stick to themselves and their attitudes are not picked up by society

So when there are problems they are often hidden away and this is where children become more vulnerable

They feel they cannot open up and let people in and let them know what is actually happening to them

Also schools, doctors and the police don’t liaise enough when they spot problems with very young children

Where there is obvious neglect, no one seems to care to take on any form of responsibility

We, as a society, owe it to our young children to protect them and to start to see the early signs of abuse

Many of us have a laissez faire attitude that it is always somebody else’s problem and not ours

Still innocent children are dying and it is shocking to think we still have not learnt from the previous horrors

Our children deserve our love and our steadfastness to protect them at all times – after all they are our future

We have a responsibility to them and to future generations!

South Africa’s top corruption fighter has said President Zuma has benefited unduly from using state money to improve his rural residence

The charges made to President Zuma’s home, where he has installed a swimming pool and a cattle enclosure costing the taxpayers $23m

Public Protector Ms Madonsela accused Mr Zuma of unethical conduct and said he should repay the costs for the unnecessary renovations

President Zuma’s home has turned into a major political controversy in South Africa

He was booed at Nelson Mandela’s memorial service

The amount of $23m totals 1,000 times that spent on FW de Klerk’s residence, who was South Africa’s last apartheid-era president

Some of these measures can be legitimately classified as unlawful and the acts involved constitute improper conduct and maladministration

President Zuma has 14 days to respond to Thuli Madonsela’s report before Parliament

President Zuma has up to now successfully brushed aside previous scandals, but his home seems to have touched a particular nerve

President Zuma’s failure to act in protection of state resources constitutes a violation of executive ethics code

This conduct is not allowed with his office as a member of the Cabinet

This report comes just two months before the governing African National Congress (ANC) faces national elections

The ANC is not about to lose power, but its popularity is shrinking

The people of South Africa have to now look at who do they want to govern them

This is not about the colour of a person’s skin, but who is the most honest and honourable person they wish to be governed by

A person who will put the interests of the people before themselves, as Nelson Mandela did, is a unique icon in the history of this world

There are honest people in South Africa, both black and white

It is now a wakeup call to these people to stop thinking of a party which is corrupt…

…but of a party which is honest and which has the best interests in all respects for the people

President Zuma’s legacy has already been fraught with scandals

Now it is up to the intelligence of the people to openly voice their displeasure and vote him out

The South African people continue to be deprived of basic needs

Meanwhile their President robs the very income that should go to providing them with much needed welfare, which is criminal in itself

Wake up people and elect a person on merit and not one of corruption!

The word of Man is seldom true

There needs to be a re-introduction of morality in a morally stricken world

All those who have suffered injustices of any kind will see their just desserts given back to them, if not in this lifetime then in the next

More is being done on a Spiritual level to bring back justice to those who have suffered for so long without retribution

Where there is no justice there can be no hope and this is now being addressed right across the globe

Many more things are being put right and opportunities for the people to start again are becoming possible

Where the impossible changes dramatically and possible solutions on so many different levels are given

It is high time that Man was recompensed for the misdeeds of others

Large institutions will now have to pay compensation to all those whom they have injured

The churches will continue to fall until they put their own house in order

Corruption on so many levels is now being exposed from the individuals to the conglomerates that see themselves above the law

The tide is now turning on so many factors. No more can industries hide behind a will of terror. Their days have come!

The law is now changing

New legislation is now being brought in so that corruption and mismanagement on so many levels are now being tightly controlled

Stiffer penalties on exploitative ways are coming into force

The world is changing and Mankind will be heard

All dictators will see that their time has come before the courts and before the people

Their exposures will be an example to the world and to so many that all will have to pay a high price for their dishonesty

US President Obama has told Palestinian President Abbas to take risks for peace

Mr Obama has told reporters in the White House that the search for the two state solution remains elusive

He hopes to see progress in the coming weeks

The tragedy for Mr Obama is that it is in his destiny to bring about peace to the Middle East

This includes Palestine and Israel and up to now he has failed miserably

You can no longer leave it to Israel and Palestine to decide this outcome

It has to be decided by the international community and where the law of the land is determined

Then and only then will peace become possible, where there will be a peacekeeping force to maintain the status quo

Where policies to determine peace of the two individual states are enforced and abided by

It cannot be any more decided by the US, who are in the control of Israel and will then only abide by their direction

The US is the laughing stock of the world because of it and there is no longer any respect where peace talks are concerned

The Palestinian people no longer believe it nor does the rest of the world

The West has put the Palestinian situation in this mess and it is now up to the international authorities to put it right

Israel’s Government do not want peace

They want land and settlements to expand their empire and bring all the Jews from all over the world to live there

In the eyes of the Israeli politicians, the Palestinians do not exist

They are a scourge on the horizon for what Israel wants for themselves alone

With this kind of greedy mentality, nothing constructive can ever be achieved

The massacre at Deir Yassin in April 1948 by Israelis on innocent Palestinians…

…is one of the most significant events in the 20th Century Palestinian and Israeli history

400 Palestinian villages and cities were destroyed and over 700,000 Palestinian inhabitants were expelled to make room for Israeli Jews

This brutal ethnic cleansing of a people from their own land is the most despicable action and the world does nothing but looks on

There will be no peace in Palestine!  Until…

…an International force is engaged in doing what is morally right in the face of Israeli aggression, which is backed by the US

They all have blood on their hands and they know it

Even the Israeli people can now see the inhumane treatment that their Government poses on the Palestinian people

They unfortunately are not strong enough to overthrow their Government

However they must be made accountable for their extreme actions over decades of unrest

What kind of a world are we living in where one nation is so brutally subjected to the callous actions of another?

We all sit by and wash our hands of it

Has the world lost its moral compass or are we so afraid to enter in and stand up for what is right, honourable and decent?

As Vladimir Putin now stands to become isolated, a new party politics will take over in Moscow to renounce world isolation

They will be quick to criticise other world dominating countries which have done the same thing

They were only acting according to their rights as they saw them

Trade now to various countries will fall away naturally, bringing Russia to a standoff point

Russia is dependent on the world for many of its goods

Even their natural resources cannot secure their future when there are other ways for countries to receive fuel and gas

The squeeze is now on and it will be the people of Russia who will feel the full force

The EU and the US will freeze the assets of Russian businessmen and cause disruption by visa bans

The bulk of the pain will be felt by the Russian citizens, who rely on the West and other countries for various staple things

Russia’s economy is slowing down with their growth almost NIL

Their infrastructure is failing to meet the demands of its people and many have little to eat in the rural areas

Life for most Russians is tough

They will experience a tougher life now that their politicians have unleashed a mayhem they cannot really control

Vladimir Putin himself will become isolated on the world stage and that is where he will feel his greatest rebuff

He will no longer be taken seriously or even trusted

Various trade elements he has in the pipeline will now be shut off

Even though it will hurt the world’s economy, it can withstand it on a greater footing than Russia

The dispersal of the deficit can be absorbed throughout the various global systems and they will become easier over time

Russia may have natural resources, but if nobody wants to buy then they cannot function

Look at Iran and how their economy has been stifled by sanctions

Iran had no choice but to climb down from its mighty ego to allow trade sanctions to be lifted

Their choked economy has started to find a trickle coming in, as deep sanctions are now being lifted

We are all linked together in global trade

When a rogue partner decides to act foolishly and without proper provocations, the consequences are always felt

The people of the Crimea might feel they have a victory on their hands, but they do not realise the consequences of their actions

Now they will feel the burden they have put on themselves for what was originally fear mongering by Moscow

If Russia is so marvellous, why is it so many Russians want to come out?

Why do the rich elite not live there, but prefer the lucrative West?

There their assets are secure and their business dealings are not overlooked and curtailed at a moment’s notice?

Big brother still operates in Russia and freedom is something the people do not enjoy

For those who live in a western democracy, freedom is taken for granted

One cannot comprehend what Russians are subjected to each and every day

For peace to become possible in this world it needs Mankind to start taking personal responsibility for their actions

It needs to start with a moral policy

Too many people are on the breadline, breeding dissatisfaction and feelings of being let down

It is high time that Man was given equal opportunities for advancement and where hard work is seen and rewarded

Until the higher echelons of society start to play their part in helping those less fortunate than themselves, nothing will ever change

In all walks of life Mankind needs help and reassurance that what they do is making a difference to their life and the lives of others

Only then can systems improve and situations are then turned around for the better

Too many of us neglect each other and the tragedy that goes with it becomes an increasing spiral of upset and regret

We all must have love at the centre of our being and then situations start to manifest in a better more organised way

We are all sensitive to hurt and pain and so it is with our own actions. We cannot afford to give out these negative energies

What we all need in order to prosper is to recognise love as the only panacea for health and rejuvenation of the spirit to carrying on

We all have the capacity to love

What is more difficult for so many is to actually show it and that makes a substantial difference to all one meets

The head of Syria’s main opposition alliance has said its international allies must now honour their pledge to supply heavy weapons

Ahmed Jarba of the National Coalition has confirmed that he was promised these weapons if the recent talks in Geneva failed

It is now understood that the Syrian Government has brought in Islamist extremists to provide further chaos within the war

Mr Jarba has wowed to kick these extremists out of Syria and has already succeeded in several provinces

The main enemy is the Government who has ruled Syria for 50 years with a rod of fire & iron, demolishing many towns and villages completely

When the revolution originally kicked off there were no extremists or terrorists…

…only the Syrian people looking for freedom after 50 years dictatorship

Diplomacy is no longer relevant in this war

There needs to be a change in the balance of power, which will bring the conflict to a deciding end

The Assad regime only know one language, the language of force at all costs

He wants to bring his people to submission as he has done and his father before him

Syrians are paying a high price for freedom and they won’t allow this dictator to rule them again whatever the price

The tide is now turning and with the appropriate assistance there will be a solution which is long overdue

The Syrian people above all else deserve this now!

The number of Syrian children in need has more than doubled in the past year to 5.5 million

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has said this

Up to a million children are living under siege in areas where the agency and other humanitarian organisations cannot access

Children have lost lives, limbs and every aspect of their childhood

The statistics, presented in the UNICEF report ‘Under Siege’ show the devastating impact on children of this 3 year conflict, are daunting

The children have no schooling and many become refugees abroad, which have now gone up from 260,000

Some 425,000 children are under 5 years old, with many who have lost parents and siblings to the conflict

Children have been forced to work early and young girls forced to marry for financial reasons

Boys of 12 years old have been recruited in the fighting. All these children are in need of counselling for the trauma

UNICEF’s report warns the situation is likely to get worse

Until the UN and the International Community start to intervene and bring concrete solutions to the table…

…Bashar al-Assad will do nothing to save his people

His power hungry criterion has already brought this country to its knees, while the world looks on and does nothing

The time for negotiations has now passed

International authorities in the wake of this continuous stalemate situation must take effective action

Those that have brought crimes against their people must face the ICC in The Hague

How much blood must be further spilled before legalised action against these killing forces is brought to bear?

It is high time the UN had teeth and moved to do something instead of prevaricating while innocent victims continue to die

Is there no one in this world other than humanitarian groups who have a conscience?

What are these representatives doing? Getting fatter while the world’s people die around their feet?

We come to an age now where so many things are going wrong in so many institutions

We can no longer trust in banks, big businesses, doctors, hospitals and Governments

Even the Church is corrupt with money laundering and widespread abuse

Who can we trust these days?

It is necessary for the people of this world to start looking for other alternatives…

…where there has been a proven record of decency and justice

The Church can no longer take the moral high ground they are no better than other institutions that are corrupt and out of control

We have to start looking at the Spiritual side of life where things are plainly right & wrong & where Spiritual Law is always in operation

All that do wrong are dealt with appropriately

We must look to the little trader who tends to be honest otherwise they would soon go out of business

How can we best support them, instead of always going to the supermarkets that strangle the growth of our high street?

We need to bring in community banks, where the locals are in charge collectively of helping their people and local industry and amenities

We, as a people, need to start taking responsibility for our own towns and villages

We must become where possible self-sufficient of these big businesses that ripe off too many people all the time

Even to have a local police force again, which is run by the community and paid for by them, where corruption is no longer acceptable

Everybody knows everybody and so a tighter control is always overseen

We have allowed businesses on so many levels to become too big and this is where the problems arise

Management at the very top have lost sight of the people and only do what is best for them and their greedy little ways

There needs to be a change in thinking and to allow the people themselves to take charge

To bring in the necessary expertise, which will be out there…

…where those individuals have to be made accountable to the people before they can be fully accepted

Where proof of their integrity is an ongoing thing and can never be taken for granted

Where there are no longer jobs for life, but where individuals must constantly prove their competence

Their honesty will need to be accepted in the community

People need to stop sleepwalking and start to take responsibility for themselves and their communities

All must club together to form a collective of mutual strengths and experiences

They can become servants to the community for the benefit of all, where community spirit is brought back for the benefit of all

Farming, building, all can be sorted out, even hospitals and doctors who care otherwise they will have no place in that community

This will be the only way to drive standards up and where peace of mind can come to both the individual and the community

In order for all to thrive and prosper

We all have been overrun and overcharged by big businesses whose greedy ways have brought extensive suffering to so many

There is no longer any accountability, because they are in the back pocket of corrupt politicians and other officials

Nothing is impossible if it is applied in the right way and where there is a will to provide for the people and not for the self alone!

Change is in your hands.  Are you willing to take up the challenge?

Britain’s Kelly Gallagher is an inspiration to us all

She is Britain’s first ever Winter Paralympic gold medallist

She is visually impaired and needs a guide in the form of Charlotte Evans, who instructs Kelly as she skis

Kelly has achieved a Super Combined Slalom, a Giant Slalom, and a Super-G, Downhill

It was 90 seconds of bliss after 4 years of very hard work every day to achieve this victory

Gallagher, now 28 years old, started skiing for the first time when she was 17 and began working with Evans in the late 2010

Since then the pair have won silver and bronze medals in 2011 and 2013 World Championships as well as World Cup honours

Kelly’s eyesight disability is caused by a lacking of pigment in her body

That lets in too much light into her eyes and affects her skin. A condition she was born with

For Kelly to be able to see something to guide her on, her guide skier Charlotte Evans wears an orange hi-vis jacket

This allows Kelly to see that little dot and she just has to try to follow it as she skis behind Evans at speed

Kelly thanks Charlotte for getting her to the finishing line

She said, “We just threw ourselves at it and I prayed for the strength to ski and to have fun”

Her prayers were answered

Well done to both Kelly and Charlotte for their bravery, determination and much courage

Today is a day of joy and laughter

If you start with this notion within, as you awake to another morning of life, you are about to fulfil your dream

Each and every one of us is completely responsible for the life which we lead

We all are brought challenges and opportunities.  It is our choice and our choice alone how we deal with them

There is simply nobody else to blame for the way we go and the way we act through our period on this earth plane of existence

To blame others for our errors and mistakes is to hide ourselves from the truth, which is a big mistake

Unless we understand ourselves and who and what we are, how can we adjust and improve our own position and accomplishments in life?

No one deserves a free meal ticket through life, although many ask for it and suffer the consequences

They are kept in their place by the one who provides for them

Each & every person must contribute to the whole & the Greater Good if they are to progress, otherwise they are wasting their time here!

Give yourself a chance each morning by putting thoughts out into the universe that will make you stronger & mentally in charge of your life

If you sow good thoughts, you will reap a good harvest, but should you be negative you will be fighting an uphill battle all day long

Your happiness is in your hands and if you have the courage to direct it, so act honestly and ask positively

Then you will make a difference to your life and all those around you

A scheme to let people know from the police if their partner has a history of domestic violence has been brought in across England & Wales

The Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme known as Clare’s law is intended to provide information

It could protect someone from being a victim of attack

This initiative was named after 36 year old Clare Wood, who was murdered by her ex-boyfriend George Appleton in 2009

Clare was strangled and set on fire at her home

Unbeknown to her, Appleton had a history of violence towards women

He had become known as the Facebook Killer as he prowled the social network sites for partners

In the months before her murder she had repeatedly contacted Greater Manchester Police saying that Appleton had caused criminal damage

He had harassed her, threatened to kill her and tried to rape her

Police watchdogs later concluded Clare had been badly let down by the police

Yet another failing by the police force, who have a lot to answer for!

Again nobody is answerable for these failings. There is never any responsibility taken by the police

Appleton had a criminal record of being jailed for three years in 2002 for harassing another woman

He had a six month sentence for breaching a restraining order on yet another woman

Appleton later hanged himself after Clare’s death in a derelict pub

This scheme has so far helped over a hundred people with potentially life-saving information and it is hoped it will help far more

Clare’s father has said that had the scheme been put into place then, he believes his daughter would be alive today

As with everything in life there are lessons to be learned

What is clear here is that people are either put into prison for these offences or get restraining orders put into place

Yet the perpetrators are then released, not having been put right psychologically, but are put back into society with the same old problems

Nothing has actually changed and it is only a matter of time before these deranged people find their next vulnerable victim

They cannot stop themselves, as with paedophiles their minds are sick, so they cannot adjust to a normal life

All these perpetrators need to be dealt with psychologically and kept under constant supervision

One could say that it is very expensive. On the other hand, what price do you give a life that could be saved?

Remembering that just because a person has not died through their perpetrator does not mean their victims are not scarred for life

They carry their life sentence with them. Something the magistrates, courts and the law need to consider more and more

We are already aware of traumas felt by the victims of sexual and psychological abuse

They incur a life time’s sentence and where does that hell end for them?

There needs to more done for the victims of crime

Also the criminals themselves need help, where their sick predatory minds play no part in civilised society

Either way it is high time that the law moves to help both victim and perpetrator, where society is secured from these sick people

Locking them up is not the answer

Long-term help in a secure psychiatric unit is, until they are deemed well enough to return to the fold

We owe it to society to keep our vulnerable people safe - especially our children, but we continue to fail them all

Clare’s memory lives on, but have we learnt those lessons? I doubt it!

It will take the US 2 years and billions of dollars to overcome the harm done by Edward Snowden’s intelligence leaks

Since last year, news organisations have published dozens of stories based on the leaked intelligence documents

Many of the documents were related to military capabilities and procedures

It is said it will cost billions of dollars to overcome the loss of US security

Nothing however is said about the countries that have been inflicted with these covert operations

They have had to bear the suffering and harm that has been brought down on them

It is high time that the US starts to think of their own implications

They are the dire consequences of their exposed tactics on the lives of so many innocent people around the world

Many have suffered extreme hardship around the world, where the US have influenced and put in dictatorial Governments

There is never any thought for the people – only the strategy that is best for the US

The world no longer trusts the West and it is hardly surprising

Where is the decency? Where is the honour and where is the justice for so many wrongs that have been done to so many people worldwide?

When a nation’s core values align with their own hearts, they become non-negotiable

If this is the guiding factor, then decisions can be made with the utmost integrity

To be seen by others as trustworthy is one of the greatest gifts a nation can have

Then and only then can they take the moral high ground and set an example to the rest of the world

This has not happened and so, so many countries now no longer trust each other

It will be the decent people of this world who have to show the example & where justice can make matters right in the face of so many wrongs

Unfortunately for the human race, our leaders do not hold up to the scrutiny of doing what is right, only what is of self-interest

That has to change in order for the human race to survive

US researchers have revealed that a baby carrying the HIV virus, which leads to AIDS, may have been cured by early treatment

Antiretroviral drugs were given to a baby in California just four hours after its birth

The baby, now nine months old, is said to be HIV negative

Another child in Mississippi, who was HIV positive, is also in remission following early treatment, which was given in 2013

There is now no trace of the virus in the infant’s blood or tissues

The nine month old child is still recovering

The three year old Mississippi child stopped antiretroviral treatments two years ago and remains fine

Both children were born to mothers infected with the HIV virus, which weakens the body’s immune system

The immunodeficiency virus has infected more than 34 million people worldwide

The breakthrough with these two infants will now increase the impetus to treat early

Then other small innocent children can have a life that is HIV free

The treatment needs to be given to those countries in Africa, where the spread of HIV is rife

Here there seems no end to this misery for so many who are infected in the family

There, through the birth of a baby, the HIV is transferred from the infected mother

So then the cycle in the family continues with so many children contacting this virus

There is the means to solve this problem, but it needs active participation by the respected countries, widespread information and advice

Education to the masses is not enough

There needs to be more hands on workers in this field of expertise together with Government participation

HIV/AIDS can be eradicated if the pharmaceutical companies did more to oblige

There needs to be a moral outlook here before profits, which tends to be the main criteria all the time

We are all in this world together & it is high time that Mankind really starts to help one another & not just leave it to the dedicated few

Italy says it will unblock 2m euros in emergency funds to save the ancient city of Pompeii after flooding has caused its walls to collapse

One has to ask, “What kept them?”

The more damage done by letting these precious buildings deteriorate the more expensive restoration is required

The EU had already made substantial funds available for the care and restoration of the site

It has been designated a World Heritage site by UNESCO and UN Cultural Organisation

The Italian media is blaming the Government’s slow actions and mismanagement and bureaucratic delays

Pompeii’s degradation has been a source of constant embarrassment for the Italian authorities and quite rightly so

Every year 2.5m tourists visit Pompeii

Despite the money they generate there, there have been allegations that the site has been neglected and underfunded

Unfortunately, as with so many things in Italy, there is little pride in their heritage

So many of their famous buildings have been taken for granted

When people begin to really care and cherish their heritage more, then situations can change

There must be education in the appreciation of our world historical buildings

In Egypt, everything there is cherished and preserved for all of humanity to see and admire a world that is so removed from today

They respect their buildings and they are well guarded and preserved, because they care

As the situation in the Ukraine takes another twist in events, the people will start to rally around the new present Government

New involved laws will be introduced, which will allow for a permanent structure for all the people of the Ukraine to deal with

It will allow for certain laws, where minorities can feel safe and secure

A stabilising economy can be drafted to allow for a pickup of the dire economic situation

It will favour the whole country, which would include the Crimea

If the Crimea does not wish to abide by this new legislation they will find that life for them will not be so easy under Russian domination

Promises given by Russia to the Crimea will not be forthcoming and so it will sink into a new economic low

The new financial package is for the whole country, not just for parts of it

It is up to the Crimea to realise that they would ultimately be better off under this structure

Nobody wants war and this sabre rattling is not being helpful to the Ukrainian people who wish to live in peace

What has to be acknowledged is that the last President was corrupt and his policies have landed this country into an economic freefall

It now has to be salvaged so that the Ukraine can begin again with better more robust policies, which can save this nation

War will destroy

All who had good intentions to bring back this country from the brink of bankruptcy will have had their chances curtailed

See the Ukrainian Government bring in strong reassurances that it can manage to return this country to full functioning

However it must be given the chance to do so

Expert financial advice is already on the table and so a reverse structure, which will promote growth, will be there

Where there is strength, then Russia has no business interfering, where there is weakness, then panic arises and Russia will step in

It must be the Ukrainian Government that must open up the dialogue with all nations

Be advised and the people should respect this interim time to allow for these necessary changes to occur

See a better more lasting approach come in and where the people of this great nation can begin to breathe again

The historical drama ‘12 Years a Slave’ has won the best picture Oscar at the Academy Awards

Steve McQueen, the British director of this motion picture, has dedicated the Oscar to all the people who have endured slavery

It was based on a true story, where a free black man Solomon Northup was kidnapped and sold into slavery in Louisiana

Slavery is still very much with us in the 21st Century, where people are used as slave labour

This was very much evidential in Bangladesh recently where poor working conditions for garment workers were getting below the minimum wage

Bangladesh receives billions of dollars in revenue from these products and keeps their workers in substandard conditions

Their factories often go up in flames and many have died and been injured without compensation

Nothing is being done to alleviate their state of suffering

Globally girls are sold into slavery and into the sex trade after being kidnapped

They are taken to different countries and drugged up against their will

They fear for their lives and are subjected to bad treatment. Young boys also are subjected to these ordeals of prostitution

The world must start to condemn these acts with proper lawful intent

Otherwise nothing will ever change and Man’s cruelty and exploitation to Man will remain

A Senior UN official has now broken ranks with his organisation & called for full compensation for victims of a cholera epidemic in Haiti

Gustova Gallon is the UN’s top human rights officer in Haiti and has said those found responsible must be punished

The UN has so far rejected compensation claims

Evidence has shown that UN peacekeepers introduced cholera to Haiti in 2010

This outbreak has taken more than 8,300 lives and has infected hundreds of thousands

The evidence had shown that leaking sewage pipes at a UN base caused the disease

It was found on the boots of the peacekeepers and later transferred to Haiti when they came over

This disease was not there before the UN introduced it

The organisation says it has legal immunity from any lawsuits filed for Haitian victims

Even though they may have legal immunity, it does not make it morally right

Mr Gallon is now trying to get around this question and to finally put a stop to this epidemic, which is still affecting so many

To pay full compensation for those suffering this experience has to be legally and morally right

These people have suffered enough and it is the job of the UN to take the moral high ground and to be an example to the rest of the world

By taking the right action, they pave the way for others to be made accountable for their actions

This is especially so when there is no fault on the victims’ side

At the end of the day Man must do what is right and honourable to show by example when a deed has gone so tragically wrong

As Russia raises the ante against the Ukraine, it will end up in a stalemate of differences

Russia cannot afford to overplay its hand, as they risk many reprisals the world over

Not only from the UN, the EU and US, but other countries with which they do business

Russia cannot afford a backlash, which would happen with immediate effect.  All are poised now to see what the Ukraine will do

What is extremely important is that the Ukraine’s interim government must show strength and determination

Where necessary they must put their army on the streets to show protection for their own people

There can be no bluffing

There must be an absolute show of strength not only for their own people, but for those from whom they wish financial backing

Ukraine can no longer be held to ransom, as was the case with Russia and their now ousted out President Yanukovych

They need concrete deals, whereby they can bring their country out of recession and into profit again

When the determination is there then the right deal is always found

Then the Eastern Ukraine will need to fall inline if they wish to be a part of the new positive regime

Eastern Ukraine needs to look at the benefits that East Germany now enjoys since the fall of the Berlin Wall

Or do they wish to be in the same situation as East Germany was before the fall of the wall? Only the ignorant would say, “Yes!”

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