As the world continues to
fight corruption everywhere, it is the single most damaging aspect to the human
state of mind
The disease is brought on by
abject greed with no regard to human suffering
Until Governments start to
become honourable, then nothing will change and life for the people just continues
to get worse
Corruption in China is
causing massive financial and economic problems for the entire country
It will cause the Chinese
Government to collapse if they do not address corruption with a vengeance
India is rife with it and so
is Pakistan
Africa is also endemic with
it and the long suffering people have nowhere to go
They, like others, are
trapped in this policy of continued suffering
Tunisia had its Arab spring,
as it was corruption that was the cause of the vegetable seller to take his own
There was no way out of the
corruption mechanism; his pleas were ignored by all the police and the local
Government at the time
All were heavily involved in
corruption; he stood no chance of survival
Italy has its Mafia, which
causes a stranglehold on businesses, who try to conduct their business in the
right and honourable way
Italy has had to pay a huge
price commercially for not stamping this out decades ago
Fear and intimidation is the
collective objective to get what the Mafia want
Mexico is another country,
which is stagnating by Mafia interference
All the people suffer and the
Government’s role in all this becomes a laughing stock
Spain’s Government were found
to have accepted backhanders and have been prosecuted by the judiciary
The people around the world
deserve better and until Governments become honourable, then it is the people
whose lives are worth nothing
It continues right around the
world in all walks of life; it is the disease that will not go away
It has to be the people, who
must stand together and unite against this common enemy if they wish to survive
at all
Many countries are sucked
into a downward spiral of hopelessness and despair
The economic failures that it
brings to countries on every level just goes to show how bad Mankind has become
How long must one go before
one can find any decent human beings around to take control?
There are not many. It is the
system around them that makes it almost impossible to allow for recovery
We must be hopeful that decent
human beings will unite and bring about the downfall of corruption
It is already taking place,
but it is an uphill battle and we must all be constantly vigilant to succeed
The Brazilian states in the
south east of the country are facing weeks of torrential rain. More than 40
people have already died
The downpours have been
described as the worst to hit these areas in 90 years
Around 70,000 people have
been forced to leave their homes. There has already been extensive damage to
bridges and roads
It will take millions of
dollars in federal aid to help rebuild the area
At this time the military is
taking advantage of a break in the weather to deliver vital aid by helicopter
In 2011 more than 800 people
were killed in floods in what officials said was the worst natural disaster
ever to befall Brazil
When will the world wakeup to
the horrendous climate affecting all parts of the world?
How many must lose their
lives? It makes massive destruction to the infrastructure, which takes years to
put right
The wakeup call has since
passed. These events occur monthly and are damaging to all aspects of society
We cannot afford any longer
to ignore what the scientists have been saying and where substantial proof has
already been given
A great monumental mind
change is now happening, where many are fed up of the old ways of being and
They are fed up with Church
teachings and their false promises not kept
Mankind is forging ahead with
renewed enthusiasm to bring true enlightenment into his own mind without the
necessary teachings of the Church
The populace is now in a
position to find its own way and to bring about self-transformation
This is by the guidance of
the Higher Intelligence, whose teachings are now being sought
Many are finding God in their
own way and through their own impetus
Their feelings are being
increased to meet the demands of self-instruction when it is most needed
The long road ahead is both
reassuring and practical in its approach
It is daily being
implemented, bringing in the necessary tools that Mankind must have to survive
It is there for all time
It will increase Man’s belief
that he was born outside this planet by a Higher Intelligence before descending
to do his duty
The true revelation is now,
as the Universal energies are increased specifically for this design
Man will begin to recognise
in himself a part of the Divine
He will know instinctively
that his mission on this earth is both just and honourable
The teachings by clerics and,
so called Church employees, will cease to become important
Man will start to find his
own way without the trappings and confines of religious practices
It only makes him a servant
to the cause and not to God
God is an instrument of love,
forgiveness and compassion
The commandments are already
written in our souls, they do not need any further teachings
Those who wish to follow
dogma have not pure and untarnished thoughts of their own
They are like puppets steeped
in dogma that does nothing to enlighten the soul to do good things
Man can pray many times and
still go out and maim somebody
These are not God’s teachings
and never have been written
The hand of Man must never
strike another in hatred or anger
That is not God’s way, but
only Man’s!
It is time for Man to think
outside of the box of dogma
He must start to follow what
is in his heart and there alone is where he will find God
As we all work towards
utopia, it is sometimes difficult to imagine a perfect more balanced place
There law and order are
constant and nobody wishes to demolish it
It might seem impossible by
today’s standards, but it could be accomplished if everybody tried to do their
Many want more than they are
entitled to and this is where the disharmony starts and destruction of society occurs
There should be a balance
throughout and where the demands on society are helped by everybody
It is not just the
Government, which is seen as the panacea for all
As a society we must start
with neighbourliness and where we all do our part to help and support each
This way, Governments are
relieved of the ever increasing strains put on them and which are impossible to
We, as a society,
unfortunately no longer do support each other and this is where so many of the
problems arise
With families being
dispersed, there is no one around to look after the sick, elderly and the very
It is our job, as being a
part of the human society, to understand that if we wish to be in a harmonious
state, then all must do their bit
We must not leave it to the
constant few who always do
There are too many takers in
this world and not enough givers and this is where the shortfall lies
The takers never know when
enough is enough and they are constantly dissatisfied
The givers are always the
ones who put themselves out and the strain on them is often colossal without
any respite
Society, if it is to achieve,
must all work together and where there is a constant supply of giving and not
just of the taking
Then and only then will
society begin to have harmony, where all are working for the common good
Then it can build up & an
enormous strength to the entire society can begin & where satisfaction of
doing one’s bit is felt and seen by all
This is not a case of wishing
this to happen
It has got to happen to
change the mind-sets of all and then a better more equal society is made
This allows for a robust
social system, where care and love is felt by all
No one is left to fend for
themselves, as the structure of security of love is always there
We owe it to ourselves to try
to move towards this way of living and to see that all benefit and not just a
Where there is equality there
will be harmony, where there is inequality then strife and anger is common
Look at the animal kingdom,
where to survive all must play their part
All are supportive of each
other and that is how they remain strong
They innately understand that
the weak must be looked after by the strong and so it is commonplace that all
automatically do their bit
We can all learn from them,
yet many do not wish to and turn a blind eye
We all will need to be saved
at some time in our lives. It is better
that we learn now if we are to survive at all
Now, as everything turns full
circle for you and the world, there will be massive decisions made on behalf of
the people of this world
No longer can the populace
prevaricate and remain entrenched in their own little worlds
That is the turning point for
so many
This unsteady situation of
Universal energies is to make people look at their lives and start to think
spiritually for the first time
All must now look to see
where they have gone wrong and where it is now time to change the course of
Where through the Higher
Intelligence, they will be shown their rightful path and know they have missed
out over so many years
We all wish to remain in our
comfort zone
This is no longer possible,
as it is the future that we must secure for Mankind to see an alternative way
The way of the Higher
Intelligence has guided us since birth and wishes to steer us on this exacting
It is not only for our
benefit, but also for our knowledge, whereby we can react to circumstances in a
more positive and productive way
We are all on this earth to
serve and serve we will
It has already been asked of
us before we were born and we were all mindful of those responsibilities long
Now action to implement these
strategies will come in, where we all play our part into bringing Mankind into
a better place
Where love can enter in and
fear is no longer a slave to that individual
We come to guide you onto the
next journey of your lives, where enlightenment and trust is both natural and
You won’t be failed in any
Understanding that the Higher
Intelligence exists, is for your comfort and peace
That will stand the test of
time for all time
A coming together of minds as
we all start to link in with each other for the greater good
Our powerful thoughts produce
powerful changes all around the world and, where there are stalemate
situations, a new path is found
We are all in the collective
unconsciousness and that is a very powerful position to be in
If we are all doom and gloom,
then the world will tilt into a depression
If we are able to produce a
positive mind-set, then the lift, both Spiritually to us and the Universe,
becomes colossal in its own right
We are all equally
responsible for the negative or positive vibrations that hit this world
Therefore it shows that we
all play an integral part in the changing of our mind-sets from the negative to
the positive at all times
If we are to survive as human
beings, we must look to how we are able to change our minds and produce the
necessary positive thoughts
This brings about necessary
vital changes, whereby we all can benefit and prosper in our own right
The heavy negative vibrations
sap this earth and all of us on it
We become bogged down unable
to function and a depression of fear and anger surrounds the earth
We all then suffer under that
depression and the world’s weather patterns are equally affected producing
strong negative energies
These we all know are
destructive to our lands and to all who live in them
Negative vibrations have a
knock-on effect in all walks of life
By thinking positive, new
paths of enlightenment and healing are produced and all becomes stable and
harmonious again
All becomes calm and we are
able to live our lives in a state of calmness and serenity
It is people not nature that
causes these destructive energies
It is up to us to realise our
thoughts are indeed powerful and from that we can either benefit or be
Where there are negative
vibrations, it will kill off vegetation and livestock – all that we need to
sustain our lives are jeopardised
Pond or lake water becomes
stagnant and sick
When the water is blessed by
positive energies, the same water is healed and becomes alive again and clear
for all that live in it
Until we can start to wake up
to these facts, we constantly put ourselves in jeopardy and destruction
The entire world over must
start to think positive thoughts and from that fear and disharmony are removed
A better more lighter loving
world we will be in
All then can benefit and
peace is then fully restored
We owe it to ourselves to
practice this vital commodity to bring back balance to an uneasy world
As we loudly cheer this
season’s greetings to the world, we will notice how many more people are helped
at this time of the year
It is both a time for receiving,
but equally of giving and where the happiness lies in the giving of those who
have so little
The feeling that we are so
enriched by the Spirit should be enough, yet there are still those who do not
think they have enough
For them, this time of the
year will be a disappointment, while for others it is a time of feeling loved
and secure as only love can offer
All the celestial beings of
light rejoice with us from their heavenly spheres to wish us all well on this
All those deceased souls who
look in on us from above and share with us this time of rejoicing, know that
new life is born again
Christmas is not only a
celebration time to remember that Jesus Christ was born according to the
Christian calendar
It is also to see nature
reborn and where new life and a future for all is established
That is where the true
celebration of life is remembered and where we can all rejoice in this
revelation no matter what religion we are
Our ancestors will be
watching over us and will enjoy sharing this special time
We must not forget them, for
they are still special in our hearts and minds
Understand that peace will
come to all when the time is right
When one has nothing anymore
to lose, that is when true liberation and peace begins and is equally shared by
For many this will be a time
for reflection on positive measures that have already been undertaken
To sow the seeds of welcome
and love will show positive fruit and enlightenment to the world
The social harvest of
compassion will reflect that Mankind has not lost his spirit of generosity
In many cases a significant
difference will be made
Those who are lost and afraid
will see a new path opening up where the Spirit is the clear driving force to
help them along their way
No longer will they feel
stuck and deprived, as the new Universal energies provide new life and strength
This is also a time for
forgiveness, where past hurts have run deep and destroyed the very core of so
They will now see that that
pain is no longer relevant and where Mankind has risen to another level of
There, healing for all, can
take place provided the right intentions are there
Then we can all go forwards
together in peace and understanding of a better life to come
As the world comes together
to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, we are all reminded of his plight to be
born safe and secure
For at that time, as now,
there was much treachery about and the need to keep him safe for humanity’s
sake was an important necessity
With the help of God’s
guiding light & His ministry to protect, Jesus was allowed safe passage to
Egypt until it was time for him to return
We are reminded of the many
refugees, who also seek shelter in these troubled times
The simplest of help and hand
of friendship will stay with us for all time
This is a time for much
reflection and commitment to the Spiritual Forces, who help us all with our
daily needs
From nowhere angels appear to
assist where no help seemed possible
The guiding light of love is
never far away and, even in our darkest hour, we are looked after and protected
Our status in life is not
what we have, but what we are able to give in times where hardship is all
around us
It is to them that we are
To know that our lives are
shaped by our love and compassion and not from hatred and misdeeds
Those who believe in that
great prophet Jesus Christ will know…
…that even though he is not
in his physical body, he is still helping us in his spirit form
Many people, who are
sensitive, will have seen Jesus Christ helping in so many ways throughout the
He is not dead, but very much
alive and doing his utmost to teach and enlighten us if we are ready to hear
He is not to be found in
Churches, but in the lands of this world where there are people whose prime
objective is to help their fellow man
There he is found in the
goodness of compassion and motivation to assist all those whose lives feel
threatened and insecure
As help was given to him to
survive in order to administer his mission, so others will know he is with them
to do the very same
The time for turning matters
around is now
All people the world over
must start to reflect in their own unique roles as being a part of society
They must not to be driven by
an ideology that brings disruption and despair to the masses
This world is for all of us
to live and work in
It is not for the individual
souls, who think they have the right to bring pain, misery and death to others…
…just because they feel it is
their right to do so
Justice and injustice is all
around us and it is time for leadership to be brought in
They need to have the skills
and the wisdom to bring in a safekeeping passage for the rest of humanity to
live by
There are not enough skilled
people to take the initiative and bring a return of balance and hope to an
impoverished world
For those who do have those
skills, their leadership is much needed now
The world’s suffering people
need to believe that Mankind is directed by God, who can make a difference in
their lives
God means peace, love and
commitment to the flock that is under His care
It is time now that His
ministries, who have unconditional love in their hearts, step forwards and do
His bidding
The time has come for true
adjustment and where the rule of law brings back justice over the impoverished
The people need again to
believe in a salvation, not as a promise but as a reality that can and must be
These wise souls clearly know
who they are and will be able to recover Mankind from the brink of despair
Their calling is now and it
must be heard loud and clearly, so that there is no mistake as to their destiny
within this world
Mankind needs new leaders,
who have not political axes to grind, but have love in their hearts to truly
make a difference
They already know they are
most wanted and needed
Their roles are significant
in the scheme of things, where world leaders will have to sit up and take
Logical advice and guidance,
not before witnessed or heard before, will be the starting points
It is from here that they
must start their reversal of Man’s stagnant mind
All can be achieved in the
light of ‘God’s’ guiding hand, where politics are not needed but where common
sense is greatly required
A breakthrough will occur in
Mankind’s thinking and where they are able to see the path ahead
This pathway is filled with
positive and righteous action and living
There are no punishments as
Man has experienced so far
It is about taking the right
guidance, where all can appreciate and see the positive results at first hand
Nobody believes anymore in a
Higher Intelligence ruling and guiding with love
Where mistakes are made,
there are always chances to turn matters around, which truly benefit all who
witness them
This is not a five minute wonder,
but a new way of living and functioning
All can gain by its delivery
and where hardship is no more
Spiritual Laws, that have
been in operation since before this planet had been created, are what will be
All of nature is programmed
by Spiritual Laws and so it can replenish itself without hardship or
…where the natural order of
things is in place and respected by all
Balance and abundance is
delivered and new life is born out of hardship
Love is the central theme by
which we all must live and prosper
Neighbour must help neighbour
and mutual respect must be given to all, no matter what colour, creed or
religion one is
All are welcomed in this
world and all must recognise we are one species and one heart if we are to
To go against the Spiritual
Law is to destroy the very essence of Man itself
This is clearly already
happening in various parts of the world
It is high time that Man
started to remove the ego and the greed
He must start to deliver a
new way of thinking, which is for Mankind’s benefit and not for Mankind’s
That day has duly come and it
is now for the elite and the wise to show themselves
For them to step up to the
plate and to deliver to Mankind what is necessary for its survival and not for
its destruction
Repair on a massive scale is
needed and it is up to the few, who have been chosen, to demonstrate their
They can deliver salvation to
this world!
As the corrupt South
African’s ANC Government is now finding out, being dishonest and ruling badly
does not bode well with fellow Afrikaans
They may close their eyes to
many things, but the South African people are now voicing their displeasure.
Enough is enough!
No longer can President Zuma
hide behind the sentiment of a great man like Nelson Mandela
No longer can he hope to
curry favour with the South African people
Now the biggest trade union
has announced that it is withdrawing its support from the ANC ahead of next
year’s elections
The rot has already firmly
set into the ANC and it will by association contaminate all who are attached to
The biggest trade union NUMSA
led by Mr Irvin Jim has stated it’s clear that the working class can no longer
see the ANC as its class allies
He has further called for
President Zuma to resign, stating his administration has been associated with
too many scandals
The NUMSA union will be
looking to start its own political socialist party
There is also a newly formed
Economic Freedom Fighters party, which has been formed by an ANC youth leader
He was also disenchanted with
the way the ANC is being run
President Zuma has been
heavily criticised over the spending of $20m on his home
His Government was also
condemned after his police shot dead 34 striking miners in cold blood last year
Other unions went on strike
to demand higher wages, where men risked their lives daily in horrendous mining
President Zuma did nothing
about it
His priority was building his
swimming pool and cattle enclosure
It was the people, who went
to the courts to demand compensation from the police and Government for their
loved ones
They had been killed and up
until then nothing had been done
This Government is a disgrace
and is not representative of the people
In time they will now oust
this Government and demand that new laws are brought in
Corruption the world over is
now being tackled as the people express their voice and the law finally must
reflect these atrocities
No longer is it being
tolerated, as it soils every living thing and nothing is clean anymore
Trust is no longer there and
respect for human life and conditions continue to be eroded
The people are now fighting
back and the turning is already happening
Decency in society must be
upheld and used as a daily example for all to see
All those who are corrupt
will be shown as examples to the masses, who will no longer tolerate this
disgraceful behaviour
The time has come for so many
people who are in despair, to feel the full power of ‘The Almighty’
Unexpected events, where
people who are in a hopeless situation, will see the light of ‘The Almighty’
shine down on them
Their bonds and shackles will
be released for all time
Where there has been a
hopeless situation, where no mercy was found, there will come a breaking of
those bonds & a release from all hardship
The atmosphere of love will
be seen by all and, even those among us who do not usually give, will for the
first time give generously
Mankind has finally woken up
to the many possibilities that are now there before him
With the Higher Intelligence
in full action, so many advantages to the homeless and the poor are now being
A special lifeline is in
place and Mankind will be able to visibly benefit from the Higher Instruction
Mankind will begin to make a
difference, where before there was none
Families, who are
overburdened with life in general, will see an easing back of this burden
It is as if there was a
miracle lifeline, which was not there before
All comes in at the right
time and the Hand of God is seen by all who care to see and voice its existence
Much happiness &
celebrations will be felt around the world & even in war-torn countries
that special lifeline will be able to get through
The reawakening of Man’s
conscience is valued by the Higher Intelligence, who matches it will
unconditional love
A change in the mind-set,
which will see many people recover from extraordinary levels of hardship
The sick will see miraculous
recoveries of which the medical profession will have no answers
A new lease of life, where
before there was none, is now there
People around the world will
involve themselves in actions not thought possible before
A new impetus to give and to
forgive will be recognised
Love, which is always given,
will start to melt the many whose internal hardships are not always seen or
The reckless mind, that has
suffered, will start to feel a strange kind of peace develop and from that new
ideas for change will occur
Hatred, which is constant
around the world, will find a level that can be dealt with
The pain and suffering to the
individual will be less and more manageable making life for those around that
person feel relieved
Peace is a strange existence
when it has not been felt by many perhaps their entire life
For them to understand the
difference, its impact must be substantial and for all time
This breakthrough is at last
happening and for peace to enter in, then love must already be there to
accommodate this revelation
Mankind must now find this
level of security and to bring in a change of mind-set
He must recognise a Higher
Intelligence working on his behalf and is never questioning, but always
constant in its giving and protection
This situation will be
believed, because it is tangible and recognised by all
It has taken both
international pressure and domestic pressure for the White House to get a
…to recommend significant
curbs on National Security Agency’s sweeping electronic surveillance programmes
46 recommendations have been submitted
saying that NSA will cease storing vast amounts of data on calls processed by
US phone companies
The report also recommended
that the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) only authorised
phone data….
…when it is related to specific
international terrorism – this data should no longer be stored by the NSA
President Obama convened the
panel in August after Mr Snowden began releasing a trove of internal NSA
documents to the news media
Thus bringing in highly
sensitive electronic intelligence programmes to light for the first time
It prompted an international
outcry over violations of privacy
President Obama will now
personally approve all methods used by the intelligence community, including
spying on foreign leaders
In the meantime the UN
General Assembly have adopted a resolution to protect the right for privacy of
internet users
This resolution was
introduced by Brazil and Germany after the US had been eavesdropping on foreign
These included Brazil’s Dilma
Rousseff and Germany’s Angela Merkel
These resolutions carry
significant moral and political weight
The NSA bugged Mrs Merkel’s
mobile phone for years and they also hacked into the computer of Brazil’s state
run oil company Petrobras
Even US Secretary to State John
Kerry has acknowledged that US spying had gone too far
The world can thank Mr
Without his courage and
foresight together with his high moral regard, the rest of the world would have
continued napping
The damage has been done and
the world will continue to monitor surveillance by other countries in a much
closer fashion
The trust and respect for the
US by their so called allies will be no more. They have blotted their copy book
“Once a thief always a thief, once a spy always a spy,”
they simply cannot help themselves
What went on behind President
Obama’s back by the secret services continues to happen and the American people
know that!
It is fear that plagues
America and destroys so many lives
That is why there is
surveillance and guns. Nobody trusts anybody in that country!
What did President Lincoln
fight for? To free a people, where has it gone so wrong?
President Yanukovych
continues to sell his country down the river
He has betrayed Ukraine’s
independence, now they are in the grip of Russia
More of Ukraine’s collateral
has been sold off or already promised to Russia than the President will admit
to at this time
The full truth is still to
come out
With the possibility of fresh
elections, where Russia will put in their heavy mob to try to steer the result
Yanukovych’s way…
…his presidential days are
He can no longer be trusted,
as he has not consulted the people as to what they want to do
If Russia can slash Ukraine’s
fuel prices from $400 per 1,000 metres to $268.5, why were these prices so high
in the first place?
Of course concessions have
been made, that is the Russian way and one would be totally naïve to think
there were no hidden conditions
President Yanukovych makes
his position almost untenable as he overrides the voice of the people
Democracy is no longer
working here; dictatorship is beginning to rear its ugly head
There is a saying which
states, that every people has the basic right to be misruled by their own kind
and this is a case in point!
Archbishop Desmond Tutu has
said that Nelson Mandela would have been appalled
Afrikaners were excluded from
the memorial services marking his death
He highlighted the absence of
the Dutch Reform Church and the limited use of the Afrikaans language at the
Archbishop Tutu has strongly
criticised the prominence of the governing ANC during the week of events
He described Mr Mandela as a
‘nation builder’ who went out of his way to include Afrikaners after the end of
As a result the Archbishop
apologised for the exclusion of many Afrikaners at these services
Archbishop Tutu is the moral
voice of South Africa, he speaks his mind
His critics are reluctant to
hit back at him, because they know he has the moral high ground and the
Sadly he has very little
political influence to change the course of the nation and, as a man of God, it
is right that this is so
It falls to the guiding hand
of a Higher Power to sort these matters out and history will show that it will
As always what is right comes
right in the end. The people of South
Africa and the world will recognise it when it does happen
The Italian police have
started to bite hard into the Mafia’s extortion programme
Italian police have arrested
four Mafia gangsters over a Christmas extortion scam
The men forced shop owners to
buy Poinsettias, the red leaved plants known in Italy as Christmas stars, for
100 times the wholesale price
The gangsters in the southern
city of Naples have been demanding as much as €100 (£85, $140) a plant for the
past three festive seasons
Police say owners who refuse
the mob’s Christmas offer had their shops vandalised
The mob is trying to raise
funds for their families and the legal fees of jailed gang members
Mafia extortion rackets are
the curse of business life in much of southern Italy
Now the people and the law
are fighting back and collectively they must stand together if anything is to
be achieved
The people must start to
trust the police and the police must prove to be capable advocacies to defeat
this stench of human existence
It forever plagues the daily
lives of honourable, honest and hardworking Italians
The entire globe is changing
and those perpetrators of injustice on human kind are now finding their days
are numbered
No longer do they have carte blanche to do and act as they
The Higher Intelligence,
which sees all, is now changing the vibrational energies
That means that Mankind can
finally come to its senses and start to fight back
Protestors continue to rally
in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev to protest against President Yanukovych’s
refusal to sign a landmark EU deal
He is to meet President Putin
in Moscow on Tuesday
Extreme pressure has already
been given to Yanukovych to go down the Russian route
By his constant prevaricating
and indecisiveness, he has now caused his own death knell to be sounded
He is not liked by either
side, his own people or Russia, for his weak stance
His term in office is now
limited. He is not trusted now by either side. His hand will be forced and it
won’t be to his liking
His political career is now
One has to do the right thing
and that is right thinking followed by right action
This man does not know what
the right thing is, if he did, he wouldn’t be in this mess
Always when one thinks the
right thought, the way then becomes clear for right action to be taken. It
becomes almost automatic
He has to listen to the
voices of the people, who elected him and chose him to engage on their behalf
One has to be strong in
politics to take the country through to the next dimension, not to leave it in
If you can’t stand the heat
get out of politics and resign
Leave the way clear for those
who have the stomach to do the right thing for the people and the country!
As the situation in Syria
continues to spiral out of control, an entire country and economy is wrecked
The people are displaced and
dying of hunger and still President Bashar al-Assad continues relentlessly to
kill his own people
This regime is always brave against
those who cannot fight back, such as women and children and medical centres
But we all know that human
life is cheap in that part of the world
The humanitarian effort is
barely able to operate, where the UN have had to ask for more funds to provide
for those dying of starvation
As usual it is always the
same countries that provide this aid, the US, UK and the other European
Others, like China, which is
a growing economy, give precious little and from most there is no contribution
at all
Either we are all human
beings together on this planet or we are nothing?
Talks regarding Geneva II are
a joke, as the various warring factions will not agree to any kind of a
The International body needs
to take control and forge ahead with a deal that will allow the Syrian people a
chance to hold elections
Then we will know what they
ideally want
An opening of some
significance will arise, where a new formula will be proposed and a way out is
It will take time to operate,
but it will happen
Family members of Italy’s
most wanted Sicilian Mafia, Matteo Denaro have been arrested in a police swoop
in western Sicily
A sister, nephew and two
cousins along with 26 other people were arrested
They face charges that
include Mafia association and extortion
Prosecutors describe the
arrests as a decisive step in the hunt of Denaro, who has been on the run for
20 years
His liberty is no more and
his enjoyment of life is obliterated by his own hand
Members of the Mafia group
had a criminal stranglehold on the local construction industry with assets of
$6.9m which were seized
The Prosecutors are
effectively draining Denaro’s wealth, which is a source of his power
Protection for him is run by
fear. He is accused of killing dozens of people
Yet even this is diminishing,
as more people feel they can band together and therefore be strong
The authorities are chipping
away at the Mafia and it has no longer the stranglehold it once had
More people are informing on
them as never before and so it will continue until this piranha of human
existence is quashed for all time
America’s shame keeps on
rolling along!
A student in a Colorado
school has shot and wounded two students, one of them seriously
The student finally then shot
himself and died of his wounds
The gunman student brought a
shotgun to the school and was looking for a specific teacher when he was
confronted by a classmate
This fifteen year old female
student was shot and is now in a serious condition. Another student also suffered
gunshot wounds
This school is just eight
miles east of the Columbine High School, the scene of a mass shooting in April
It is also a year ago that
the school of Sandy Hook had the mass killings of all those youngsters and
their teachers
A remembrance memorial
service has just taken place
Yet the gun lobby will just
continue to ply their trade and are oblivious of the permanent suffering
inflicted on the innocent
Because Americans feel they
have a right to own or carry a gun, does not make it right
Well America, keep killing
yourselves until the message gets home
Maybe when there are no
longer people alive to buy these guns that these lobbyists will come to their
How many people, who are
outraged, go for the gun to respond to anger instead of thinking the matter
If the rest of the world’s
population can do without guns, then America should start to think who is out
of step here?
The more guns there are in
circulation only compounds the problem. It never solves it
But of course this is not
about people and their safety; it is all about money and profit
People, especially Americans,
are obviously expendable!
The temptation of world
Governments to try to do the honest thing against insurmountable odds is
playing on their minds
They are seeing to their own
issues first and their own livelihoods are therefore safeguarded
This is way and above
anything that is right for their people
These issues weigh heavily on
their minds, especially when more and more scrutiny is being observed
What they could get away
with, is no longer possible, as the rule of law now forbids it
Governments are now having to
look to other ways to fill their own coffers and so give them a head start when
they finally leave office
Doing the right thing for the
people is never easy for them, as they have to be seen to be doing the right
So often there are other
personal agendas, which take them off course and so the initial idea is lost
As the law in many industries
and Governments is regularly tightened…
…it is now up to politicians
to begin the long haul back to being a part of the people
This should come naturally,
but Man’s greed tends to override this basic right of human response
Again it will be the voice of
the people, whose suffering tends to surface and will force Governments to come
back into line
The Governments are not there
as their right, but at the will of the people who elected them
What was for many a certainty
of election, is now no more
There are too many differing
factions, which disrupt the smooth running of elections
The people can no longer be
so easily bought off and more human rights are being exerted
The people can finally obtain
their rights as never before
Swift changes of
international policies are being implemented, whereby the people will demand
that they are heard
Military force to stop them,
does not sway people against what they feel is the truth for all of them
A new wave of believing and
thinking is manifesting and people have nothing to lose anymore as all has been
lost to them already
They will be seen as the new
leaders of countries
It is their experiences,
which will set in motion a timeless agenda of reform and attrition
As the world now struggles to
adapt from terrorists around this globe, there is much upset and fear on many
Collective help by
Governments throughout the world to bring these disruptive forces to heel will
not be easy, but it is necessary
To show weakness is where
terrorists gain
So a united front globally to
restrain these people of violence is vital to secure life and sanctuary as we
know it
Many people and nations have
already suffered immeasurable problems, where their daily lives have to endure
in surmounting dangers
We, as a people, owe it to ourselves
to save these souls and return strong Governments, where the people will rule
and not the terrorists
We must act collectively,
because it is only collectively that we can stand, as they seek to divide us
and weaken our resolve
Two World Wars must have
taught us something, that oppression by a few should not be allowed to dominate
and supress the majority
Love, not terror, is what
will bring back balance to this world
Terrorists do not seek this
ideology, but rule by fear and subversion of the masses, which is their stock
in trade
The intelligent minds on the
earth must unite in this cause and bring stability back to an unstable, but
also intolerant world
It must be done if we are all
to survive. There are people, who have the knowhow and the intelligence to deal
with these matters
We call on you to deliver and
to use your guided ways to restore balance, where it is so needed
Hundreds of thousands of
people have taken to the streets of the Ukrainian capital Kiev
They are seeking the resignation
of the Government for refusing a deal with the European Union
Protestors, who oppose a
customs union with Russia, toppled a statue of Lenin and smashed it with
This will unnerve Russia, who
will see this as an act of defiance on their regime, which of course it is!
The Ukraine President has
shelved an EU deal, because it would put trade with Russia at risk. How
short-sighted is this man?
By being in the EU, the
markets to the world will open up and freedom to trade will be one of the
benefits his country will gain
By allowing Russia to dictate
policies, which they will, trade then becomes at the behest of Russia and is
never free
There are always consequences
of restrictions unless the Ukraine toes the line
Russia always demands and
pressures will be put in place
Freedom to do as one pleases
is not in Russia’s vocabulary, tight control is!
The Ukraine President should
be asking himself what is best for his country and for his people
Being under the cosh of
Russia is not good for either
If it was so good, just look
how many other countries in the eastern bloc have already come away from the
stranglehold of Russia
One has to ask oneself how
many countries want to be free of its indoctrination and be an open trading
Those countries freed
themselves of Russia’s rule: Czechoslovak, Yugoslavia that was, Romania,
Poland, Bulgaria, Albania and Hungry
East Germany was finally
re-united back with West German when the Berlin wall was torn down on 9th
November 1989
This signalled the end of
communist rule throughout Europe
Ask these countries and their
Governments if they wish to return to the old rule and indoctrination of
By their distance they
already speak volumes
Freedom comes at a price, but
once you have it you never return to being under a controlling influence again
For people in this world to
make a difference, the first ingredient is to get rid of the self & to
embrace those stricken in global poverty
Too many of us think what is
in it for me? What do I get out of it for being good, for being magnanimous?
The plain answer is nothing
If we always have to do
something to see what we can get out of it, then the point is lost
Nothing will ever be gained
from those acts that we do
The world is in need of
people to get jobs done & to help the world situation without asking for
big fat cheques to come their way
Because they are famous or
well-known, they feel they can court an enormous fee just for being there
To have a phone call with
Tony Blair with regards to discussing human relief in, say Syria, is to be
charged thousands of pounds
This man does nothing unless
there is an enormous fee behind it, before he will even consider talking, never
mind helping
As a special Middle East
envoy he already gets his salary. Why should he expect anything more? Well he
This is what is wrong with
the world today.
He is one of many who cash in
on the gravy trains and think nothing of it, as if it is their right to have
They are never content with
what they already have, in their millions, for greed is the overriding factor
That is why they do it
They do not have that holy
spirit of doing what is right first, before they get any hand-outs
Where is the goodwill? Where
is the personal sacrifice for those humans who are suffering?
Mother Theresa was one of a
select few who gave of themselves for the suffering of this world
Her compassion and instinct
to help was embedded in her from a very young age
She had that calling to serve
God and humanity in the way that was shown to her
This remarkable lady was
guided and never relinquished her responsibility to help her fellow man
Those who were sick and
dying, she tended to them lovingly, as only the Higher Forces of love know how
It was never her hand that
was held out. She believed in the power of prayer to trust in God
For with the right
intentions, all is supplied for the Greater Good and so many gave willingly to
her cause
She never gained personally,
that was not her agenda
Her mission was to help the
sick, dying and the poor where she could and she is a true example to us all
All those famous statesmen
can never hold a candle to her, because their motives are always of the self
All that they have obtained
materially on the earth will be no more when they pass
Even those so called good
ventures that they have obtained by doing it for profit, they will see no
benefit to themselves when they pass
Their intentions were not
Payment comes in after the
event, if the project gives it and only after the humanitarian outlay comes
If there is nothing left,
then one gets nothing
The chance to do something
for humanity is reward enough and nothing more should be expected
This is something modern day
statesmen do not understand and that is why they are nobody
As with Nelson Mandela, his
life like Mother Theresa’s, was one of self-sacrifice for the Greater Good
That is why they alone will
be remembered throughout history as being exceptional – an inspiration and an
example to us all!
The World Trade Organisation
has agreed to its first ever global deal aimed at boosting commerce
The agreement reached in
Bali, Indonesia, simplifies trade procedures and also makes it easier for the
poorest countries to sell their goods
The deal could add £617bn to
the global economy, but developing countries felt the deal did not go far
The negotiations, between
trade ministers from 159 nations, lasted until the early hours of Saturday
morning making sure a deal was struck
It is the first time WTO has
truly delivered
The deal reduces barriers to
exports from the poorest of countries
It also gives developing
nations more scope to use subsidies to safeguard food supplies
Until the world starts to
fully engage with the poverty stricken countries, their stability is always
This is where they are
vulnerable to attack & hostile actions from terrorists groups to infiltrate
& overpower their legitimate Government
Where countries around the
world are strong, especially in trade, then these kinds of attacks can be
overturned or easily quashed
Efforts, by the International
communities to safeguard the poorest and to bring them into a more stable
environment, are necessary
This way the entire world
achieves, but equally benefits from
Nations are more able to
trade successfully where stable Governments are in place
That is why it is imperative
that more trade agreements are enforced giving all a fighting chance for
survival and commerce
The death of Nelson Mandela
will reverberate around the world
Not for centuries has a man
had so much dignity and self-repose
He is a giant amongst giants
and he will be truly missed
The exceptional magnitude of
this man and his spirit will make and create opportunities, where before there
were none
This will be reflected in the
minds of every statesman today
His legacies will be far
He has already put in place
many institutions, which will be able to carry on his work and become his own
ongoing wish
This man, a legend in his own
life time, was commissioned by the Divine
All who spoke to him, or were
in his company, could not fail to see his bright auric field
His spiritual energy, which
even when his body was frail, never left him
The spirit energy, which
glowed white and vibrated with love, was witnessed and felt by all
Such was the magnitude of his
presence that all who were in his sphere were touched by the enormity of this
Divine energy
He was a truly holy man and
one of God’s representatives on this earth
There will not be anybody
like him for a long time to come
He was completely selfless
and humble in all his acts of generosity to his people – a rare sight indeed
The love of his people and
people the world over, were touched in their hearts by his will to do what was
Even to sacrifice his life in
what he knew to be right, he never flinched from his responsibilities
The world will be a lesser
place now that he has gone, for out of the statesmen of today, none can ever
hold a candle to this great man
The light has gone out in earthly
terms, but not in the hearts and minds of us all
That will continue to burn
brightly, as we all try to aspire to his examples
Let us all celebrate his life
We know we are truly blessed
to have had such a great man in times when the world is in chaos and he always
showed us the way
In the light of much
criticism, Pope Francis is now to set up a Vatican committee to fight sexual
abuse of children in the Catholic Church
It will offer help to the
The announcement by the
Archbishop of Boston followed a meeting with the Pope and his eight cardinal
It comes days after the
Vatican refused a UN request for information on abuse by priests, nuns or monks
The archdiocese of Boston was
the centre of a child abuse scandal involving Catholic priests in the US in
Pope Benedict XVI referred to
the filth in the Catholic Church, but failed to do enough to address the
Pope Francis has expressed
his compassion to the many victims of sexual abuse by priests around the world
It is not compassion that is
required. It is horror over horror that should be expressed
Compassion comes later when
amends to the victims has taken place
These abused children around
the world are in constant mental torture, the stain forever on them
They feel unclean, violated,
and tarnished for all time. They are unable to live with themselves
As they reach adulthood they
often become reclusive, as if they feel that their abuse can be seen by the
general public
As if it is stamped on their
foreheads and everybody can see what has been done to them
They feel like lepers in
their own community
All suffer depression and
many take their own lives, no longer able to live with the agony that has been
done to them
The perpetrators, these men
of God, go to confession and get forgiven their sins, only to abuse again and
No amount of ‘Hail Marys’ will be enough penance for
them. They have by their very code committed mortal sins
Their hell will be a dark
black cave of cold existence in the Spirit World, because they have destroyed
There they will remain for
years until they have shown some modicum of remorse
Then and only then will they
be helped to face their crimes and make amends
The full horror of their acts
forever a reminder around them – there is no escape
So in spite of the Churches
failings so far to address these issues, the afterlife will be the shock and
horror to these sick people
There, there is no escape
The victims will be healed
and peace can be restored, but it will take a very long time
The Catholic Church has a lot
to answer for and this disease will not go away until firm and drastic action
is now taken
It is already too late for
the victims. Perhaps the next generation can be saved?
An animal rights group in
India, who were tipped off, have rescued 49 starving horses from a breeding
farm in northern India
Six of the horses rescued
have already died, four are very poorly indeed
Constant care will be
required to bring them back from the brink of death
The horses, all thoroughbreds,
were kept in a very poor condition for a long time, because all the animals are
now stunted
The animal rights group had
sent a 16 member crew to rescue them, which included two vets
All the animals were
emaciated with wounds on their bodies and many could not even stand due to
weakness and dehydration
Every single animal was down
The horses had been abandoned
for several months
They ate the straw they were
standing on and later were eating their own dung for the past few weeks, as
there was nothing else
It will take many months to
get them better
With the love they are now
getting, with fresh water and grass being given to them they are now starting
to come alive
India’s racing community and
horse lovers have contributed funds to their care
The farm owner is untraceable
and four of his staff had not been paid for over a year
This man cannot hide forever
and another informer will do the same again
Justice will come for the
heinous crimes he has committed to animals and humans
There is no hiding place for
this heartless man and time is not on his side before he is up before the
criminal courts
The horses will eventually
recover physically, but the mental scars that these horses hold can never be
They are sensitive animals
and know far more than humans could possibly understand that they know
They will take the memory of
this abuse to their graves
Man’s inhumanity to our
fellow creatures that depend on us while in captivity, is our responsibility to
put right where we can
We purport to be civilised,
but I do wonder at times which is the more civilised, humans or animals?
The European Commission has
fined eight banks including RBS a total of £1.4bn for forming ILLEGAL CARTELS
to rig interest rates
The cartels operated in markets
of financial derivatives, which are products used to manage the risks of
interest rate movements
Two of the eight banks,
Barclays and UBS, were excused their financial penalties for revealing the
cartels existence
The Commission said it was
shocking that competing banks were in collusion
UBS & Barclays stood to
pay the largest fines of 2.5bn & 690m euros, but avoided paying anything
because they assisted in the investigation
These turncoats, who got away
with it this time, won’t next time
Other banks involved were
Deutsche Bank, Societe Generale, JP Morgan, Citibank and brokers RP Martin
JP Morgan has already been
fined extensively in America for wrongdoing on their mortgages
A handful of individuals are
facing criminal charges
This quite frankly is not
I have already predicted that
the banks, after the 2008 credit bubble crash, would not learn their lessons
Many having been bailed out
and many are now state owned
They still think they have
impunity to act as they wish with public money
Their greed is beyond
reproach and there will be no stopping them, as they believe wholeheartedly
they are above the law
They are a law unto
themselves and they act with impunity as a result of this
When you have that kind of
might and where they hold Governments in their own hands…
…they can continue to do as
they like with no moral values to anybody but themselves
The banking laws are still
not stringent enough
The financial operators do
not have sufficient teeth to stop this pursuit of greed and avarice
The fines, when these banks
are capable of securing billions of wealth, hardly touch them
It is a mere slap on the
wrist. “Tut, tut, don’t be a naughty boy
These banks are the laughing
stock of the people
It is high time that respect
for the people was given and then perhaps state owned will be what is necessary
in the future
They keep on overstepping the
mark and nothing appears decent enough to reel them in
The banks here are the ones
laughing at the petty laws and fines being given out
Have they learnt their
lessons? It doesn’t look like it
Charging their directors for
banking crimes with total loss of liberty might go some way to curbing this
Ways are always found to feed
their greed, like the drug addict, they always need their next fix and don’t
much care how they get it
To sell their colleagues down
the river says it all
They have no scruples and
never have done
Collapse of more banking
institutes will occur
It will remain for the Higher
Intelligence to bring about these cleansing changes, as Man is incapable of
doing so
The banks will not have the
last laugh!
As already predicted we have
a stalemate situation in the Ukraine
US Secretary of State John
Kerry urged that Ukraine listen to the voices of the people
Earlier the Ukraine Prime
Minister apologised to Parliament for the use of police force against the
Violence really has no place
in a modern European state
Mass protests were sparked up
by the Government’s decision not to sign an association deal with the EU last
Thousands have already
demonstrated outside the Parliament building in Kiev
What is needed is for the
Government and the opposition to engage in dialogue to launch reform processes
This should not be about fear
of Russian aggression, but about the will of the people
While Governments bow down to
so called superpowers, the will of the people is completely ignored
Unrest and wars are born out
when dictatorship, by either internal or external pressure, is applied
Reasonable discussions, where
all aspects and uncertainties are ironed out, is the only way forwards
The Ukraine and its people do
not wish to return to the unrest of the Orange Revolution of 2004
Thinking carefully and learning
from the past, in order to give a life to these people in a modern democracy,
is healthy for all
The abject idiocy of the
They refuse to provide
information requested by the UN on alleged sexual abuse on children by priests,
nuns or monks
The Vatican said the cases
were the responsibility of the judicial systems of the countries where the
abuse took place
The UK National Secular
Society accused the Vatican of hiding behind legal technicalities
The Vatican, by employing
these abusers, have a moral, never mind spiritual duty, to all the vulnerable
abused children
Their lives have been
permanently scarred by the employees of the Church
Not to meet up with Vatican
obligations will see the Catholic Church further fall into the abyss of self-destruction
Thousands are already leaving
the Church
Where the Vatican will not
own up to its responsibilities, they further cut themselves off from their
The scandal goes on and on
until the Vatican finally will come to its knees
No respect can ever be given
to the Catholic Church while this disease continues to affect children and
those who have now become adults
It is they who continue to
suffer. Where is their justice?
Every victim and every
victim’s family can feel a sense of outrage as the Vatican continues to hide
behind a veil of secrecy
Where transparency has no
place in this debouched infested institution
They might feel they can hide
from public gaze, but all is seen in the Heavens above to which all will be
There is no denying that!
A key global survey of
international perceptions of official corruption has put Spain down to 40th
place out of 100 countries
The recent scandals, where
corruption in Spain was highlighted this year, where Spain’s People’s Party
told a judge…
…they had channelled cash
donations from construction firms into politicians’ pockets
It was found to have 50
million euros in Swiss bank accounts
The King of Spain’s
son-in-law was also charged this year with embezzling millions of public funds
into his personal account
Transparency International
measures perception of corruption
Greece remains the European
Union state with the highest level of corruption
The poorest countries remain
the most vulnerable to corrupt practices
The naivety that everybody
thinks they can get away with it, is crass stupidity
The Higher Forces of
Intelligence always catch up with these people, no matter how hard they think
they can hide or suppress the facts
All have to pay their dues by
Spiritual Law and this is a fact of life
All will lose out on what
they have gained illegally until they finally learn their lessons
It is hardly surprising that
the Thai Prime Minister has rejected protestors’ demands for her to step down
The influence from her exiled
brother is too great for her to leave. He is after all the power behind the
The Thai people are normally
gentle in nature and their approach to life in general
They have now quite frankly
had enough of mismanagement by the present Government
The Prime Minister has
stated, “Anything I can do to make the
people happy, I am willing to do,” except of course stand down!
The people want to replace
the existing Government with an unelected ‘People’s Council’
This will not be possible
under the rules of their Constitution
What is now needed is for the
opposition politicians to get a legally binding agreement where they can resume
new and fair elections
This will be the only way to
take this country forwards
In time new legislations will
need to be made to introduce important policies giving a new mandate for
constitutional changes to occur
Free elections will happen
and enable the people to voice who they wish to govern them. We are not there
All politicians around the
world are no longer secure in their posts of office
They need to understand it is
the power of the electorate, who state who is in power and who is not
With this office come great
responsibilities and there is no room any longer for complacency
The people are wiser now and
no longer blinkered by consistently bad rhetoric. They will not be denied
The time of true
enlightenment is upon us. All who think they know best must now look to see if
that is true
We must learn to act
responsibly, for our actions can have catastrophic effects on the lives of Man
Many have good intentions but
are short-sighted and where the follow through is not always possible or
It is at these times that Man
then must look to try an alternative way to make amends for past hurts and
The true way is always with
the right intentions, but with the wisdom of experience behind one, the true
decisions can made
That is why the Higher
Intelligence never rushes, but through calculated methods and contingency plans
a better way is always found
To seek the right way is to
give up the very thought of the self
To see where the greater good
can be achieved and with that perception then the way is always found
We are always directed, yet
few of us actually realise this and so we continue to fall into the pit of
despair when we have gone wrong
It is with the stillness of
the mind that this vital knowledge is achieved and then the enlightened moment
to act in the right way is given
This takes practice, but over
time it becomes second nature
Then the sweet harmony of
life is always around us and we are no longer in a battlefield
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