01 June 2013

ladylydialondon May 2013 Twitter

Organised religion has been going through a downward spiral for some time now

Mankind has woken up to the fact it can sort out many things for itself

It is no longer threatened by the aspect of hell as a place where one goes after we die

The Church has not kept up with modern times

So alternative ways of finding out what we as individuals need, has been going on for some time

We worship in different ways, either through meditation or in the practice of Yoga and shamanic teachings to say but a few

We no longer wish to have the constraints of organised religions…

…especially when the priests or ministers often do not know what they are talking about or even practice what they preach

Mankind is starting to ask questions about life and death and where did we come from?

Many of these questions the clergy do not know themselves, yet it is their profession to know

Their congregations are dwindling so much that many churches are now no more and are being converted into offices or restaurants

People are no longer afraid of the threats of hell and damnation, feeling they can take their chances with what comes

The religious torments that is often taught leave people afraid and confused when they should be in a state of peace, love and understanding

Mankind is starting to find out for his/herself and is feeling redeemed by their own findings

Life can be truly wonderful providing we all live within the means of the Law, both Man’s and Spiritual

The Liberty Reserve digital money service has been shut down. It laundered more than £4bn in criminal cash

Police raids in seventeen countries scooped up Liberty Reserve’s owners, operators and computer hardware

The Department of Justice said it was the largest international money laundering prosecution in history

Liberty had a million users and processed more than 55 million illegal transactions

The raids were in the US, Spain and the Costa Rica

Spiritual Law brings another illegal industry down and more are following on besides

The high criminal element by these organised gangs is now finding that they cannot rely anymore on secrecy to get their acts off the ground

New inroads into their activities are being exposed around the world

No criminal is now safe and to be complacent that they will not face justice is naivety to the extreme

All will get their comeuppance in time

As with all criminal activity, they are urged to go on the straight path, but the temptation of greed is too powerful for them

They are seduced by its lustre and the more they have the more they need and so the downward spiral continues

Then without warning they are caught and the punishment is far more severe than they ever realised

To be forced to give up the so called good lifestyle to the other extreme is not within their makeup

The punishment has a greater effect on their minds and bodies, they never recover. They are broken for all time

The spirituality of life, which has been in short supply of late, is now changing

Mankind is now reflecting on his past input and is now willing to take on a greater challenge to forward his own mind-set as never before

People the entire world over are now wanting a better life and, in order to achieve it, they realise it has to be a collective approach

No longer can the few, fight for good for the majority

All must learn to inspire growth and wellbeing throughout their lives to actually make a difference

If there is no collective task force then there can be no gain

All must want it and all must decide that they will finally work towards that criterion

Then mountains are moved and a satisfaction, not known in a long time, becomes the norm

People then will find satisfaction and a build-up of confidence, enlightenment and peace is then given

US Secretary of State, John Kerry, says a plan to increase investment in Palestine’s economy could boost it by 50% in three years

He was speaking at the World Economic Forum held in Jordan

Mr Kerry said the new plan was different from anything we have done before

He hoped there would be a £2.6bn investment to expand this economy

While this is an excellent idea and plan, the main and only obstacle to all this is Israel. They do not want to see Palestinians prosper

Israel’s role is to remove these people completely from Palestinian land

It is the Palestinians whose voice is crying out in the wilderness to be heard. The world is listening. The only one who is not is Israel

Israel will have nothing to do with these kinds of talks and will boycott them in every way

They will use every tactic, every excuse, which is their forte to disrupt negotiations with the Palestinians, who they hate with a vengeance

For the Palestinians to have any hope of this plan is for the USA and the UK, together with the security council of the UN…

…to enforce this plan regardless of what the Israelis say

Israel will never submit to any decision unless they are forced to

They will never come to the negotiating table unless they are forced to

It will be the USA and UK’s greatest challenge if they are to put right decades of pain…

…suffered by their hand at the expense of the Palestinians

The problem here is that Israel has become too strong, too powerful – the monster is out of the bottle.  How can they hope to contain it?

Who actually has the strength to stand up against the Israelis for once and succeed?

The Higher Intelligence now will wield its power and a result will be achieved

More than 50,000 people attended the beatification of a Roman Catholic priest

He was murdered by the Mafia in 1993

The ceremony held in the Sicilian capital of Palermo marks the penultimate step before sainthood

He was shot by a Mafia hit man in front of his church. He urged his congregation to disobey Mafia bosses

He will be the first victim of organised crime to be declared a martyr by the church

Six men are currently serving life sentences for the murder

Pope Francis was represented by a Cardinal at the ceremony, which was attended by Government ministers from Rome

It might be worth reflecting on the many unknown martyrs throughout the world, who have also stood up against the Mafia

They won’t be given sainthoods, but they will be acknowledged for their bravery and courage in Heaven

Until Governments begin to rid their own countries of this plague of industry…

…nothing is safe and the devaluation of these countries is forever happening

It simply is, “Are governments honest or are they willing to be forever corrupted?”

America and the UK have to find and be legally bound by the rule of law

The UK and USA will have their work cut out for them, as they have ignored this situation since 1967

Is it not time that the Palestinians had their rights given back to them after all this time?

US Secretary of State John Kerry has said hard decisions will be needed for peace after talks with Israel and Palestinian leaders

John Kerry said, “We are reaching the time when leaders need to make hard decisions”

He called on Israel to prevent further settlement building in the West Bank

Israel wants security guarantees and the Palestinians are reluctant to talk until there is a halt to Israel building

The entire fiasco of the Israeli and Palestinian situation has been brought about…

…by the irresponsible handling of the state of Israel by the USA and UK all those years ago

Both now are reaping the rewards for that atrocious handling and where the Palestinians were ousted out of their own country

Their villages were raided and flattened to the ground and the innocent Palestinians were evicted by Israel…

…while both the USA and the UK turned and looked away

Both the UK and the USA have the blood of those Palestinians people on their hands, who died trying to save their own country

It is high time that we now did what is right for the Palestinians, as history is now judging us for our misconduct

The time for talking has long passed

The Israelis do not want peace, they want land and how they get it is through enforcement and blackmail, which is their trade mark

President Obama has already condemned the further building of Jewish settlements in the West Bank

Israel has as usual ignored America, as it thinks it has right on its side

There is ethnic cleansing here on these indigenous people, which is not legally or morally right for Israel to do. It becomes an act of war

This is what Palestine has been fighting for, their own right to live in their own country

America gets it right and for once forms a solution…

…where you take note of the UN security council of land rights that must be handed back to Palestine

Then, on some kind of level playing field, a solution by the rule of law must be enforced

The world is watching and there is no sympathy anymore for the Israeli people

Israel will need to punish itself before the world will begin to recognise it!

The blood of those people killed in Bangladesh, when the factory building collapsed bringing in a death total of over 1,110

It is not only the factory owners that are at fault…

…but the Bangladeshi Governments for not abiding by the laws governed for building ethics

Something they have failed in their governing, time and time again

As with everything in life, you reap what you sow and, as this Government and…

…subsequent other Governments, have repeatedly failed their people

They now have to live with the international condemnation of their acts

Money gained to the country by this slave labour and sharp practices will now be deficit

Trade will be given to other countries, who do abide by the rules and so what was once gained is now lost to them

This is a bitter lesson and one that needs to be finally learnt

Unfortunately it is the human cost which always bears the brunt of these misgivings

The European Central Bank’s assessment towards the improvements in the UK economy is mediocre

The fall of the Euro continues to put massive strain on economic growth throughout the whole of Europe

Until this currency is scrapped for good…

…there cannot be any full time revival of the economy to any of the European markets who hold this currency

Europe, for the sake of international unity, is putting an almost impossible strain on all its citizens

It is far better to be free and independent instead of drowning in a sea of bureaucracy because Brussels wants a united Europe

At the end of the day there will be a massive split between the haves and the have-nots

From that a declaration to remove those who have, from those who have not, will be the driving force which finally splits this union

It still will not aid those who have, but it will allow for the other countries to find their correct level and begin to revive

The Higher Intelligence comes in to help provide the solutions for growth and the beginnings of peace of mind

The amazing find by Archaeologists in Mexico of a 4,926 well-preserved cave paintings in the region of Burgos

The images in red, yellow, black and white depict humans, animals and insects as well as skyscapes and abstract scenes

These wonderful paintings were found in eleven different sites and one cave was covered with 1,550 scenes

Archaeologists say that three groups of hunter-gathers dwelled in the San Carlos mountain range

The history that is being uncovered is priceless in the understanding of the intelligence of our ancestors

It allows for us a window to see how they lived and worked on this earth. It truly is a remarkable find

We should never underestimate the intelligence of the human race…

…and its need to express itself in art form, the only known writing of that time

The Vatican has denied claims that Pope Francis performed an exorcism

TV images showed a man apparently reacting to Pope Francis putting his hands on the man’s head

The footage shows clearly a young man in a wheelchair opening his mouth screaming and breathing deeply

The Pope puts his hands on his head and then prays over him during Mass in St Peter’s Square

The man convulses and slumps down and then is at peace!

The Vatican’s former chief exorcist quoted on Italian media saying the act was an exorcism

There are many priests and holy people who genuinely work for God around the world

Those that have this particular gift will have performed this act many times in their lives. It is more common than the public believes

Jesus Christ did it on several occasions and it is still done today

This act is not new and it continues to be administered under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and in conjunction with Spiritual Law

Many victims will testify to their relief of finally being saved from this situation...

…where they were taken over by a force, which was to them, not only evil but all controlling

Their own will to exist independently completely taken away

Many people have said openly that their lives have been saved

They know instinctively it could only have been done by the intervention of a Higher Power

That power of love through the instrument, in this case was Pope Francis

This act clearly shows the holiness of this particular Pope

The act was performed openly to demonstrate to the people that God is alive and still working

As usual the Vatican tries to deny the truth, instead of praising an act of sheer love and salvation for this man

There is a growing movement of anti-Semitism since 2012, throughout the world

US John Kerry has appointed a special envoy on anti-Semitism

As John Kerry unveiled the report in Washington DC; he acknowledged that America’s own record was not perfect

America is heavily biased towards Jews, yet they still acknowledge that freedom to practice one’s faith is ones birth right

That is fine unless is interferers with the indigenous people’s right to practice their own faiths…

…and where the infiltrator uses violence to prevent this happening

To say one thing glibly as a statement is one thing.  Many times, the practice of that individual country, can pose opposite practices

Now, as the explosion of the Middle East continues to spiral out of control, the West will be brought in to repair the damage 

This was once caused by themselves at the turn of the last century and also of this one

Every nation that is responsible for the demise of the Middle East and of the African debacle…

…will have to deal with those consequences first hand

It is no good looking at the economic situations going on in their respective countries…

…for they will have more pressing dilemmas coming to them

These situations do not occur when it becomes convenient, but when it is most necessary and urgent

All will get stung, as is their comeuppance, because they sold these countries for their own gain

They thought nothing of the innocent souls, who had to pay the price

A Saudi woman has made history by reaching the summit of the world’s highest mountain

Raha Moharrak, 25, not only becomes the first Saudi, but the youngest Arab to make it to the top of Everest

She was part of a four person expedition to raise $1m for education projects in Nepal. She is a university student based in Dubai

She had to breakthrough several family barriers before she could achieve her goal…

…which were as great a challenge as climbing the mountain itself

Where there is a will and where the intention is not for self-glory, but for the Greater Good…

…then the problems decrease and the idea becomes the reality

This lady will go far with more goals and where all becomes achievable as the intentions are always right and honourable

The entire Muslim world will be looking and waiting with bated breath

Can the Afghan women stand up for themselves against violence and abuse

The battle to fight to make laws to protect women is now rife, as women must realise they have a voice and it must be heard

The right to feel protected by the laws that are governed and implemented is every women’s right

Until all women over the world take this seriously nothing will ever get done

Women will still continue to be used as chattels and abused

The suffragette movement in 1903 in England fought to give women the vote

It was hard fought for against bigoted men, but in the end they won and women the entire world over have benefitted

Finally they have a voice today, which without their steadfastness there would be none

Women are not cattle, but God-given and respect for that alone should be fully recognised

Pope Francis has called on world leaders to end the cult of money and to do more for the poor

This was his first major speech on the financial crisis

While I applaud his sentiment, it must be said that perhaps this speech is a little bit like crying after the horse has bolted

The Vatican itself is steeped in wealth

This should be the first example of ridding the Catholic Church of its immense wealth and pomp

Jesus Christ had but the cloths on his back and a pair of sandals

Yet he was provided with food and shelter always, because he did God’s bidding and was in service to God and to humanity

He wanted for nothing

Yet the Church seems to think it must have an acquisition of much wealth to sustain its so called needs

Even Pope Francis is able to see this as being ridiculous

Yet the Catholic Church has plundered to obtain wealth and so called power throughout the centuries

It really has never stopped this insatiable appetite to obtain ever more wealth

The example has to first come from the Catholic Church itself and then perhaps other Governments will start to think again

Until that happens it is just speech-making and nothing is ever changed

The poor get poorer, while the rich get richer all the time

If it is true that it is difficult for the rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven…

…then what chance do the Catholic Bishops and Cardinals have?

They better start giving their wealth away if they are to have any chance at all!

The new enemy now to Syria is no longer the bombs or the bloodshed, but wholesale disease

It is now beginning to take over the country in more ways than was envisaged

The people are suffering extensive hardship and where disease is now taking a grip…

…it will be feared that it will spread into neighbouring countries

See the cruel killer get far more people than any bombs or guns will ever do

Until Bashar al-Assad starts to take note he will not have a country to rule anymore

He will not have the resources to overcome this plague and so the UN will be forced through humanitarian grounds to come in finally

The dreadful shame of a Belize construction company, who destroyed one of the country’s largest Mayan pyramids

The Noh Mul Temple was levelled by a road building company seeking gravel for road filler

This Mayan temple dates back to pre-Columbian times and is estimated to be 2,300 years old

The tragedy of this event, which is one of many, is that ignorance of such a heritage site is left unprotected…

…and where easy accessibility allows for this kind of destruction to occur

Perhaps in time the authorities will see the error of their ways and where…

…education of such rare temples and pyramids will become appreciated before it is too late

A teenager is suspected in the shooting of nineteen people in New Orleans. Three remain in a critical condition

A 19 year old man was identified as the shooter

The New Orleans’ understaffed police force is trying to overcome decades of community mistrust to tackle a high rate of gun crime

As the US authorities do not act quickly enough then gun crime, which continues to spread all over America, now grows out of control

No longer will it be the gun lobbyist who will determine whether people should have the right to bear arms, but the vigilantes…

…that will walk the streets, who will settle what the state fails to do and that is to protect its people from those who wish to wield guns

In today’s civilised society, there should be no requirements for individuals to hold guns of any kind unless you are a farmer…

…or where there is a legitimate requirement to own one as a professional policeman

There will be separate law enforcement groups over and above what the police are doing

They will be paid by the people until gun control comes into effect as nobody will feel safe

It makes a mockery of having a police force in the first place

Why should the American people pay their taxes for not having an adequate service?

The gun lobbyist will literally shoot themselves in the foot

Yet another shooting in America, where a Mother’s Day parade ended in disaster

Shots were fired from different guns and nineteen people were wounded

It was stated almost casually that it was not an act of terror but merely street violence

American people have become so used to guns & people being hurt by them as an almost daily occurrence, that they are oblivious of the impact

They have in many ways shut themselves off psychologically from these dreadful acts

The fact that was stated, that it was only street violence, shows the apathy that most people have to live with

For those living in relatively shooting-free countries, our comprehension of such acts is to us brainless

That little is actually done to create a peaceful climate within the US, because of the hard-line of gun lobbyists, is beyond words

People are seen as nothing if they do not feel protected in their own supposed civilised society

Guns are a backward notion and are not of the forward thinking mind

That seems to have escaped America’s so-called free thinking comprehension

Maybe one day they will all wake up to the fact that guns, no matter who has them, kill and destroy people’s lives…

…and where there is a high evolution of thinking, they will never have a part in that society

The world is in need of strong leadership, whereby people are in a better position to be able to fend for themselves…

…instead of being a continued drag on society

Strong leadership without corruption and self-gratification can make a difference to a turbulent world

Too many leaders are out for what they can get themselves and continue to pursue an old boys club so that they are always alright…

…while the rest of the world continues to struggle against overwhelming odds

Those self-righteous souls are now in peril of losing their positions as they have ignored their own people

So now the tables are turning against them leaving them all quite rightly in the cold

See a new stream of leaders coming in whose ideology is one of self-sacrifice and where they will always put the people before themselves

That new breed is becoming the next generation of politics and where their voices will be heard as is their right to do so

No longer will they put up with the old guard of politics in today’s society they demand justice and equality for all

The court in Guatemala has found their former military leader guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity

He was convicted of ordering the death of 1,771 people of the Ixil Maya tribe in 1982-83 – a form of ethnic cleansing

Survivors described horrific abuses committed by his army at the time

He is 86 years old. The sentence is for 80 years in prison

By Universal Law it does not matter how long ago or how old you are.  Crimes against humanity will always be found out

The consequences are harsh indeed

Desmond Tutu has stated he no longer wishes to vote for the ruling ANC party

He is sad to see South Africa, in his observations, as being the most unequal in the world

He has seen the level of corruption, unaccountability and weakness in the constitution of South Africa

Even to say that decisions made by the ANC Government at the UN, especially on Zimbabwe, have been a total betrayal of their whole tradition

Desmond Tutu is a very well respected man and a great friend of Nelson Mandela

To voice these observations to the world in the light of how things are run in his country makes him a very sad man indeed

The black man fought against the whites and with good reason, for the inequality was not right at that time

Now that the black man is in charge, what has actually changed?

It is not a matter of black or white that is the problem

It is whether people are able to rule correctly and fairly for all the people in that country

Nelson Mandela was able to do so. He was a man of vision, who was not corrupt and there the people thrived

Now the other type has come in and the entire population now suffer

When will people learn to see men of vision who are right and just, so that the people will thrive again?

The cry of the people will be heard

The Pakistani elections will be held under tight security and where there will be a tight race for democracy

The Taliban influence and threats against democracy will not deter voters, as the people are emerging with their own will to live

They are no longer prepared to remain under a suppression of an outdated ideology

Pakistan has to move out of the Dark Ages if it wants to compete commercially with the rest of the world

For the eradication of poverty and to bring in a system where free trade and work is allowed…

…the government must bring in stability to a fragile country

Italy and Silvio Berlusconi are the laughing stock of the world

Until Italian prosecutors are allowed to exercise the rule of law and to finally bring Berlusconi to justice for all his shenanigans…

…nobody will take Italian Law seriously.  They are a complete mockery of the judicial system in the 21st Century

Who actually runs Italy, the judiciary or Berlusconi? The answer is simple and it is not the judiciary

Until something is finally done to put this criminal behind bars, Italy will remain lawless in so many respects

Too many crimes by Berlusconi have been committed, yet he is still allowed to walk free!

It is obvious that his money and power are above the law!

A US/Russian commitment is to work together to end the conflict in Syria

A joint effort to bring all the factions together, where a long-term solution can be found to address deeply divided issues in Syria

It must also be reminded that although the principle is a good idea, the practicalities are nowhere in sight

At the end of the day it will be the Syrian people themselves who will raise their hands in the decisive blow

Then and only then will real discussions be allowed to come about

While President Assad remains in power, no agreement by the Syrian factions can be assembled

The US/Russian contingent will remain on the side-lines until the Syrian people themselves are ready and not before

North Korea will have its tail between its legs as it begins to back down from enormous pressure not only from China, but from the US

It cannot afford to go too far, as the much needed life aid to its people is further threatened

Bravado from a young dictator is not wise

He will have to learn bitter lessons that he cannot afford to play with his people’s lives any more

Secretary of State John Kerry and President Putin are making no inroads in the Syrian conflict

They are coming in from different angles and there needs to be a united consensus to help aid Syria in its conflict

Although President Putin is siding with President Assad at this time and supplying him with weapons, he is not so naïve…

…to think that when President Assad finally leaves he will be at a loss then to support the other side, which will eventually win in the end

It would be to both John Kerry’s and President Putin’s interest to consider what common purpose they have

They need to steadily build up a relationship where both sides can give support when the regime finally falls

America must realise that they cannot rule the world on their terms and not everybody sees life in the same way

Diplomacy to help Syria when the times comes must be put into action now

This battered country will need all the help it can get when the time for a new Government is born

As Israel continues to poke its nose in where it is not wanted and creates a series of destructive situations…

…they will see the world’s hatred continue to grow against them

They are already despised by so many and until America intervenes to quieten down its belligerent child…

…the world will come out in opposition to its actions

America will have to take the backlash for this again

Hatred against America due to Israel’s bullying ways will not do them any favours

Obama must learn to show some teeth and not be continually swayed by the Israeli lobby

America has a role to play with its own people and to safeguard their interests first over and above Israel’s

The Syrian War has to be fought out as the Syrians see it, as their cause to fight, whether it is right or wrong

It is they who must determine their own outcome

It is not for Israel to interfere, which is none of their business, no matter how provoking it might seem to them

The Jordanian Government will be able to rise to the occasion of the suffering of the many refugees that enter their country

There is certainly an overload, but with the goodwill given by other countries…

…Jordan can fulfil its obligations to those who enter and seek shelter from their oppressors

Turkey and Jordan will sign a pact to help all who are in need and are suffering from the Syrian crisis

Help of a substantial nature will come in to help these countries to fulfil their humanitarian obligations

As the Euro continues to destabilise Governments there will be a rapid thought that other currencies are the way forward

What was once thought of as a collective ideology is now rapidly losing respect and interest

All countries contained within Europe will now consider a new strategy

That of becoming independent while remaining in the collective for some time

See the Euro becoming a thing of the past as new trade agreements using other currencies are now being discussed

Germany will need to renegotiate their policies with the rest of Europe

Crippling interest rates bring many countries to their knees, far more than they are now!

People are gathering around the world and are bringing in a positive mind-set to overcome the deluge of negative vibrations

They have been a plague of this world for decades

A Force of Universally likeminded people are using their minds to create an energy…

…which will see many bad institutions fail and in some cases completely collapse

This mind force now gathering momentum is to abolish so many harmful aspects which plague this world on a daily basis

It is their collective energy which is helping to change the mind-sets of Governments

They must now listen to the people in order to bring back a stability to world conditions

At last a change in circumstances will see positive results being created, where before an impasse did not allow it

The devastating flash floods in Saudi Arabia will not dry up for some time

This will be a reminder of the devastation these floods can cause until the wakeup call to the world is recognised

That is that global warming affects us all

Suffering, on a gigantic scale worldwide, is already happening with famine areas the most harshly hit

As has been predicted before man will not have time for war, but will need time to grow food for the world’s starving population

President Obama will need to look again at Guantanamo Bay Prison and to reject a solution that is now being place before him as untenable

He has no choice now but to act quickly and to sort out the thorn that has been in the side of many Presidents before him

The many detainees are now crying out for justice and this needs to be addressed in what is considered to be a civilised society

The death of an India girl, just five years old, from rape and torture turns everybody stomach except the Indian Government it seems?

Until they are able to bring in a change in the mind-set of their people that this kind of activity is wrong and against all God’s laws…

…and of those of humanity, nothing will ever be thought of as good in Indian society

By India’s culture and the Government’s gross laziness to act for a child’s human rights…

…there can be no safe passage for any women or children

Their lack of laws and of right justice shows the lackadaisical attitude of India

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