As always out of the darkness
of misery there is a God-fearing light
South Africa’s richest black
man is to give half of his wealth to improve the lives of the poor
He said he is going to join
The Giving Pledge
This is a campaign started by
Bill Gates and Warren Buffet and so far 70 billionaires have already signed up
to it
It was predicted some time
ago that it will become fashionable for the rich to give to charity in ways not
seen before
All those who are rich, which
includes celebrities who do nothing with it, will be stigmatised for their
selfish greed
The world is changing and no
longer will it be accepted to be seen in public with designer handbags while
others are starving
The amazing courage of
Gabrielle Gifford, who was shot in the head in 2011
Her attacker was a mentally
deranged gunman. He left six dead
Her voice was heard on
Capitol Hill saying there has to be a curb on gun violence
Until American begins to
understand that anybody who shoots indiscriminately to maim, is deranged…
…and that guns at the end of
the day are not safe in anybody’s hands, nothing will ever change
As more people become aware
of the laws of the world and where their own rights are being flagrantly
…so new informed justices
will occur, leaving no one in any doubt what must now be seen…
…as protecting the people
from tyrants, who think they are above the law
New systems will be in place
by International Law, where stiffer penalties against these perpetrators will
become evidential
Their last dying days in
office will be there for all to see
Trials against these
perpetrators will be acknowledged universally; so that the people are in no
doubt that justice has been served
This will allow other
countries, who deal with tyrannical laws, to further be exposed
Then for the judiciary to
represent the people of that country to hear their cause
This is the time where
tyrants need to be aware of a Universal Intelligence to put an end to their
The pollution in Beijing is
so bad due to coal and vehicle emissions
It is as high as eight times
what is already considered dangerous, with children and the elderly asked to
remain at home for safety reasons
China Daily reported Beijing
will no longer be a liveable city unless improvements on the environment are
dealt with
As always life in China is
Scientist the world over have
given advice to China regarding its environmental issues, rarely is any notice
Killing their own people is a
way of life to them
Eventually the people will
rise up and the Government will have no leg to stand on
Queen Beatrix, who has done
so much for her country, is quite an exceptional lady
She has helped her fellow
citizens in numerous charities and good works
She has a very much hands on
approach to life
Her abdication in April will
see her crown pass over to her son, another safe pair of hands
A Guatemalan judge has
ordered a former military leader to stand trial for genocide
The general will face crimes
against humanity in the killing of 1,771 indigenous Mayans during his rule in
No matter how long it takes,
these villains will be brought to justice
It is high time those
involved in the unlawful Iraqi war were brought to The Hague for their crimes
against humanity
There were lies given to the
UK and the American people
There were no weapons of mass
destruction and a million Iraqi’s lost their lives, because of President Bush
and Prime Minister Blair
Invading armies, whose lives
were also lost needlessly because of these men wanted to play war games
They will not be able to
justify their conscience no matter what they say to themselves
When it is their day to meet
the Universal Intelligence, the truth will be staring them in the face with
nowhere to hide anymore
While there are doctors, who
actively encourage cheating in sport by administering banned substances…
…there is no hope for the
genuine athlete, whose pride and dedication to the sport is what makes winning
for the prize so important
A Spanish doctor is on trial
in Madrid for his role in the doping of top cyclists
Because Spain does not have
an anti-doping law, it will be difficult to prove
However with all these covert
activities the truth will out and there will be more to this trial than was
originally planned
Perhaps Spain should consider
honesty, as an example towards humanity…
…least they as a nation are
then tarnished with the same brush as this doctor
As we continue to look into
our hearts and see the many challenges that are set before us, we are united in
the common good
From there we continue to
evolve into decent human beings, where our lives are protected by the Supreme
…who always shows us the way
We all have to learn the hard
There is no easy path for any
of us, no matter whether we are wealthy or poor
The pain remains the same
It is often harder on those
who have more, as they have choices to alleviate their pain where those who are
poor have fewer
These next few years will see
many people change their thinking
They will adopt a more Holy
aspect as the realities of life are formed to make these changes…
…in order for society
throughout the world to evolve
The Brazilian Government has
announced plans to record an inventory of trees in the Amazon rainforest
This will be a better way of
dealing with deforestation, which is being reduced
The data gives clear
indications of tree species, soil erosion and biodiversity
It will make an interesting
analogy of what can be preserved for later times
Areas needed to be addressed
to avoid the environment were being compromised
Scientists interested on the
effects of climate change can find out how best now to manage the situation
Everywhere, the world over,
people are feeling the effects of climate change
Yet few are willing to tackle
the challenges, which face us all on a daily basis
The UK gave £21m in
additional aid for Syrian refugees fleeing to Jordan’s refugee camp
Lifesaving winter clothing,
food and medicine are all being given
The UK has provided £89.5m in
Some 6,400 Syrians have
arrived at Jordan’s main refugee camp in the last 24 hours
The UN described the flow of
people as absolutely dramatic
As the situation worsens
before it gets better…
…an entire UN backed lobby
will help in the new infrastructure of Syria with Assad barely able to look on
The wounds of his people will
be on his conscience, as the world turns their backs on this dictator
He cannot be saved!
Many Russians are now fleeing
the violence in Syria via Lebanon
Russia will have to show its
hand and come clean that they are no longer in a position to support this
damaged Government
The Free Syrian Army grows in
strength and determination
There will be a backlash in
the Assad regime and another blow to his failing power will be given
The ordeal in Algeria is
nearing its conclusions, although the Government will issue its own enquiry
Their belief was to act
swiftly to rescue the gas plant and to stabilise the area from further
All in all they will think
the risk was minimalized inspite of so many casualties
Where a plant of this
significance is so vital to so many countries, there should be more security
…not only to the staff who
work there, but to the plant itself
This horrendous ordeal will
bring it home to the company that profits must go with security
In this they were found
lacking and much criticism in the following days and weeks will come from this
These people risk their lives
in servicing humanity
Their expertise is valuable
to all who benefit from this industry and should be regarded as so
Protect those who serve us
President Obama is publicly
being sworn in for his second term in office
See a more robust approach in
his presidency, as he starts to make great strides against swift opposition
This time he is older and
wiser and he will strive through to give America a more stabilising stand in
the world
There will be a greater
appetite for pushing ahead with certain principles that must be adhered to,
like gun control
His legislation will have to
change a mind-set that has been entrenched for centuries
A new Constitution to evolve
bringing new policies in today’s evolving times
This will be met with stiff
opposition, but like every new policy, fear is always at the heart of
Once the safeguards are in
place and fear is removed, then advancement for Mankind can emerge
Those cyclists, who trained
alongside Lance Armstrong and knew of his devious ways, will also have to
search their own minds
They must see where they also
were a part of this deception to deceive the public and the sponsors
The entire magnitude of what
he has done over such a long period of time is only now beginning to sink in
It is not only the deception
to his own fellow riders, but to his immediate family
They, like him, will have to
live with that shame for the rest of their lives
His tiny children will never
be able to hold their heads up with pride as they are a part of the deceit,
which will plague their every move
Their lives will be
questioned. “Did they know of it?”
This is highly unlikely, as
they are too small to be aware of the complicated nature which their father
took to hide this act from everybody
It is the long term damage to
his family and those close to him, which will stay with them forever
The families’ lives will be
questioned. “Are they telling the truth?
What can we actually believe and does it run in the family?”
All these things will hit
this family long after Lance Armstrong is no more
This is the problem when you
have a high profiled figure that does wrong
Many more suffer than the
individual who does the deed in the first place
Something Lance Armstrong did
not care to consider, as his ultra-ego was too huge to consider this
Authorities in the US have
arrested 12 people in connection with a people trafficking prostitution ring
Women were forced to have sex
with 30 men a day
The gangs have been smuggling
women since 2008, moving all the time to escape detection, all over the south-eastern
The Immigration and Customs
Enforcement director said, “967 arrests
in connection with these gangs were made last year alone”
The scale in human
trafficking in the US is huge
A centre hotline to help
these women, which has been operating since 2007 has received 57,000 calls from
every state in the union
One can understand that in
parts of the world where women are dressed in black and nothing is seen except
their eyes
They are constantly being
minded, which is another extreme
However these women are
protected from praying predators that make up today’s society
These women are nothing but
objects to facilitate a man’s desire to relieve himself
Where respect for women is
always nothing, this will always be the case
Women in general need to take
an active role in self-protection & where more organisations to facilitate
women’s rights are given precedence
Until women the entire world
over stand up for their rights, little will change
New banking reforms as
another major bank is demolished, all its assets completely wiped out
There is a growing fear as to
who will be the next one on the scrap heap
No bank now is safe anymore
There will be justice to so
many, as Governments will need to make up the shortfall for people whose
incomes have been lost
They depend on the banks
holding their money
The banks will be forced to
clean up their acts or be demolished
Their iron tight grip on
Governments and big institutions is no more
They will face their nemesis!
An Austrian minister Ernest
Strasser has been sentenced to four years in prison after being convicted of
bribe taking
He was secretly filmed being
offered 100,000 Euros annual payment for influencing EU legislation in the
European Parliament
He denies any wrongdoing and
has now resigned
The judge said how much he
has damaged not only Austria’s reputation, but massively harmed European
Until these politicians are
made an example of, they continue to get away with utter greed and contempt
Never thinking they will ever
get caught is naïve, as the Universal Intelligence knows and sees all
As with all arrogant people,
they are never aware of this and so continue on the quest of greed and deceit
Yet another outrageous rape
in the Indian state of Goa, where a 7 year old girl was raped in a school
Is nothing scared anymore
that such indiscriminate violence against the young & innocent continue to
happen regardless of any moral decency?
The abject barbarous acts by
these perpetrators are sickening beyond belief
Until the Indian Government
rise to the cries of these victims and their families, nobody can ever take this
Government seriously
They have shame on their
To take note now and do
something against the mental disease that is sweeping across their male
…then nobody is safe, not
even in a school
The young victims being the
easy targets against these cowards, will reflect the decisions of the Indian
If they do not protect their
people, they also will be branded as incompetent and cowards
Maybe they should think of
the violation of their own daughters before something gets done?
The Hindu Kumbh Mela Festival
occurs every twelve years
The Hindu people celebrate it
by bathing at the confluence of the Ganges and Yamuna rivers in Allahabad
100 million people are
expected to attend the 55 day festival and by bathing…
…it is believed that they
wash away their sins and bring about salvation
What is interesting will be
to see if India will change by this festival in their own thinking to bring
about stability to their country…
…in the way of no more
corruption and no more gang rapes and abuses to the female population
It is no good cleansing one’s
sins and go right out and sin again
Like the Catholic Church in
their confessionals, the priests give you absolution for your sins and you go
right out and sin again
Only the Higher Power through
your changing mind-set and making amends for the sin can you be absolved from
that stain upon your character
As with the murderer, who has
blood on their hands, they try to continually wash that blood off
Yet because the deed is in
their mind, they cannot forget as they are continually plagued by it
No amount of washing will
disperse the crimes committed
It is up to the teaching of
the wise prophets to explain this to their people
They must atone for their own
sins and make amends, if they want to be absolved by the Higher Intelligence
The mind has to be truly
With the right help given and
with the Divine love of forgiveness they will be finally absolved from that sin
Only the individual with the
Higher Intelligence together can remove this blemish from one’s soul
It is therefore necessary
that Right Minds brings on Right Intentions, which further brings in Right Acts
throughout one’s life
Therefore one leads a pure
and holy life
One does not need to go on
pilgrimages to wash away one’s sins, as one would already be in a state of
New world politics are
beginning to shape a better world, where mistakes from the past are now finally
being learnt
One will be able to see
countries voice stern opinions, which will be the wakeup call to so many
There has to be a fair
balancing act, where the people are protected from the greed of manufacturers
and banking systems alike
Where the common man is at
last able to speak and be heard and not hacked down simply because he has no
The voices of the people are
the strengths of the Nations
They will be heard and these
so called powerful lobbies, who buy favours, will see their day in court
Their voices no longer have
relevance in today’s society. They will be a dying breed
The world is moving on
Times are indeed a changing
and it is the voices of the ordinary people who will be heard and the world had
better be listening!
At least 46 people, including
children, have been killed by a landslide in Chinese Province of Yunnan
The landslide hit the village
burying sixteen houses
The affected village is next
to a county where another landslide buried a primary school and killed many
children last October
The Chinese authorities have
been told many times before that their infrastructure is not sound enough
That is why these landslides
continue to wreak havoc within this country
They continue to mess with
deforestation and the environment
Environmentalist have
criticised the Government of not taking heed where the landscape is apt to be
unstable in any case
Sadly, life of course is
cheap in China and accountability is nowhere to be seen
A meeting with Canadian Prime
Minister Stephen Harper and a group of First Nation Chiefs has ended with a
promise of a high level dialogue
The talks are of land and
treaty rights, which were spurred by a protest by Chief Theresa Spence, who
went on a liquid only hunger strike
She protested against the
Budget Bill that weakens native land rights and environmental safeguards
This is not the first time
this has happened and the Prime Minister did not heed the warning of this
impending problem before
As the matters get out of
hand, he will need to radically think his next move
He will have a strong case to
answer to in a court of law should it go that far
First Nation Canadians know
their rights and will implement the full force of the law if their rights have
been further breeched
Astronomers have spotted the
largest known spiral galaxy by accident
A team looking through data
from Galaxy Evolution were shocked to see the vast swathes of ultra violet
light from young stars
They found the galaxy is big
enough to accommodate five of our Milky Way galaxies
What is interesting is that
these astronomers said they found it by accident
Nothing is by accident,
everything is by design and that is the very point of this matter
At the right time and only at
the right time are events and situations presented to us
The Universal Intelligence
puts these things into our path at a time when we are ready to appreciate them
We can then take the next
step in our own evolutionary education, where the most good can come out of it
We are still a fledgling in
our education of the Universal masses and the Universal Intelligence
As people no longer trust in
Governments or Churches to give them the truth, they start to look elsewhere
for the guidance they need
It always comes in when they
are ready to make that necessary move in their lives
Then they can understand the
meaning behind it all, which is to their long term benefit
As usual the Roman Catholic
Church wants to hide their sins and cover up their atrocious crimes of child
sexual abuse in Germany
The Catholic Church in
Germany has terminated an independent inquiry to look into sexual abuse by
their clergy
Prof Pfeiffer went public
with his concerns telling the German media that the Church has hampered his
team’s research efforts by intervening
This, the Church is notorious
in doing
Pope Benedict XVI met victims
of sexual abuse by his clergy and offered them financial compensation
What this Pope or his many
Bishops do not understand is that the abuses are a damaged life sentence to
these souls
No amount of money will ever
compensate for their distress and psychological wounds
Tens of thousands of
Catholics have deserted the Church
Take that old adage you reap
what you sow
Eventually this Church will
be brought down to its knees for the hypocrisy of its clergy and its teaching
of trust
All their acts are so called
done in the eyes of the Lord
Their shame is in the eyes of
every victim, who still lives on this earth
It is only when they reach
the other side of life can they then be truly helped and peace finally restored
to their shattered lives
Pope Benedict, like all the
Catholic clergy, has crime on their hands and it cannot and will never be
cleaned off by compensation
There has to be a public
scrounging of their crimes for all the world to see
Otherwise they will continue
to fall as a result of their atrocities
They can no longer be
There is now a likelihood of
a Syrian breakthrough by the Free Syrian Army
As it was predicted some time
ago, the Freedom Fighters would gain control of the North East of Syria
This now is becoming
evidential, as the Freedom Fighters have secured great swathes of the northern
parts of Syria
Their strategy is holding and
they are able now to win back more support from the people who were originally
divided in their thinking
The inevitability of the
Assad regimen to fall is already there
It is just how quickly the
Syrian people start to believe in a life after this dictator that will
determine how quickly it comes to an end
Every day is a step closer to
the salvation of Syria. These people at last can repair their lives and heal
There is a demonstration of
many now to change tack in their lives, as a newfound impetus is now shown and
It is the Universal spark of
life, which allows individuals to come close to a spiritual awakening
Before it was denied to them,
as they weren’t ready
The Universal energies have
now changed and are so powerful in their construction
It makes it easier to do
things for the Greater Good in a bigger way than at any other time in the
history of the world
The Spiritual awakening or
calling is given to everybody around the world, but more than most will
actively do something with it
They feel it is instinctively
their calling and must be done to give them the salvation of being here in the
first place
By acting in this way, they
feel bound to their own destiny, which is to be a powerful Universal operative
to the world
They are to make it better in
whatever way is now shown to them
The Power is all around them
and to use it is the most exhilarating experience they have ever felt in their
lives before
Australian Prime Minister,
Julia Gillard, has been visiting the wildfire stricken Tasmania
She has instigated emergency
payments to provide people with immediate help
The damage will then be
assessed to enable communities to be rebuilt
This lady is concerned with
the welfare of her people
It is so refreshing to see a
politician act so promptly, where devastation has occurred and where one has
lost everything
This lady will go down in
history, as putting the lives of her people first and she will be commended for
her actions
While in America with
Hurricane Sandy, this prompt action has not taken place in the same way
Due to bureaucracy, it will
take an age to get Americans up and running again
As it was with Hurricane
Katrina, which devastated New Orleans, it took film stars to intervene after
seeing the horrors of the situation
The Bush regime failed to act
Those film stars used their
own money to instigate a housing scheme to build homes for those who had lost
Who will be remembered for
their diligence and kindness?
Not the American Government,
but souls who have a conscience to act quickly to alleviate suffering
Until Belfast City Council
begin to see the error of their ways regarding the flying of the Union Flag…
…they will find they will be
forced into a corner, as reprisals will continue to grow
The feelings are deep seated
and the Council are naïve in their assessment of the situation now facing them
As breakthrough after
breakthrough is now on offer, the people themselves will see they have a
positive practical hand to play
Many peace deals will be
forged in this year as never before and peace, where uncertainty lay, is being
Much unrest, where deadlock
had been the main criteria, will see a new compromise being established
Sanity is seen for what it is
and it is the people themselves who dictate policy, no longer the Governments
The people’s voices around
the world are being uplifted to speak
They will generate an energy
of change, where they could not see it as possible before
See new laws being passed in
every country and a new form of human rights legislation is formed
This will give ‘rights’ back
to the people and fear will be removed
Where there is no hope and
the people see that nothing is being done to alleviate their suffering…
…which has been caused by bad
Governments, so they begin to take their own lives
In Greece there are so many
suicides and now Spain is following suit
Every life lost in this way
is due to impossible situations that people find him/herself in and it is a
stain on the Government of the day
They will go down in history
as having these people’s lives or in this case their deaths, on their watch
Nobody, whoever they might
be, will be able to continue a happy political life knowing their mistakes
brought Mankind to the brink
Until politicians stop
putting their heads in the sands and start looking at the bigger picture and…
…start to bring down this
ridiculous economic strategy to safeguard the Eurozone no matter what…
…more misery will be
inflicted and more people will take this difficult way out
The joy of the Pakistani
young girl, who was shot in the head by the Taliban, has been discharged from hospital
and reunited with her family
Her amazing act of heroism to
campaign for girls’ education in Pakistan and for promoting secularism in a
…whose main criteria are to
keep girls and women subjugated to their will alone
She will still need to go
through cranial reconstruction, but for now she is safe and out of danger
This young girl acted to a
Higher Calling that she felt was instinctively right and because of it she was
saved against massive odds
As she serves humanity, so
she is also served!
How many of us in this world
have the courage to do what is right against a regime that wants to crush all
sense of stability and humanity?
The Taliban see it conflicts
with their dominance against their own society
They will have to learn the hard
way, but learn they will. The world is changing
A new Sandy Hook school has
been opened in Monroe, a neighbouring town to where the killing took place of
26 people
Police security will patrol
the school to oversee who can go in and out, making it the safest school in
Until the mind-sets of every
American is changed, it does not matter how secure a school is
In the mind of a psychopath
with a gun, they will destroy anyway
It is the sheer proliferation
of weapons and the availability and accessibility that makes it so dangerous to
the American public
This is something they have
to live with
Until their mind-sets change,
the situation remains the same. More people will die for no reason. Those are
the facts
Mauritania has banned plastic
bags to protect their environment and the lives of their cattle and fish
More than 70% of cattle and
sheep, who die, do so by eating plastic bags
Plastic makes up a quarter of
56,000 tonnes of waste in the capital Nouakchott
This country is at last able
to see the devastating effects of plastic in their country
The entire world is polluted
with plastic. The effect on our waters and the sea has caused massive
environmental effects
Many species of fish are
killed also from this product
Even birds try to ingest it
at their peril
Yet we continue to
manufacture it all over the world without a care to what harm it is doing and
do we ever care?
The people of India will not
let up over this rape victim
As more and more information
of other rape victims are given to the press…
…which have been denied by
the police of fair justice in the handling of their investigations
Like rotten apples the sheer
muck of it oozes out and more victims start to stand up for justice
A wave of public opinion,
which will not die down or go away, is now facing the present Government
They will have no choice, but
to bow down to the consensus of the people to bring in new Laws
These Laws will protect the
innocent against the brutality of their perpetrators
This will be a massive turn
around for justice in India
Too many things are rotten
there and it is the people themselves that must learn to fight corruption
They can bring down their
Governments unless something is finally done for the people themselves
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