Our mission in life is to go through the
many trials that come to us to see how we cope. One thing is for sure, we all
survive, and nothing is left to chance.
The violence in Honduras and
the failure of the police to ensure the people’s security has angered the
people so much…
…forcing the Government to
take a stance and put soldiers on to buses to ensure their safety
The public outcry has mounted
this action to occur to get on top of souring violent crime by drug gangs, who
stop buses and rob people
President Lobo has addressed
the UN General Assembly; he blames the international drug trade for the
violence affecting his country…
…saying they are in between
North and South of America and therefore the drug route is through their
This system has not just
happened yesterday, it has been going on for years and…
…the subsequent Governments
of Honduras have to take full responsibility for taking their eye off the
situation over all these years
Governments the entire world
over are now reaping the rewards for their own mismanagement by their
It is always the people who
suffer when the rule of Law is not enforced and…
…sections of these countries
are allow to run riot with drugs and various offences to the public
No longer can they pass the
butt. You always reap what you sow
A situation with David
Cameron will blow up in his face again and he will further fall from grace. A
leadership change to come
Too many disgruntled people around
him, as policy changes are not being implemented to their full potential
Again we have another
scenario where a weak politician brings in inadequate safeguards and the people
again suffer
David Cameron must be strong
if he is to survive or…
…move over to allow another
politician, who can take charge and deal with the important issues that this
country needs
As predicted not so long ago,
NASA’s Curiosity on Mars has turned up evidence of water on this planet. You
heard it here first
The world’s wild life in
general is under threat of extinction from their own reduction of natural
habitat due to…
…Man continually invading
their space and living conditions
This is especially so in
Africa, as Scientific Surveys show that Great Apes, Gorillas and Chimps are
declining dramatically
The continued poaching of
Rhinos for their horns is an abomination to all of God’s creatures…
…that roam this world and
like us have a right to be here
Man’s incessant greed to
dominate and to expel anything that stands in their way is now reaping the
rewards of their own folly
Until man realises that we
all are entitled to live on this earth and to be free to live in peace &
co-operation, nothing will ever be right
The Universal Intelligence
now is operating to bring Mankind to his senses and to rectify the damage
See a further breakdown of
the Catholic and other Churches, as their numbers dwindle to an all-time low
The outrage that the Catholic
Church should enforce their parishioners to pay Church Tax or you are denied
your religious rights…
…shows how out of step the
Churches have been for years
The amount of money given to
the Catholic Churches should be coming from the wealthy bank vaults they have
in Rome
Perhaps the Vatican should
start thinking about selling their precious paintings to keep their own Bishops
in a job
The amount given freely by
the Congregation should be sufficient for the upkeep of the priest in his post
and nothing more
The Church is rich enough to
provide the rest
The reality is that Churches
and religion are now so outmoded, that all those people who have a brain, know
that God is free and…
…to worship God, or whoever
you call as your God, is free
One does not need to go to a
place to worship, as it can be done at home or in any place in nature that the
individual is drawn to
The residence is not
exclusive to the God power. It is the priests who need that for their own sake
In the olden days people
would worship in the open air and were free to speak to their own God whenever they
felt the need. That is so today
So with the amount of
dissatisfaction there is with Churches today, who have not looked after their
…who have not moved with the
times, but have abused young children
Where then is the faith and
trust in an organisation that abuses their parishioners for nothing more than
to survive in their own business
To add further abuse to
churchgoers by saying they would be excommunicated if they did not pay their
taxes to the Church…
…nor would they receive their
sacraments, is a further insult to the people of any faith
God is free, his love and his
blessings are always free
To enter into the Kingdom of
Heaven, all one must do is to be a good person and abide by the rules of Man
and of God. That is all
No one needs to be given the
last rights. All will be saved, as there is no religion in the next life, so…
…there is no need for the
Church to send you on your way. God in his love for humanity does it all for
you freely and with love
To be excommunicated is to be
finally free of the constraints that these priests feel they must impose on…
…the individual by their
indoctrination to the public
There is no decree written
down by the Almighty, that having not paid your taxes to the Church, you cannot
enter into Heaven
Love is the currency with
God, Holy Communion is not
Be ready for the big clash,
as heads of state grapple with what they consider is the right and honest thing
for their people
New policies, which will make
no difference, will incite the people into anarchy and…
…revenge for what they feel
as injustice to their standard of living…
…where they have been
stripped of their assets through the false accounting of banks and institutions
The world now entering a very
hostile stage, where all institutions that have not done right by their people…
…will be stripped of their
assets and a new wave of working will be created
The voice of the people
gathering in strength and fortitude will see them march and march and demand…
…action by their governments
to put right all the harm they have done, where sorry does not wash any longer
…outrage by the people will
be the voice they will have to hear at last
Begin to see an enormous sway
of public opinion grow out of nothing into an enormous public debate on the way
the world is now run
The acceptance of
irresponsible politicians is now no longer and…
…the people will be voicing
their opinion in a way not seen in our lifetime before
This gathering of opinion
started small in New York’s Wall Street and although gathered momentum towards
other cities around the world…
…it was prevented by the
local authorities, who saw it as an embarrassment and the demonstrating public
were moved on
Now a new anger has appeared
and it will begin to mushroom into something so big that every government
around the world…
…will have to think, “We can no longer ignore public opinion and
it will be to our detriment to do so”
The Vietnam War all those
years ago brought out the people onto the streets in many cities…
…until those politicians
finally brought that war to a close
Such was the demand and the
anger of the people of the world, who stood united against an impossible war
Now we have another war and
that is of power and that is the power of the banking world against the little
man in the street
The power of the banks has
that power over governments, so to maintain their status quo
The sheer hell that they have
put humanity in, is of a scale unprecedented in today’s world
The politicians, fearing for
their jobs, do not wish to upset this monumental institution and so…
…the greed continues and
their reign continues to create havoc in our daily lives
People’s lives and jobs are
on the line
See the people speak and
then, and only then, will the politicians have the power to change for the good
The energy of the people is
mounting as never before
It will transcend all
national barriers, all creeds united under one grief and this is injustice to
the people
The world now in full
transition towards a new way of working and living…
…where old values which were
once lost and now for the right reasons will be implemented
Old regimes will be no more,
as the world now turns its back on them. They are no longer recognised
Their outdated mandates are
no longer viable in today’s society, which expects more and demands a say to
what is happening to them
No longer will the voice of
the people be dormant, the voice growing louder and with the Internet, so more
is passed around the world…
…bringing in enlightenment to
the forgotten souls of this world
No more will the man in the
street have the wool pulled over his eyes
As more information is given,
so Mankind will have a greater knowledge as to what is going on and…
…with the right judgement
given to them by the Universal Intelligence can at last make a stand for change
Respect will be the key
element in today’s world and that will apply to Governments as well
Governments will have to be
made more accountable to the people and if there is a declaration of war…
…it will be the voice of the
people who will decide and not the short-sighted trigger happy politicians that
want to go down that road
Wars will be quashed and the
diplomatic route will be found. Through
negotiation and compromise much can be achieved
Warmongers have had their
day. Their way has not been the right way
The cost in human life and
misery has been too severe – the price too high
As another senior politician
bites the dust, the entire world over, heads of states are falling one by one
on their misdeeds
No Government or official or
President is too mighty to fall
An ex-minister in Cameroon
has been sentenced to 25 years in jail on corruption charges
He has been found guilty of
embezzling millions from a down payment on a presidential plane
Three others were also found
guilty, all received the same sentence
The delegation went to the US
to purchase the plane costing $31m
The plane on its inaugural
flight had mechanical problems and so had to land prematurely. This is
Universal Law
What you have acquired by
false means, so will be taken away from you and this proved the case
These people having been
further found out, their sentences begin. One never benefits by cheating – you
always lose
The Free Syrian Army has
moved its command centre from Turkey to inside Syria
As the turning now of the war
further escalates and…
…this move is the first of
many mighty steps that will see the unification of all the so called rebel
groups begin to muster under one flag
That flag will be the signal
of the free people of Syria, whose voices will be heard and…
…will become deafeningly
loud, so that even Basher al-Assad will not fail to hear their cry
He will be humiliated by his
own people, whose momentum grows to become a peaceful sect and…
…not to tolerate anymore the
indiscretions by a military dictator – the rein of the al-Assad is finally over
The full force of sweeping
the globe clean of all its negativity is in full swing
Justice on a number of issues
is paying off. Criminals, who have got away with crimes, are now being found
out and their liberty is no more
Environmental issues are
being slowly sorted out…
…where destruction due to
deforestation, where lives have been lost due to landslides and soil erosion
The saving of the planet is
now of vital concern, as many industries have polluted the environment and…
…poisoned the waters leaving
in some cases lasting damage
It is only when the world is
at the brink of a collapse that anything major is attempted. Man is slow to
move to mend, but quick to destroy
There are growing signs that
more people are getting involved with the saving of endangered species and…
…for animals in their natural
habitat can start to live side by side with Man
Overpopulation the world over
and the demand by Mankind on the earth’s natural resources…
…are seeing many elements
being depleted and wiped out. Man should be able to control Man…
…because that is not
possible, so the Universal Intelligence comes in to secure the balance before
it becomes too late
Suicide bombers in Somalia by
Islamist militants have killed fourteen people
The group al-Shabab have been
the overriding problem for Somalia and the peace of the people
To kill a person no matter
whom you are, whether for revenge or in this case on religious grounds, will
bear no fruit for those individuals
No one on any grounds has the
right to take human life
Only the Supreme
Intelligence, who’s Creative Force allows for that individual’s life to come to
its natural conclusion by mutual acceptance
I repeat, by mutual
Which means that we, as souls
of this world, have decided when it is our time to depart this world and…
…to go onto the other with
the help of the Divine Intelligence, who guides us on
To interrupt that process by
the nature of malevolence will see the consequences to that individual or
collective persons come about
Their lives will be in a
state of holding, whereby they must put right their deeds against those whom
they have exterminated
All those souls will be shown
their destructive acts and the consequences of their actions on the
interruption of the Divine Plan
Their souls will have no
glory and the full horror of their deeds given to them on the destruction to
their own souls
They will then realise the
full horror they have brought upon themselves and not…
…the false glory that has
been indoctrinated to them by an aggressive force
Ignorance does not make for
any exception
One’s soul knows
instinctively that to take a human life is wrong
As we are all connected to
the Divine Force, we innately all know this to be true
The situation in Syria has to
blow itself out and take its course. As I mentioned before, we are only half
way through this conflict
No amount of sanctions or
debates will alter this stance. Until Bashar al-Assad removes himself from
power, the conflict will continue
To have a democracy, you
first need an overall consensus by the people to engage in that format
Nothing can be done until the
rebels start to raise the ante because the people want it and then to finally
oust the regime
Nothing can be done from the
outside. It has to be by the request of
the people only
It is their will which will
force the momentum for change and bring about the desired result
Bolivian President Morales
has enacted a law aimed at protecting a unique species of dolphins that live in
the Amazon Rivers
The legislation bans fishing
of freshwater pink dolphins and declares the species a national treasure
These dolphins are vulnerable
due to overfishing, logging in the Amazon and contamination of rivers by
mercury used in illegal gold mining
This President should be
commended for his actions
Education brings in a shift
in consciousness, so contingency plans can come in to save this planet and all
its inhabitants
We, as a human race, are
slowing bringing this planet to its knees…
…as Alan Root, an
environmentalist & wildlife film maker, who has lived and worked in Africa,
has recently announced
“It is like watching someone you love dying of cancer. It is slow,
but the eventual death will come about”
“So it is with Africa’s wild life, its slow and methodical death is
already there for all to see”
Those who are trying to save
the animals of this vast continent are facing daily an uphill battle
Until Mankind wakes up to the
fact that we no longer have limitless resources and…
…the killing of animals just
for ivory and their horns is a crime, which no one wishes to take
responsibility for
Mankind’s greed is the
downfall of this planet
All those who have acquired
products from endangered species will find that they will no longer have them
One by one, they will be
removed and the need then will be realised that they can actually live without
Universal Law is instigated
and where the need is not required, so the product is dematerialised, removed
or lost
Interesting, it certainly is!
The striking miners at Lonmin
platinum mines in South Africa have agreed to return to work
A 22% pay rise has been given
and the miners feel their rights have finally been met
The real truth is that the
company, due to the strike, have lost $548m in lost production and…
President Zuma has lost
revenue of $388m for his treasury
As usual greed prevails. Had
the company and the Government been reasonable towards their own people, the
miners, and…
…done the right and honest
thing by them, then everybody would have gained
Their short-sightedness and
greed now has lost them money, which by Universal Law they will not be able to
claw back…
…no matter how many hours
these miners work
The lesson in the Law has to
be learnt and if it is by hitting one where it matters most to them in their
pocket to see sense…
…so that is how it will be.
Man’s greed always loses. It is unfortunate
that they can never see it
Aung San Suu Kyi’s visit to
the US will bring much joy and some confrontation
She is due to receive the
Congressional Gold Medal, the highest civilian honour in the US
This lady is a landmark in
history of courage and steadfastness against a regime of unjust suppression
She will be asked about the
deadly ethnic conflict in the western Rakhine state in Burma, which involved
the rape and…
…murder of a young Buddhist
woman, which sent out reprisals against the Muslims who perpetrated this crime
Dozens of people died and
thousands were displaced in the conflict
These Muslims are not Burmese
citizens, but people who have often been denied asylum in other neighbouring
…while Burma has temporarily
allowed them a peace haven that does not give them the right to violate an
innocent citizen of Burma
Buddhist people’s ideology is
that all life is sacred and should be cherished and respected
They are a modest, respectful
and peace loving people. You just need
to see the serenity that surrounds Aung San Suu Kyi
For Muslims to move in and
then think they can violate a race and get away with it is monstrous
Where severe provocation has
been incited, so justice will ensue
These people will not receive
the respect, which normally would be offered to them under the jurisdiction of
Until the Muslim race start
to respect women by example and the sacredness of life, they will continue to
be despised by the entire world
They will never be taken
seriously and so will continue to suffer for their deeds
Equality of the sexes is what
life is all about. None can survive without the other
Therefore old ways have to
change into days that are liberated in educated society
To benefit, all are equal
within the Law. That is Universal Law
For those who do not abide by
these Laws, they will not prosper
Their blindness hides them
from the truth and so must face the hardships that come to them
People the world over wish
the same thing, to live in peace and security and to bring up their children to
have fulfilling lives
Where it all goes so wrong is
where equality has not been formed and the elite of society dominate and…
…put down what they consider
to be a lesser form of human being
How wrong they are
To have advantages in life
brings with it responsibilities and those responsibilities are to help the
disadvantaged and…
…to bring about equality by
the raising up of those souls, so that they can be able to attain a better life
for themselves & their families
It is all too easy for the
rich and privileged to hold their noses up against those who are not of that
station in life
Without those privileges and
station in life, how would they fair in life if they were born with less?
To have a complete
understanding of the hardships and pain that so many souls have to contend with
is to become one of them
To lose everything and then
realise the privilege they were once born to and…
…if they are wise after the
experience to do something about it, so those souls can be changed and…
…a more worthwhile existence
is given through their help and active participation
The people of Moscow will
gather strength in the knowledge that their voices will be heard around the
world as…
…the gathering momentum of
opposition against President Putin grows
Tens of thousands marched in
Moscow on Saturday ag’st the fraudulent & disputed re-election results of
President Putin in March of this year
This is the sixth biggest
march in less than a year
See the might of the Russian
people as the momentum against Putin increases
Other states of the country
will start to formulate their own protests and in time…
…Putin will not have
sufficient money to buy every vote to his cause just so that he can have his
Power corrupts and he is
corrupted by his own ego, which will bring him down sooner rather than later
A revolution is happening in
Russia, which will bring down the old guard and…
…bring in a kind of democracy
that the Russian people have been praying for ever since the fall of the Tsars
See their prayers answered,
but in a much better way to what they ever imagined
Pope Benedict XVI has called
on Christians, Muslims and Jews to root out religious fundamentalism on his
first day in Lebanon
This is great advice coming
from a so-called respected pontiff. It
is a pity the Roman Catholic Church did not hear of his advice…
…all those hundreds of years
ago when they had to deal with fundamentalism in his own Church
However the statement I am
sure is well meant even though hypocritical
What is important here to mention are all
those people throughout the world, who do not worship in a religious sect…
…but have a spiritual faith which is strong
and tangible, where they live their lives in God’s love and where they do every
…the right and honest thing and are free of
the religious constraints and dogma, which is associated by these institutions
It is they who do not wage war. Do not maim
their fellowman & who only wish to live in peace & harmony & honour
Mankind in every good way
These are the people who should be hailed
as an example to us all, for they are the right people, who live by the Laws of
Man and of God.
To follow God’s Laws that are innate in
each &every one of us & have been that guiding light long before the
business of religion was formed
When one reaches Heaven, The Spirit World,
Nevada call it what you like, there is no religion
You are all one together, as the
disincarnate souls, who communicate with us regularly do testify so…
…all these priests, rabbis and mullahs are
all made redundant at the point of their passing
The Supreme Intelligence of Wisdom and Love
is the only teaching force and nothing else. You will all witness this when
your time comes
Brazil has cut growth as the global
downturn hits exports, Brazil, being the sixth largest economy in the world, is
also feeling the pinch
Until the world recognises that we are all
intrinsically linked and…
…the incompetence of governments does have
profound bearings on the rest of the world – we all fall
One by one the domino effect is reached and
all will feel the pinch as the global unrest continues to bite
The situation between Israel and Iran will
blow up with Israel getting out of hand and pulling the first punch
It will not be America, who will curb the
outrageous actions of Israel, but Russia…
…that will have a greater input into the
calming down of an incident, which will blow up in the faces of Israel
Iran’s nuclear programme is not yet finalised,
they are experiencing several problems
However their continued progress is sending
alarms bells all around the world
Israel is poise to be in a delicate
position and their jittery ways will be their own downfall
Until they can learn to live within this
world they will see hostility all around them continuing to build
The situation in Iraq is now at a critical
The country itself is falling apart as law
and order is no longer working and the two main factions…
…Shia and Sunnis are at each other’s
throats. There is unfortunately no compromise and so an all-time low has now
been reached
Both sides do not trust each other, so an
impasse is where we are now
As the build-up of tensions begins to rise
and an all-out conflict threatens, so military action by their Government will
come into operation
The Americans cannot afford to jeopardise
the delicate balance of matters by stepping in
This would be a catastrophic thing to do
and would create a powder keg of violence the likes that have not been seen
since the Iraqi war
The percentage of Americans living in
poverty statically has been unchanged since 2010’s record high
There are 46.2m people in poverty still.
For a western power these figures are a shame on this country
How can a country claim it is so great when
there is widespread poverty all around?
Their own people will testify against this
hypocrisy, as the misery of poverty has not changed in years
Instead of being in hock to China for the
money required for their continuous wars around the world…
…maybe, just maybe, they will put their
fellow Americans first. It is their lives which are more important than…
…paying the interest on the money given to
America by China to fuel their warmongering around the world
The American people do not want war. They just want to live in peace and have a
decent living for doing a day’s work
They don’t want to continually see their
precious taxes being pilfered away to China when it should be invested in their
own people
Try and set an example to the world that
you can eradicate poverty in your own country, simply because you care for your
own people…
…or is sending an expedition to Mars more
important while your people eat dust!
An Ecuadorean engineer kidnapped two years
ago by Columbian rebels escaped captivity thanks to a deserter who lead him to
The kidnapper said, “Brother would you like to go home.” They walked for four hours until they were
rescued by soldiers
The engineer described the deserting rebel
as being an ‘Envoy of God’
Of course we all know there are many out
there, as God moves in mysterious ways and another miracle is formed
A US ex-banker has supplied details about
overseas tax cheats’ The US tax authorities have awarded him $104m for the
details supplied
Tax evasion at UBS, AG and other Swiss
banks has resulted in UBS agreeing to pay $780m to the US Government to settle
these allegations…
…that it defrauded US tax authorities. The
Swiss banking giant will hand over the identities and account information of
certain US clients
The sharp practice by these banks the world
over is blatant
They continue to practice while they are
able to get away with it and this is what has been happening all over the world
UBS and other banks, whose power exceeds
Their fraudulent dealings are but the tip
of the iceberg in their policy to obtain profits. Nothing matters to them only
Common decency never appears to enter their
heads. Their moral principles are but gutter status
Their time is now, where more and more
exposure of their corrupt dealings are being exposed
None will get away with it, as the lid now
is fully off and exposure is now rife
They will be brought down together with
their clients, whose tax avoidance has helped to harm the US economy. They will
also be exposed
More and more people are being hauled up
for crimes against humanity…
…right across the entire world leaving no
stone unturned and the Law has finally caught up with these perpetrators…
…to bring them to justice, where the full
weight of both Man’s Law and Universal Laws come into effect
President Roosevelt helped cover up Soviet
guilt for their actions in the 1940 massacre of 22,000 Polish soldiers in Katyn
Russia only admitted this atrocity in 1990
after blaming the Nazis for five decades
A group of American and British POW were
taken by the Nazis at the time to witness these atrocities. They had only just occupied the area
The order for the brutal killing came from
Stalin himself, although Stalin is dead, his crimes will be dealt with by a
Higher Power
Russia now has to deal with this situation
as new information and fresh evidence has come to light
No one, no matter how far back these crimes
go, will be exempt from the full force of the law. As you massacre, so you also
will be massacred
If you live by the sword, so you die by the
sword, is a valuable saying to keep in mind
The Universal Powers are such that the Law
is positive and always effective and until Mankind realises that…
…persecution of a race will assist in their
own downfall, then nothing is ever learnt
The fall of The Roman Empire was a valuable
historical lesson, but have we learnt from this?
An international financier has called for
Germany to lead or leave the Euro, days before a crucial fund by Germany’s
constitutional court
He states that either Germany should be a
benevolent country or exit the single currency
Anything would be better than their
persistent current course
The fact that the Euro cannot survive in
its current form is well-known by so many in finance…
…yet the troika still thinks it can operate
as bully boys to bring countries into line when the entire system has failed
all those years ago
The Euro will fall yet again and will
continue down its downward spiral until the wakeup call by Europe is finally
Even blind men can see this is stupidity,
yet their stubborn ways of control keep failing and that is a fact, blind or
As the breath of fresh air sweeps through
this Earthly plane and the mortals are confronted by their fears to perform…
…a guiding light is sent to steer them
along their way
Out of the darkness of ignorance and into
the light of evolvement and emergence from the fear of inactivity
All those who trust in the Higher Power are
shielded by the day to day disappointments and are aware…
…that their time to evolve and prosper is
never far away
The Palestinian people are protesting in
the West Bank against rising living costs
President Mahmoud Abbas has said their demands
are justified and that a Palestinian Spring has begun
The President said he agrees with the
people and what they want
The Government is now striving forwards
with their power to do whatever they can
It is the people of this world whose voices
must be heard and satisfied
No longer will people be ridden roughshod
Every Government should now be wary of what
is possible for the help of their people…
…whose interests must come first over the
self-aggrandisement by many despots that are still remaining in this world
The people are now turning and their voices
will be heard
A five month baby girl was found alive in a
morgue in Argentina. She is called the Miracle Light
Her parents had been told their premature
baby was stillborn, she weighed 1.7 lbs.
Her parents found her shivering in her
coffin in the refrigerated morgue some 12 hours later
This child, the Miracle Light, is one of
many miracles that happen every day
They are given by the Love to humanity by
Spiritual Law, because the deserving influence was already there and so the
event was settled
So many miracles happen, many in the home,
where accidents are frequent and where lifesaving events occur to divert a
total disaster
Many do recognise these happenings and are
They often have life changing properties
and a greater understanding of Spiritual involvement in their day to day lives
is born
The UK has risen to 8th from 10th
in global competitiveness and this is only the beginning
The UK can rise still further. It has the
knowhow and the experience to ride this economic storm and…
…put together packages which will interest
foreign investors, not only in this country, but abroad
The UK has the skills – it just needs to
have the sound leadership to exercise these skills and…
…to breathe life into the UK with optimism
instead of pessimism all the time
The kick-start to the economy is showing
life once again and with the will of the people themselves…
…to remove themselves from the claws of
recession, a better emerging country can begin
Never doubt the British Bulldog spirit and,
in hard times, that is when the UK shows its greater strength and will forge
Again as Universal Laws continue to push
Man’s Laws along and where justice is given no matter how long it takes
Chile’s judge sentenced the head of the
secret police in Chile to 15years in prison for the murder of an opposition
The General concerned is already in prison
for kidnapping and murder with sentences totalling 200 years
Other members of the secret police were
also jailed for 15years for this crime in addition to other crimes of the same
…which they are currently serving, these
people like others think they can get away with it at the time
Nobody gets away with anything in this life
and the Universal Laws are now making it abundantly clear
Soon ex-Presidents, who have hidden behind
their laws to safeguard their own crimes against humanity…
…will no longer be afforded that
protection. There will be many laws that are changed and…
…those who eagerly take their countries to
war against what is illegal, will have to pay the ultimate penalty with their
own life
The law of the land is such that every man
and every being is to lead a life of peace and harmony
There are parts of this land where the
instruction to the people is happiness above profit
Those people live a life where freedom and
tolerance is maintained because the Chief of that land decrees it
The place is in the southern part of Tibet,
which borders India
There the people have the freedom to
exercise their religion and where tolerance for each other is constantly
Freedom from suppression is a way of life
where all come together to help one another
When a soul wishes a house to be built, the
entire village comes out to build it for that family
This way the costs of building are
dispersed and all is done on a friendly basis for their neighbour. Happiness
and harmony flourish
It is peace on earth. This is achieved with
the right intentions for the generations, so then this can happen in other
parts of the world
All that is needed is for the right
intentions to be observed and so the right outcome is always given and adhered
It is man alone who must decide these
things and to put into operation what is wanted in this life…
…to lead a spiritual life, which is
uncomplicated, because one observes the Universal Laws or enters the rat race
of ego, fame and chaos
The material gains of ‘I must have’ will bring in no happiness…
…but it is the giving and service to
others, which always brings in its rewards and a healthier lifestyle is
China is going through internal
revolutions, where problems after problems are highlighted and…
…the people are in up rage over many of
these situations. The latest is ‘gutter oil’ found in their antibiotics
Firms, who wish to cut corners to pursue
profits, are being found out
Scandals over contaminated food
incorporating ‘gutter oil’ have caused public alarm
As has been said before, life is cheap in China
to those who are in power…
…but not to a Greater Force, who brings
back into line justice for all those who suffer under this kind of a regime
The problem will get sorted out and those
who are guilty will have their just desserts on this earth first
Barack Obama has at least visited the
people of Louisiana during this Hurricane Isaacs storm
He praised all rescue workers and the
important input the army’s defence system has achieved
He pledges more help and support in the
coming weeks
He is a far cry from George W. Bush, who
sat on his hands and did nothing as…
…he was too afraid and inept at making any
concrete decisions at that time
Whatever you may personally feel about
Barack Obama, he is a man of integrity and guts
He knows first-hand what it is like to lose
and so can be empathic with his people who also have lost
He is far closer to God than any Bushes
around and in his people’s hearts they know it
As has already been predicted China’s
economy will fall & will continue to fall no matter what the Government
does to try & halt the process
The world is in free fall and even the up
and coming markets are struggling…
…in a world that is in so much debt and who
cannot get out of the impending situation
China has taken on other countries debt and
this has exacerbated the problem, not only for China but for the world at large
Because the size of the debt is so great
that countries themselves are unable to purchase any more materials than they
are able to pay for
So the buying of commodities the world over
is at an all-time low
All countries are suffering and so the
bleeding of the debt wound continues to grow and so the economic downfall
remains unabated
Israeli police have removed a group of
Jewish settlers from an illegal West Bank outpost. There were scuffles, but
most moved voluntarily
The Israeli Supreme Court has ruled the
post should be demolished as it was built on privately owned Palestinian land
This gesture, which has come too late for
most Palestinians, will go some small way to rectify a huge political situation
Until Jews and Palestinians can come
together to understand that they are all God’s children and that no one is
better than the other and…
…both have a right to live peacefully on
this earth, then hatred will remain inbred throughout the generations
Someone in the way of a prophet will come
to rectify this situation peacefully and through learning to trade with one
…fear can be removed and prosperity can
evolve. At the end of the day we are all human under the skin
We all suffer the same fears and loves as
each other. God made his people under his guidance to love and to serve each
Put religion aside and just think. Then
start to act responsibly as human being to human being. It can be done if the
will is there
The amazing Cardinal Martini, who died just
recently and who has publicly announced that the Catholic Church is 200 years
behind the times
That is a revelation in itself. The
Catholic Church is literally dying on its feet and…
…as all institutions, who do not serve the
people with the right intentions, will have to fall into oblivion
Their time has run out long ago and they
are just going through the dying stages of decay and ignorance
They still look to their own pomp and
ceremony, while the rest of their parishioners have to grovel…
…in the ignorance and false statements
handed out by the church
The bewildered people are leaderless in
their spiritual development, as all that is taught is dogma and recitals
These souls have had to fend for so long on
their own instincts, as to what is right and what is wrong…
…feel they no longer need the
indoctrination of a hypocritical establishment, who puts the clergy first over
their flock
Hence the churches are now bare. The
message from Cardinal Martini is clear, “They
are 200 years behind the times”
The tragedy is that they purport to be in
communication with The Lord
The Lord speaks to those who will listen
and chooses not to throw pearls on stony ground. His flock is safe, the church
is not!
As corruption is again found out and
Universal Laws are seen to come into operation
A senior Politician has pulled out of an
election after being convicted of corruption. Ex-President Joao Paulo Cunha is
the man in question
The arrogance that this man feels he has
the right to rule over a people, where blatant corruption on his part can be
He has no scruples. There is no conscience,
just greed in every part of this man
His exposure could not have come in sooner,
but by Spiritual Law it comes in with the greatest impact, which is always
The impact is not only to him, but to
others who come behind him and it will be scrupulous. All now are warned
Until the Universal Laws aid Man’s Laws and
enforces the rule of law and order from the very top, then nobody is safe in
this world
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