01 July 2012

ladylydialondon July 2012 Twitter

Our mission in life is to go through the many trials that come to us to see how we cope. One thing is for sure, we all survive, and nothing is left to chance.

Every cheat and every liar is now being discovered. The wakeup call for humanity is being shown in so many ways

All who have cheated on the Law must make up for their misdeeds, so that the record can be set right again

What is happening now is that the element of justice is far more severe than at any one time, so as to deflect people from committing…

…those crimes and to give them reflective time to consider all that they have committed throughout their lives

Each time they have gone back to their old ways will now see them given no more chances as these penalties are the final ones…

…used for their misdeeds.  Rendering them inoperable to do any more harm.  The full weight of Universal Laws having finally been felt!

Russia as always is dicing with death.  Putin thinks his heavy handed methods are the only way he can control his people into submission

A female punk protest group are imprisoned for singing a song protesting against Vladimir Putin

His fragile ego cannot permit this kind of action, such is the fear he possesses, so he has to take a sledge hammer to crush a nut

He knows he is already on shaky ground regarding the falseness of his election fiasco

The Russian people are not stupid. They have seen these policies many times before

Well, the Universal Laws have news for Vladimir Putin, the more he intimidates his people the greater the impetus to remove him…

…becomes possible, as the tide of public opinion against him is now growing stronger with every passing day

Russia has seen many dictators over the years and Putin is but one of many. Fear allows him to continue to rule, but as is being shown…

…all around the world that the people are now fully aware of their own voice and their own might and so the impetus grows…

…in every country for freedom of the people from the select few who wish to undermine democracy for their own power purposes

The Russian people will stand tall and their outrage towards the regime grows and gathers momentum. All dictators will be brought down

By Spiritual Law their time is up

See the wakeup call for so many countries who rule as they feel is their right and not for the rights of the people

Humanity will have its day The tide is now turning as one by one country will give up their dictators in order for modern democracy to rule!

To be able to live on this world, one must respect all life and all life forms

To damage the very existence of what is freely given is to see one’s life diminish in so many ways

All that this planet has to offer us is for our benefit to live and to enjoy and that…

…is a scared thing and should be viewed as a privilege and not as our right to have

As we learn to provide for ourselves in the way of farming and cultivation of different produce, so our stocks can be replenished…

…as we are always looked after.  We take nothing for granted and so as we sow so shall we reap, because our intentions are honourable…

…for the supply of food and materials for humanity to benefit and with that right intention and…

…the guidance that is always given, as to where to plant and how to cultivate, so we are constantly replenished

We learn to live with that trust and we are satisfied

The Olympic flame united all Nations together in comradeship and excellence

All have a unique right to their place due to their form of expertise

All recognise their special talents and rejoice together in perfect harmony of spirit and fun

The Olympic Games transcends all countries and all continents…

It is the culmination of years of hard work and devotion to the cause to excel oneself against other athletes of their generation

The love that was transmitted throughout that opening ceremony in London was amazing and…

…truly reflects the passion of Spirit, which is in each and every one of us

We have no time for wars. They only bring destruction and pain

They destroy the very fabric of society & wither away our will to live & survive.  The Olympic Games is a triumph for what can be achieved…

…if we allow each and every one of us to reach out and touch another’s soul in friendship, respect and love

We all owe it to the world to continue to learn to build bridges, so we may live in a state of peace and not one of destruction

The Olympics in London this evening will be a show that has not been surpassed by this country’s performance before

The anticipations of all the participants, who have waited long and hard to perform at the highest level, will not see them disappointed

The UK might be small in area, but it is mighty in heart and that is what will be shown this evening for the opening ceremony

They will be competing with the very best in the world and they will stage a show that will place the UK amongst the greats of this century

The UK is open for business and they will not disappoint.  All has been prepared in advance and…

…the people of Great Britain will show the world just what it has been missing in the way of prestige and effort

Many will have a tear in their eye, as the emotions will run high.  The adrenalin for excellence is shown for all to see

A truly remarkable sight, a stimulating performance they all can be proud of

The failure of the banking system to self-regulate is becoming painfully obvious

Their own interest for the constant greed they possess will be their own downfall

Since 2008 when the Credit Crunch was revealed for the first time (I actually predicted this in 2006, but was not tweeting at the time)…

…the banks did not learn their lesson, so now the lesson & the shock to them that they cannot get away with it, will be their final downfall

As banks will continue to cry for help, they will find that help is no longer applicable to them

They will and must fall, so that an emergence of a new banking system will finally evolve leaving them no choice if they are to trade at all

They have been cossetted for far too long.  They have abused their position of trust throughout the world and now…

…they will pay the ultimate price. The Universal Laws are far mightier than any power they feel they might hold

For all bankers. watch this space. You haven’t seen anything yet!

President Obama’s Health Law will go ahead.  This was predicted some time ago. The people of America are starting to believe in…

…this President, that although it takes time to change things, especially with the type of opposition that makes up their laws, matters are…

…indeed starting to change not only for him, but for the American people.  The voice of the American people will be heard and…

…yes. change is coming to America and it is for the greater good and not only for the privileged few

As Spiritual Law continues to catch up and expose these villains of society, so US Roman Catholic Monsignor William Lynn…

…will be finally sentenced to 3-6 years in jail for the covering up a sex abuse complaint against a priest.  There have been other…

…complaints, but all were ignored.  Now action at last has come to the fore and is a strong warning to the entire Catholic Church…

“You will be found out and you will be brought down”

Even Pope Benedict is guilty of the knowledge of what has gone on regarding sexual abuse towards young children, not only on his watch…

…but by other Popes in the past, who chose to ignore these complaints thinking it will all go away

They genuinely believe they are above the law.  Maybe they think because it is Man’s Law it does not apply to them as they are…

… only interested in God’s Law.  Well, the Universal Laws apply to all as they are now only just finding out…

…What jail sentence should be given to the present Pope for his involvement in the covering up of hundreds of priests the world over? …

…where he chose to do nothing about it.  The Universal and Man’s Laws are now catching up with these people…

…Ten Hail Mary’s after Confessional does not save a life who has been abused…

…Their pain lasts a life time.  The priest’s, so called, penance lasts barely five minutes!

Greece is unable to pay off its debts…

 …It is equivalent to having a mortgage and re-mortgaging its mortgage and not having the money to pay the mortgage in the first place

Greece has to fall on its sword and, once it has reached rock bottom and is almost at deaths door, can a monetary solution come in by a…

…Higher Force and only then can Greece start to finally wake up to the slow recovery back from the brink…

…It will be the wakeup call that Greece needs in order to start again and rebuild its Nation

At this time the heart and soul has gone out of this country and while the IMF and the European Central Bank continues…

 …to dip into that pot of money to relieve Greece, it prolongs their inevitable death

As predicted many times before, the Euro will fall and fall it must until it can be resurrected by other means, which are not…

…in the conditions stated by the IMF or the World Banking Organisation.  Another means will be found at the appointed time

See Europe dip into depression as more money is taken out of Europe than is going in

To avoid a collapse in this monetary system a new way will be found, but only when Europe is on the brink of bankruptcy…

…Only then will the solution be found

The unveiling of so much mismanagement throughout the world is now at epidemic proportions…

…The clearing out, even tearing apart by Spiritual Laws to address these crises, is being shown all around the world

No one no matter how big or how small, if there is corruption or mismanagement, that institution will fall before it can be put right

No one can escape the Universal Laws over and above Man’s Laws

Spain’s financial bailout will have little effect…

…With the entire mind-set of Spain’s establishment not wanting to conform to how one should behave, so nothing really changes

The same aspect applies to both Italy and Greece. These people want/expect an easy life and they don’t want to work for it

The criminal aspect of Spain’s sick, leaves people who are signed off from work on minor disabilities…

…so they can have six months off on full pay, shows there is something radically wrong with the system

Why should the hardworking people from other countries further bolster these lazy souls? …

…Now the wakeup call is being given to all these countries, who default one by one

They all have strong lessons to learn and they will. Money is running out

Churches all around the world are being left…

…They do not attend to the needs/welfare of their parishioners either morally, ethnically or spiritually

Churches the world over have lost their way….
…The clergy are losing their jobs. They have failed the people and so must take up their just desserts

The Master Jesus preached philosophy and goodwill towards Mankind. He fed/nourished both the body and soul of his flock….

…He never turned his back on anyone. All was done in love

Religions of the world have lost their way…

…Their fanatical dogma is not God’s ways and so the people are dispirited and are leaving now a dying industry

No matter what religion or what church, it is God who loves and who teaches and who nourishes and puts right all wrongs…

…That is the way forwards and those whose heart belongs to him and his mission on earth will know that.  That guiding hand of love is enough

It sustains all our wellbeing and nourishes our souls in ways churches have not even dreamed about…
…They are always too worried about their pockets and how deep they are!

The Vatican’s bank is trying its best at being transparent. It has failed in seven out of sixteen key areas

Considering they are meant to be transparent and so called show a Godly example to the world and failed, it is no wonder that…

…the Vatican is viewed with so much suspicion. What they say and what they do never really marries up…

…It is only what they want you to see that interests them and that is never transparency!

They will continue to be found deficient in their transactions

As I have previously said, all corruption on every level is by Universal Laws being ousted out…

…Italy’s Giuseppe Mandara chose to have his ties with the Mafia and produced counterfeit cheese and sold it as the expensive kind

His company has been seized by the Carabinieri Police.  The Mafia are at the heart of all corruption in Italy and so aid in Italy’s downfall

Where corruption lies, the backlash affects so many people and is ongoing

There is no way that an honest rightful person, who has integrity, would stoop to this low practice….

…Only the greedy are corrupt and this is prevalent throughout all society. We have lost our moral compass

The situation with HSBC is outrageous.  It is not enough that HSBC’s Head of Compliance resigns…

…It is up to the Law to make these people understand it is a criminal act that they are involved in and so are made an example of

While everybody appears to be getting away with digressions, it opens up the door for more people to be swayed down that road

Until the education of the masses that law and order must be adhered to, we provide the breeding grounds for national and global chaos

That is why, because of the global failure to administer what is right and wrong, so…

…Universal Laws now have come into effect and more and more is found out

The clean-up operation globally is now and ongoing. All who transgress will find their just desserts

Iran will push ahead with its nuclear programme regardless of what other countries in the world say

Their programme is still unsteady, as they have not got the full technology for its completion and…

…there are faults within their programme mechanism, so delays are inevitable

However, they believe they have right on their side and to protect themselves from so called aggressors, they feel it is justified

All in life is, “Who has the big stick and how far can I weld it. Is my power greater or smaller than yours?”

Whatever happens, we are all people on a small globe and life only gets more problematical the more there is fear around

Until people learn to talk together and exchange through trade practices a trust that all are dependent on one another…

…nothing but fear and hostility remain. It is simply futile and unproductive

Food is the currency, never bombs or war. Man has not leant this yet…

…How many years must hardship still exist before Mankind wakes up to these facts?

To believe in an afterlife is to know that life is much more than our earthly life…

…Where daily evidence is given to so many people around the world, who visit the Spirit World, only to be told it is not their time yet

To understand the human condition within the Universal Plan, where the Higher Intelligence guides us through the many pitfalls in life and…

…allows us safe passage through them

Where the late Mother Teresa, who was told by one of her nuns that they had no food for the sick and infirm and also none for them…

…Where Mother Teresa simply said, “All nuns stop everything and pray to The Lord for food” and…

…within an hour food from every direction in Calcutta came forth

This episode was witnessed time and time again, as many miracles happened almost daily. The many volunteers from all over the world…

…were able to see these amazing happenings and know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, they would always be looked after

That Power and Presence is all around us, if we care to see and to understand its message and the meaning behind it!

Development of GM cereal crops for African farmers will be the breakthrough they have needed to avoid further starvation to these countries

The world needs food as the vital product, as more countries are facing hardship with their starving millions

The humanitarian costs are too great. There is not enough food to provide for all these people, so…

…help is required for African farmers and other farmers around the world to grow their own crops, comes in at a time when…

…the world is hit by Global Warming and crops are failing as a result

See new technology coming in to save vast deprived populations. It is high time

Countries the world over have to come in to help each other & to prevent starvation of their people. Wars are not the solution diplomacy is!

The Universal God Force sweeps all negative situations away. It has to in order for new growth and structure to come into effect

Man must first face his greatest fears, his greatest challenges to the human soul, before he can fully appreciate…

…that life can be lived without fear or despair

The accumulation of all the negative sources is at their highest so far. This will continue until…

…Mankind comes to his senses and desires a new mind-set of justice and benevolence for all

With China’s economy shrinking, so will global recovery. We should not be looking to China to help resolve our recovery…

…It has to be a global consensus to act in the right and proper way, so recovery on every aspect comes into being

We are all a people who share a planet. We must therefore work together in the security and wellbeing of our planet, otherwise we all suffer

Until the world goes down further, which it will, then nothing concrete will ever happen

As a people on this planet, we must ensure the safekeeping in all aspects and to draw help and support from each other

Wars are the main destruction to this planet together with Global Warming, which most of this world is still ignoring…

…When will this world finally wakeup?

How dire does everything have to get before we start to see the damage? Universal Forces are bringing this planet to the brink…

…before it is saved, so that Mankind will finally get the message and will no longer ignore what is so plain to see!

For Silvio Berlusconi to even consider running for re-election in Italy next year shows just how desperate the Italian people are

This man has not put a hand in his personal pocket to help his people in their failing financial situation and…

…why should he? He is only interested in the office and the power – nothing more

The Italians must start to have some faith in their legal system, even if it is a shambles. It is therefore their own courts…

…which must take the lead to wipe out greed and corruption and bring health back to a country which is covered in sores

Like the plague, Italy is toxic and so the treatment needs to be administered by themselves for the health of the country to be restored

As I have previously said, this is the wake up call to the world. Nobody will escape the Universal Intelligence and…

…all those who have done wrong, no matter how long it takes, will be found out and come to justice

Corruption by Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, corruption by South Korea’s Lee Sang-deuk – these guilty people and…

…many others as in Pakistan, Mexico and Colombia – the entire world and especially Africa…

…These people will come to justice and the misery that they have inflicted on the people will be redeemed

The wakeup call to the world’s institutions, where they have done wrong and all Governments, who have abused their people, will find…

…they have nowhere to hide. Their days are numbered

The very tense situation in Egypt will precipitate action by the people against the military

The military, who are not elected by the people, will see their demands crushed…

…It will be an ongoing battle before further action by the people to resume their battered lives comes into force

The military will have no choice, but to confront their own laws and weaken in the light of popular demand…

…They cannot any longer hope to control Egypt by the jugular

The Church of England’s view on female bishops being introduced should have been decided upon decades ago

Do we not live in a society that claims men and women are equal and that we were created equal in order to survive? …

…So is it not high time, that women priests have the right to become bishops and act in the same way?

Jesus had Mary Magdalene as his right armed person, whom he delivered the first sighting to after his death

Jesus held Mary Magdalene in high esteem and in high office, whom he trusted above all, whom he married and loved as an equal

She, together with the apostles, was the first person to deliver Jesus’ words. Is it not fitting in this day & age…

…to acknowledge women in their rightful place to administer the teachings as well as their male counterparts?

Is the Church of England to remain in the Dark Ages or are they going to try and progress into modern society?

As it stands, the Church of England has fallen behind in their teachings. People no longer go to church…

…Their ministry has not kept pace with modern times & that is reflected in their congregations. By allowing more women into the priesthood…

…it will see a better balance of opinion and maybe, just maybe, they might get some real charitable work done

…It is not about saving jobs for the boys, but introducing what Jesus preached, go out & heal and bring light into the lives of men & women…

…This concept has seen little manifest of which the Church in general should be ashamed

See Mexico come under great unrest, as a new voting system to enable a positive victory for a president will be introduced

The present system is flawed and corrupt. The people will speak and a new way will evolve

Andy Murray will emerge the victor after a nail-biting match. The former champion Roger Federer will have no answers to match this man

See victory snatched from the jaws of Roger Federer

Mexico’s Presidential Elections are a farce. New evidence will come to light concerning the rigging up of elections…

…A new ballot of voting will need to be considered

The situation in Afghanistan will never be stable no matter how many billions are pumped into that regime. The only one who benefits is the…

…corrupt President Hamid Karzai, who can remain in power with his security forces to protect him, being paid by the US and other Governments

It really is a bottomless pit, while Hamid Karzai does precious little to deal with the many tribal factions affecting his country

To be kept in power, where everything is supplied for you and…

…one does nothing to exercise governing, is something still in the dark ages of time

The breakup of the child trafficking gangs in China has freed nearly two hundred children

Children are used as a commodity just as rice or fuel. Until we begin to see all life as sacred nothing ever changes

The people who are the perpetrators of these crimes against innocent children will suffer the harshest penalties. They have nowhere to hide

See more and more drug barons being charged, as the step up to curb drug trafficking is now hotting up

The world has suffered too much devastation over drugs. It is the people of the world who now will be fighting back…

…Drugs won’t have the effect on people’s lives as they once did

The Olympic Games will be a huge success, far greater than the UK ever thought possible. The people will see breath-taking events…

…where Olympians will surpass themselves and where complete outsiders come to the fore and surprise everybody

For many it will be a dream come true and all will act in the spirit of the events…

…There will be life changing situations, where mighty fall and the sleepy underdog get their day

Many will achieve outstanding feats of courage and dexterity, lifetime achievement awards for their dedication & determination over decades

See Oscar Pistorius come into his own. His self-sacrifice is well worth the achievement he will obtain – a sheer marvel to see

For some there will be heartache, but for all a very positive outcome will occur…

…changing their lives for the better, as only they will ever know

As I have mentioned before, corruption or the cleansing now of the entire world, is taking place…

…No one is exempt and no one will get away with it

General Mauricio Santoyo, who has admitted while in office to helping drug gangs and right wing paramilitaries smuggle cocaine to…

…Mexico and the US, knowingly intended that these drugs would be imported into the US. He is now in custody

Where are the morals of these people, who hold high office and allow corruption to injure the lives and the security of common citizens? …

…Because it does not affect them they do not care. Their punishment will be hard indeed!

Israeli’s Border Police have found out that one of their officers has kicked a nine year old Palestinian boy – video footage is plain to see

Such hatred between Israel and Palestine will burn itself out…

…No longer will the people of these countries put up with this constant hate pressure

See the people on both sides now start to question the motives of their Governments, who wish to fuel this hatred for their own ends

The time has come.  The people on both sides will start to speak out & finally the politicians will have to answer to the will of the people

All crimes towards humanity will be dealt with in a swift and decisive way…

…Too many tyrants have got away with wholesale torture and abuse towards their own people

Russia will see another uprising, as the cauldron of unrest begins to boil over again

The people of the world now realise that they must have basic human rights and…

…many are prepared to sacrifice their own lives, so that others can benefit and live in a free state

Freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom to be is everybody’s right on this earth, not just for those who live in the West

A new kind of uprising to hit Russia, Iran and China. No country is safe anymore…

…The voice of the people will be heard. Unrest in these countries is now overflowing

The Syrian conflict is becoming more hostile, as matters escalate out of control…

…The Syrian opposition rebels want Bashar al-Assad out at all costs. His head on a spike for all to see

No one will back down in this conflict, so continuing blood baths to occur…

…We have not reached the climax yet. We are only in the early stages of this war

Islamist rebels, who continue to destroy ancient monuments and shrines, will be brought to justice…

…Their crimes are against the entire Muslim communities, as they continue to devastate sacred grounds

Their extreme belief system will not save them. This they will soon find out

See Bob Diamond squirm under questioning before the Treasury Select Committee. His authority and standing now in tatters…

…He will be made an example of!

Ministers are outraged and the investigation into the Libor inter-banking lending will be swift and furious. The perpetrators singled out

The damage to Muslim shrines in Timbuktu, Mali, is of great concern…

…Whatever your beliefs, these shrines are famous for their distinctive architecture and honour those people who built them

Like the pyramids, they represent the culture at that time. Timbuktu was a centre of Islamic learning and commerce

To deny their existence denies the people and their extensive learning of science, literature and the law at that time

It proves that Islamist fighters, who damage these shrines, have no cultural value and should never be regarded with any kind of intelligence

Those who are educated honour all culture and respect those countries beliefs

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