01 May 2012

ladylydialondon May 2012 Twitter

Our mission in life is to go through the many trials that come to us to see how we cope. One thing is for sure, we all survive, and nothing is left to chance.

The Arab League now must put pressure on Syria with teeth to avoid another blood bath

The cease fire will hold for a while and further erupt again

Bashar al-Assad is trigger happy. He sees revenge for all who seek to oppose his regime, which is his might

Assad is now fearful for his own life & for the safety of his family, as there is mounting opposition within his inner circle to his regime…

…He trusts no one anymore

Egypt will see another uprising, as the people are still dissatisfied with the Electoral outcome

Violence will again break out on the streets of Cairo, as a new revolution will start up again

America and the Egyptian military must back off to give a true and fair Election for the people

American, behind the scenes, influence is continuing to disrupt the proper transition to Civilian rule and…

…still wants to maintain the status quo

This will not happen. The Egyptian people have had enough

The situation in Egypt regarding the Presidential Elections will not go well…

…Expect an uprising with the military exercising their rights again

Man must adopt a positive stand if change for Egypt is to occur. Their road is still a difficult one with many sects not represented

See another coup come about, as unrest will spiral out of control until the people will finally be heard

The state of corruption is being attacked on every level…

…By Universal Law all institutions, who engage in corruptive practices, will be brought down

Evidence of this is occurring from the small corporation to the larger fish, who think they can get away with it

Egypt’s Zakaria Azmi, an aide to Hosni Mubarak, has just been jailed for 7 years on corruption charges over a 30 year period

Pakistan’s Government officials also are involved in corruption, as are other countries around the world

There is no hiding place. All will come to justice and will be judged, not by the people but by The Law. None can escape this ruling!

The UN will hold back in this continued bloodbath of Syria. Others now must take their rightful place and come to Syria’s rescue

See Turkey step up its action, as a gathering momentum of Muslims start to come to the rescue…

…It will be too little too late. It is however all we can hope for

A growing concern that Syria’s war will overspill into neighbouring countries is a real possibility…

…See little skirmishes along the Syrian borders, which will ignite others to unrest. The seeds are now sown

See the Pope come out in defence against these leaking documents again to save face

His actions will discredit him as others have already done

The Vatican is slowly losing its power, but it still has some way to go before it finally falls for all time…

…This institution is rotten to the core

Spanish banks will see the weight of their actions be their undoing and more will fall by the wayside

They are impervious to their lack of regulations within their own banking system

See them fall because of their arrogance. No banks these days are safe, who imply they are above the rule of law and regulations

The Olympic Games will set a great example of unity to the people of Great Britain…

…Pride will be seen from the smallest person to the oldest. All will have something to smile about

There will be tiny skirmishes around the Grand Stadium as well-wishers will get over excited and out of hand

The European Council, who wish to strengthen the Eurozone, is trying to set in motion something that cannot be fixed in its present form

No matter how many sticking plasters you put over the Eurozone, it cannot hold its position…

…The splits are too great to piece together. See everything defragment itself

No one can gain on the misfortune of another. That happens the entire world over and is witnessed in day to day life

Where the right intention is not at the forefront of business and day to day matters, nothing concrete can ever be established

The Eurozone only wish Greece to remain in their club according to the rules. The innocent people of Greece…

…those hardworking citizens, will have to suffer. All that is important to Eurozone leaders is that they survive!

Where are the human rights of the Greek people, who have suffered under the hand of their Government officials?

It is Greece’s politicians, who should be paying a high price for the downfall of their people

When is this world going to wake up and make Governments and individuals stand up and take personal responsibility for their mistakes?

When are the rights of the Greek people being heard? By Universal Law this is about to happen and the blow to the Eurozone will be justified

Christine Lagarde’s idea that other members of the Eurozone would be prepared to pay more to keep Greece in, is farcical

Other Eurozone countries will not be prepared and Greece will fall leaving a gaping hole in the European’s banking system

See the reality of Greece’s fall and subsequent rise in their own time and in their own way. The IMF will have no bearing on them

Another financial package will be introduced to assist Greece’s fragile economy…

…Greece will eventually get there and be content with their own independence at last

Prince Charles to make an amazing speech, which will involve austerity measures of which he also is against

He has seen first-hand the devastation and is willing to assist his own Prince’s Trust…

…to accommodate more flexibility where growth is concerned

Prince Charles to open a more advanced scheme, which will lead the way with new active policies…

…He is changing in so many directions and bringing back to the people a sense of self-worth and esteem

A collective force to guide him to help more of the under-privileged will see him hailed as great indeed

Start to see more top people in the world lose their positions. Where they have been negligent for their people, they will be ousted out

No one now the world over is safe any longer. A divine force of such magnitude will redeem the suffering and those who are in need

The world is changing. It is unstoppable and Man will have his say and his freedom against oppression of the higher ruling classes

Unless change for the people is rectified, these ruling classes will be exposed and removed. Their time is now up

See the Higher Intelligence take over the reins to restore justice and a safer way of life

To accept a more stabilising Europe, first radical reforms throughout all nations must be adopted and put right

Political aspects can no longer afford the discretion of being popular and therefore keeping in Government…

…but to do what is ultimately right for the people

A fresh outbreak in Afghanistan will see a recurring bloodbath. The Taliban are out of control with indecisions running rife

Until all forces withdraw from Afghanistan leaving the Afghans to sort out their own mess, nothing but further lives are lost

The value of a life is priceless in the West. In the East life is cheap and worth next to nothing…

…How can these people’s philosophy accept this concept when all life is sacred and divine?

A new situation will arise in Syria, finally turning the tide for the Freedom Fighters to gain a substantial advantage

The Freedom Fighters will see a way through the deadlock against Assad they never thought possible before

External forces will now come in to help to exacerbate the situation, so that Bashar al-Assad can finally fall

The Olympic flame will largely go unhindered security being very tight indeed Small skirmishes will ensue but nothing that cannot be handled

The pleasure that the Olympic flame brings breathes new life and patriotism into this country

The UK can again feel proud, as they emerge out of the wilderness of despair and into a more lucrative era

For all those institutes/people, who put money before human interest will see little to no return on their wealth

The economic situation globally is now fully activated to see this kind of self-greed of wealth now being taken away. Nothing can stop it

So think first what is important to you – the grabbing of money or the saving of human life

One day your life might be endangered and money won’t save you!

The Greek people will follow their hearts, stick together and be able to find the solution to their own salvation

See a Higher Intelligence come in to assist in this matter. Once at the bottom, the rise will occur

France will collapse its existing monetary policy and implement severe changes to bring about a stability to the country

A new faster growing economic solution will see that France leads the fight against the European stranglehold

The European banks will offload their debts with drastic consequences. They will pay for their own defaults

Now at last a vital change in the banking system can free up revenue for the common man…

…The policy to hold banks to account will never see these bad tradings happen again. They will be curtailed in their own industry or go broke

See a special pact be formed between President Hollande and Chancellor Merkel. It won’t be to her liking, but she will have no choice

A new fiscal development will see them work together, but apart on separate agendas. Their strategy will collide in many ways

When the full facts are revealed to the pair of them and the full realisation that the Euro is no longer applicable…

…then a monetary policy can start to be formed

A monetary policy, which can then at last save Europe…

…but until the Euro is extinguished and banks bear the brunt of their own fiasco, nothing can be mended!

See Greece will their way back to survival, as chief operatives within the country can see a way out, which was not there before

Greece again can become a proud nation, as they proceed forwards with great autonomy and they will be able to self-regulate

Who needs Germany when countries like Greece will eventually find their way…

…They have the spirit to endure and the spirit to change themselves

See JP Morgan Chase in the US come under investigation. Their chief executive will have to go

The US people again will be up in arms. They thought the banks had learned their lessons – clearly they think they are above the Law

Many people in JP Morgan Chase to lose their jobs as this bank and others begin to fold/cease trading

A bitter lesson that President Obama must realise: Small banks are the only answer. A lesson all banks must face

To understand the Universal Knowledge that is all around us, we first must learn to be at peace and to listen

In the quietness of our minds many things are revealed to us – our purpose upon this earth

That calling then begins to build up and we steered naturally to the appointed place at a time that is right – our calling has begun

We enter a world of much happiness and certainty that we are on the right pathway and everything is easily accepted and focussed

We are all at one with the Creator and our lives are then changed forever

Ancient Mayan civilisation had enormous wealth at their disposal. They also had wisdom beyond measure

See more information from archaeologists working at the Xultun ruins come to light

They were a progressive population with many artefacts…

…which will prove their ideology was very much in keeping matters alive and the wellbeing of their people

See more bravado from China towards the Philippines – China like a raging dog on its little victim

China’s might is growing and the West is responsible for it…

…When the West is held in China’s grip and with nowhere to go, will they finally sit up and listen?

The world must unite to bring China under control. They seep like cancer throughout the world. Wake up world, wake up

See Greece fall again into a deadlock situation before a party from the right will appear turning the deadlock into a manageable operation

A soft option deal in Greece will have the desired effect to get the ball rolling and so …

… more substantive deals will emerge, giving Greece the necessary chance it deserves

For the Rhinos to be saved a new harder line of legislation will be enforced…

…See a new team of operators face extraordinary odds in their battle to save the Rhinos

Public opinion is changing and there is more support in the monetary form to help in the saving of the Rhinos and the Elephant species

They will be able to survive due to dedicated Conservationist and Law Enforcers. All this is increasing

These animals will be saved

See France now open up its hearts and minds as it too will begin to change the face of history…

…They will recruit new tacticians and bring about a remarkable change in monetary evolution

Europe can comeback from the brink of economic despair. It cannot work with the tight gripped monetary policy that Germany has inflicted

Even the German people are fed up of being the ones who have to work and yet are still denied their own rights

See the German people express their own wishes…

…They also have lost faith in their own Government and can quite plainly see the suffering of other countries

Europe has to fall.  One by one each country must take the lead now and adopt their own policies, ones that they can confront and deal with

All are mindful of the costs and all now are prepared…

…one by one to administer their own pain and therefore recovery and will no longer have to be confronted by a collective force

The IMF does not have sufficient funds to loan out. They too must realise a calming down of funds must now be implemented

See France emerge as a new leader. They will be on shaky ground, but their reforms will be manageable and it will work for France

Other countries now locked into the Merkel deal cannot sustain this policy. All are slipping into the mire of further debt and unrest

Countries like Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain will need to reform themselves and…

…deal with their debt according to what is manageable and can be sustained

No one can survive a total cut off of the main blood supply, so it is with Europe’s countries…

…They individually have to reach their own bottom level and work with what they have

Solutions can be found, are in fact now being found in Greece, as they start to realise what they can do and what they can’t…

…There are possibilities and Greece will find them.  Greece will be able to save itself

See a further breaking up of the Eurozone as Greece now starts to ebb away from the stranglehold of Europe

Greece through its coalition will form a pact to settle their own monetary reform…

…See an outstanding economist, someone nobody has heard of yet, emerge as the new Chancellor

Greece in time can pull themselves out of the mire and it won’t be on the back of Germany’s dictation

France will try to head a team to dissolve the present monetary dictate. It will find it difficult, but not impossible, to break

The release from that agreement from Germany will allow France to further curb spending without the Sword of Damocles over its head

See Europe emerge once all have defected in their own way. A new Europe with new policies, where the Euro is no longer the single currency

Greece will see a system emerge whereby Greece itself will govern its own affairs…

…To reach rock bottom, which is where they almost are now, will prove no further hardship

New reforms within a coalition structure will see the people of Greece start to win back support from each other and…

…a pride not thought possible before

They will emerge out of the wilderness of despair, but with a greater hindsight that they can no longer be lashed to a German bureaucracy

They must put their people first and the people will in turn respond…

…For a nation that was once great and can become great again, the chains of relentless red tape must be cut

They will be able to determine their own destiny

Boris Johnson’s second term as Lord Mayor will see him act differently…

…He has learnt from his mistakes and failures and you will see a greater statesman evolve

He has tried to get to grips with many things that have not worked for him. Now he stands in a much better position to put matters right

The experience he has had to encounter will see that a completely new London emerges and, with him at the helm now, he can pull it off

Many people will come to Boris’s aid and he can transform London into a vibrant industry for commerce and for the man in the street

This Boris has had to identify with the people and he will now succeed where others failed

Look now to his new blue print plan. It is radical, but transforming – a new bridge named after him

To see hope return in a man’s eyes, when all hope has been lost for all time is one of the greatest revelations/miracles of all time

For Mankind to come out of the despair of the harshness of life is to breathe the new air of spiritual awakening

Man must go through the fire of the pain and to know through no shadow of a doubt he has been saved and saved for all time

We have all been there in our lives…

…We can begin to believe and hold our course and be thankful that we are reborn in the light of the Great Intelligence

The bloodbath in Syria continues.  The so called monitors have done nothing to abate the violence

How many people must die before proper legal action is taken to abate this suffering and murder?

Israel expects their prisoners to receive human rights yet disrespect Palestinians in their jails the same policy….

…Again one rule for Israel and another for everybody else

Israel will further alienate itself from the world and world sympathy. Their isolation will hit them soon enough

Yet another bombshell by the disgraceful behaviour of paedophile priest Brendan Smyth – all in the full knowledge of Cardinal Brady

He is a co-conspirator to these atrocities and should be tried for his actions in leading the public and the Law astray

Like everything that comes to light regarding the abuse of innocent children…

…Cardinal Sean Brady and the Catholic Church feel they are above the Law…

…They are not above the Law of the Land nor are they above God’s Law, which both he and Brendan Smyth will be accountable to!

Extremes of temperature will become the norm as the world’s axis shifts and so affects the extremes of the polar opposites

Many will come to rely on the good measures that these temperatures will bring…

…while others will perish in the extremes that also come with it

The balance is not always perfect. It is in this delicate altering that new found possibilities are formed

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