Our mission in life is to go through the many trials that come to us to see how we cope. One thing is for sure, we all survive, and nothing is left to chance.
To reason with a closed mind is impossible. The mind must want to change in order to receive enlightenment and then wisdom
The rays of enlightenment are freely given once one asks to be inspired
To meditate regularly builds up a sense of wellbeing, confidence and spiritual enlightenment. Questions are really answered
The insight into problems is given to you over a period of time when trust in your ability to see them is achieved
Many are wanting of love, but few recognise it when it is actually given
The true form of unconditional love asks nothing in return, but is always blessed in other ways. Everything good comes back
It is now that you must look to your laurels and accept a better way of life where decisions of importance are needed to be dealt with
To get where you need to be is never difficult if the intention is there to start in the right way
Most hold back of achieving their true potential for they are fearful of not staying the course
…There is nowhere to hide on this earth or the next dimension. Service in this world is what life is all about…
…To serve ones fellow man in whatever capacity is open to him/her will bring salvation to so many and oneself also
The economy is all about food, not money. The starving care nothing for money when they are dying from the lack of food
All is seen by the Higher Intelligence and Man will have to answer for his acts and will have to make reparation for many years to come
To remain in power must mean a stabilised economy. This is achieved only by honesty and sacrifice
The world’s economy now faces its biggest challenge as a number of financial institutes will have to perish…
…before the message finally sinks in that they have got it so wrong
The banking system will meet its Waterloo as the entire system will face its greatest challenges worldwide. None are safe anymore
The banks will prove inept when a further crash hits them and hits them hard. It is unstoppable
A quota of defaults will raise the alarm and then the full realisation of the mess will be revealed
To obtain the courage to go forwards in life is to totally abandon fear and to embrace freedom in all its entirety
Love conquers all, but is rarely shown these days as violence supersedes this
The societies of today are bred on the back of violence and mistrust. Can anybody be honest anymore?
When a problem becomes too difficult to handle, know a Higher Intelligence can and does help. All you need to do is ask!
When the impetus to act arrives at your door, do so knowing that all has already been ordained by the Higher Power to take you on
Dreams really can become reality if the dreams are sustained for long enough. Keep them coming and blossom
It is in going through the motion of upheaval that the next step in ones life is accomplished…
…It is not to be faced with fear as the outcome is already beneficial
Do not be fooled by the uncertainty of life. It has already been explained to you. The mystery is no longer. The decree is always perfect
Many feel forlorn and unbalanced. It is ever increasing vibrational changes that occur to further steady us along our chosen path
Feel the freedom of love as it is all embracing, all consuming and brings peace to ones soul
It is with gratitude for ones life upon this earth to be given the chance to help another…
…whereby they also are blessed to have you in their presence
Do not feel you need to be perfect in all that you do and say. The pressure on you can be enormous
It is in the getting started that the greatest happenings and revelations are performed. All is a journey of enlightenment since our first step
To conquer a nation one must first conquer an idea and then new ideologies are formed and a nation is born
To advance gently is always the best option. It leaves nothing to chance and for greater possibilities to enter in
The Master Plan in life is to succeed in all that you can do within a given time and space…
…The pathway is open to you, so think positive and the greater plan is always revealed
Many of you may find that you take a risk in life and sometimes come unstuck…
…It is not until you take that step that you will ever know if it was possible
…for as they too benefit and grow, so they in turn will give also
A healthy society is born out of the struggle of hardship, but not ignorance. It is ignorance that maintains a feeble society
Accept these offerings of kindness that are given to you. They have been earned and are there for you to enjoy
The many pleasures that this life offers us is there to see and is freely given. Nature asks nothing in return, but is always there
Remember the tiny sparrow neither reaps nor does it sow, but is always provided for
It is in the learning, as we go through life that we come to understand ourselves and then we are able to make that difference
The wayward antics of our parents destroy those they seem to love most – their children
…that can now bring lasting peace to so many
Any one however small can make a significant difference, if only they would listen to their hearts and their conscience
…but one where change shows concrete measures
To be a part of this historical time is to learn that Man is ever changing and is able to overcome all fears in the pursuit of peace
Women now will face their greatest hours and will start to make their voice count for something…
…They can no longer afford to remain subservient
The eclipse of the new fundamental framework of events will leave Nations in no doubt that the new beginnings are here to stay for all time
It has to make up its mind, does it want to be a part of it or out in the cold on its own
To be a part of human race needs to embrace all ideologies and faiths including the respect towards women as equal partners
The purity on the eyes of a new born baby can be matched to the purity of the newly fallen snow. Both are untarnished
Never underestimate the power of the mind when truly activated. Its accomplishments are endless and awe inspiring
The surge to do something important with ones life is all around us. Do not miss this golden opportunity
To be the best is the driving force for so many. It can come at a high price, but overall it is well worth it
To be the best is the driving force for so many. It can come at a high price, but overall it is well worth it
Love is the greatest food for life that Man has ever known. Without love to sustain you one withers and dies inside
Youth is an unsettled lot with every kind of fear imaginable. They have few role models to learn from, such is the state of our world today
To nurture ones baby is a beautiful thing and every minute is precious. Don’t throw this time away with selfish acts of indulgence
Peace comes in stages whereby acknowledgement of ones limitations is no longer masked by arrogance
The aged population should be treated with respect…
…for they have born witness to life in all its guises and can be a testament of advice to others
One must seek to be in harmony with Nature where all balance is achieved as a constant flow of adjustment and care
All who are brave will be given the opportunity of an existence so perfect they will know that it is Divine Love
Every soul on this Earth is bound on a special journey of enlightenment…
…To lose ones path is to know true fear. Step back onto the right track and be saved
All creation comes under the umbrella of love. All sustenance is available to you provided you acknowledge where it comes from
Never doubt the power of the individual to achieve. Strength in abundance is given when the mindset is right
To be at one with Our Creator is to know that you are a part of His Divine love
All who come to know Him through the safe passage of your own life when times have been unbearable is to know His might
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