October 2017 (jandmayers and
ladylydialondon twitter)
“The whole
sordid mess of abuse going on in the workplace has got out of hand in the last
two decades or so”
“It is now time to bring these culprits out into
the open”
“Their exposure becomes a reminder to others that
they will be exposed and dealt with severity”
“No longer can society tolerate this kind of
“Serious consequences must be enforced to finally
see its eradication from our lives”
“Why should work colleagues, both female and male,
be subjected to physical and mental abuse”
“The police are now getting prosecutions on a more
regular basis”
“The law is there to enforce the right sentences
for this kind of behaviour”
“These crimes have gone largely unreported, because
these perpetrators hold power over individuals & they have largely got away
with it”
“Society is now waking up to the fact that it is
more prevalent than was first envisaged”
“Now, collectively, we all have a responsibility to
bring these perpetrators to light, where they are named and shamed”
“The bully is common place from the classroom to
the boardroom in all aspects of society and backgrounds”
“Now society has to wake up and to protect itself
and finally bring these perpetrators to justice, otherwise none of us are safe
at anytime”
“We are coming up to the festive season and the
Christmas party is a venue, which every year brings misery to so many”
“Again where women and men are exposed to drunken
behaviour, because these people don’t know how to behaviour”
“Abuse becomes rife under the guise, “It is the Christmas party and what is wrong
with a little bit of fun?””
“The unruly feel they have a right to act badly
& to make another’s life so miserable they can’t stand to go to another
works party again”
“We, as a society, must start taking personal
responsibility for each other”
“We must seek out these vermin saying their
behaviour is no longer tolerated or allowed”
“Society needs to heal from these abuses and it is
long overdue”
“Innocent children are now more protected than at
any time from sexual and emotional abuse”
“Now it is the time to protect the adults in the
same way”
“It has to be done now! It has gone on long enough!”
22nd October 2017 (jandmayers
and ladylydialondon twitter)
“President Trump keeps shooting himself in the foot
regarding domestic and worldwide affairs”
“The latest insensibility regarding his disregard
for the way he deals with the families of war dead”
“A callous Presidential call to a grieving widow of
a US soldier killed in NIGER”
“Trump said, “He
knew what he was getting into””
“This soldier gave his life for his country – he
acted bravely and courageously as his regiment commander confirms”
“This soldier’s duty was to his country first and
foremost; his sacrifice was his life”
“No President, who has soldiers under his command
and where he is the commander-in-chief, should ever utter such an insensitive
“How does that statement fall on the heads of all
the US soldiers serving their country around the world?”
“It does not allow for personal pride to enter in,
to serve one’s country with courage and determination to fight for justice”
“These soldiers should be regarded for the potential
sacrifice they are all prepared to give”
“Not that it necessarily becomes a certain factor
that they would die”
“If that was the case, there would be no serving
soldiers entering into the US military at all”
“It is important that all commanders-in-chief
become consoler-in-chief, a reassuring voice in times of national distress or
“It is a skill that successful politicians learn
early, sadly this does not apply to Donald Trump”
“His insensitivity is now well renowned”
“He has shown himself up with celebrities, sports
stars, major companies, prominent journalists & members of his own party”
“Together with parents of a Muslim American soldier
killed in Iraq – he just keeps digging himself into ever bigger holes”
“Yet Mr Trump likes to boast of his Presidential
“His record so far is bereft of legislative
victories, which includes his tried attack on abolishing Obamacare”
“He cares nothing for the people, only what he can
obtain for his own self-interest”
“He will go down in history as the worst US
President of his era”
“The American people will hold their heads in
shame, as to their folly to vote this man into The White House”
“It will take a decade for America to resume any
kind of respect from the rest of the world”
“At this time, they are falling!”