01 August 2012

ladylydialondon August 2012 Twitter

Our mission in life is to go through the many trials that come to us to see how we cope. One thing is for sure, we all survive, and nothing is left to chance. 

The situation with South Africa will spill over. There will be wholesale protests not seen in a very long time

If the government think they have the upper hand in all this, they are severely naïve

World and public opinion will grow and could well escalate out of control

Many people the world over will see this injustice as being out of step with modern day thinking and legal practices

President Zuma will be condemned for his actions against his own people. His short-sightedness is alarming and he will pay for this mistake

The miners were protesting for their right to strike under intolerable conditions and…

…they were denied that right and paid dearly with their lives

A US court has ordered former Somali Prime Minister Samantar, who lives in the US to pay $21m to seven Somalis…

…who accused him of torture and killings – these atrocities occurred in the 1980’s. The Human Rights Watch…

…based in the US can allow those to take up civil liable action against their own foreign officials for their illegal conduct

Victims of torture estimated 500,000 people living in the US were tortured abroad by their own governments

So these dignitaries, who think they have got away with mass murder and atrocities, will find that…

…no matter how much time elapses they will get their just desserts

The wakeup call is now and will continue until every atrocity has been sorted out

For those who are still in the thick of it, like Bashar al-Assad, he too will be tried by his own people and the just sentence delivered

Libya will also have their say and so it continues throughout this globe

Universal Laws, which are now at their most powerful, to turn around those who still flaunt the Law against humanity

Every country and every religion, where they have not demonstrated the rights of the people to be free, will suffer the Universal cleansing

That is now in operation.  See it happening daily, where another person or government is brought down.  There can be no exceptions

The message has to be clear that justice on every level is given according to the Law

US banking giant Citigroup have had to pay $590m to their shareholders for hiding its subprime exposure to the toxic mortgages

Shareholders ended up with huge losses after the bank deliberately tried to hide the scale of the risk

These banks the world over, who think they are a law unto themselves, are being struck down one by one

None are safe anymore, as Universal Laws now act to help bring about legal action by governments and individual people…

…who are exposing their criminal policies. Their greed has blinded them into acting improperly

They will all have to pay a heavy price for their greed and…

…as they did not learn the first time in 2008, they are now finally having to learn it

No more will they be able to conduct their scurrilous ways, as the financial forensic scientists become more aware and…

…exposure to their dealings are being delivered every day

Archbishop Tutu has pulled out of a leadership summit in Johannesburg, as he refuses to share the platform with Tony Blair…

…whose involvement in the Iraq War was morally indefensible

As a veteran peace campaigner, Archbishop Tutu’s judgement is correct. The blood on Tony Blair’s hands is irreprehensible

His lies on the weapons of mass destruction and how he falsely led his cabinet and Great Britain into a war…

…they had no business in going in just because he wanted glory. It will haunt this man not only in this world but the next

It is unfortunate there are not enough people of the same calibre of Archbishop Tutu, who could openly make the same protest

History will judge Tony Blair, as he has tried ultra-hard to escape imprisonment for war crimes committed under his watch

His judgement will come. All his ill-gotten gains will diminish one by one and he will be left a pauper in time

The Gaza strip is becoming an everyday joke

Their basic infrastructure is almost impossible at this time with water, health, education, sanitation and safety all at risk

But Israel knows better, of course they do

Until their own people and those others who reside there finally complain, nothing constructive will be done

The entire area is a hotbed of anti-social behaviour, where minds are not working in the right and proper way...

…where emotions run high and are daily out of control, but the Israeli Government still keeps piling them in

See an explosion by their own people, where inter fighting will occur to obtain basic needs, which are no longer there

Then everything becomes paralysed…

…because of the extreme action that they have a right to live there no matter what the cost to human survival

The entire situation is spiralling out of control and it is only when the matters become intolerable…

…which is not long now in the scheme of things, will anything be done

The unrest of the people of Gaza is getting worse daily and they only have their own Government to thank for that

That old adage ‘Israel will reap what it sows’ – they never learn, because they are at odds with the world and also their own people

There is little point in President François Hollande flexing his political muscles against Greece with his demands…

…that Greece must show they can install further financial pressure on the Greek people. They have no money

What part of the argument cannot President Hollande see and understand?

If there is no money, then there is no money and no amount of further cuts can be achieved. The cupboard is bare

That is why Greece is asking for a further bailout and…

…that the Greek Government be given longer time to return the loan with much interest over two years

As has been predicted before, the bailout, if it comes, will not even touch the sides of this thread bare country

Once certain crucial bills have been paid, there is no more for the country as a whole to survive on. The people will get nothing at all

They will not see one drachma of benefit. The financial troika cannot see it or they don’t want to see it

All they are doing or saying is, “We must save Greece.” Greece in its present state is already dead

The financial institutions are just playing for time. The inevitable has already happened. This they will have to see plainly enough

The revolution to the entire world is now in full motion…

…where it is morally defective, where corruption is involved, where environmental issues are destroying this planet…

…or where the injustice and neglect done and threatened to the innocent, especially where children are concern

The new wave of Universal activity is here to stay until a more wholesome society and way of thinking is devised

No more will drug barons think they have a right to impose their wicked authority upon the world

The flawed justice systems will also be revamped…

…increasing a situation where misdemeanours have occurred and the rightful justice has not been imposed

Every aspect of society the entire world over is now under threat…

…until there is a moral compass worthy to address the people of that society, these governments will fall

There has to be a strong moral compass to invoke all parts of society and where the people have the freedom to express their wishes and…

…not be considered outcasts, because they speak the truth as in the case with Russia and the girl rock band

The Eurozone’s economy did contract in July. It is the second recession in three years

In September, which is the next quarter, it will further fall, setting off alarm bells throughout Europe and the World

Europe still does not get it

The entire European situation is constantly falling and the likes of Germany cannot sustain growth to keep the rest of Europe afloat

The falling of Europe some will see it as a catastrophe…

…The reality is that nothing can get restarted until the fall is finally accomplished

Then the new laws and regulations can be implemented to achieve a better way of working and living, where one is not constantly…

…at the mercy of borrowing, but where new policies can be achieved whereby all can begin to live within their own means

This will be reinforced by the continued economic climate of the day

The plight of Mr Nicklinson, who died of pneumonia after refusing to eat

He was suffering from locked-in syndrome and asked the Courts to allow his doctors to end his life, which he said was a living nightmare

He was paralysed from the neck downwards after suffering a stroke in 2005

This poor man lost his High Court case for his doctors to end his unbearable life – his suffering now finally at an end

Until Courts can come to some kind of a compassionate agreement in certain circumstances…

…especially where the doctors know there is no cure, but for a slow suffering lingering death for their patient

Individual souls should be given some kind of help to alleviate their suffering and…

…especially where they are in no position due to paralysis to do it for themselves

We end the suffering of animals in a humane way, but not for humans

Where a person wants to take their life in the case of suicide and it is not that person’s time to go…

…that suicide is averted and the person has another chance to recover that life

Spiritual intervention occurs and they see the light and have then the chance to return to the earth or are taken onto the next dimension

The powerful spiritual forces recognise suffering and where there is not a spiritual reason to remain in the suffering…

…so suffering is relieved and the patient passes

By allowing the conditions for passing the Spirit World can make ready what is required for that individual soul to be released or to remain

If the situation is not prepared, then the individual has a much harder time in the suffering…

…bringing then additional damage caused by the earthly conditions onto that soul

So the healing will then have to be dealt with in the Spirit World until that soul recovers

The length of time would depend on the damaged done by those earthly conditions

Understand that when a soul is crying out for help, whatever the circumstances, the Spirit World adjust whether the time is right or not…

…according to the Universal Laws and the individual’s needs and their pathway – all is done out of Love

Until the South African government puts pressure on mining giant Lonmin to bring about better wages for the exhausting and…

…dangerous work that these miners have to endure day in and day out, nothing will change

Lonmin’s are naïve if they think their bullying tactics will force miners to go back to work…

…in the light of these killings after miners protested for better pay and conditions

These miners have suffered long and hard and it has taken them beyond the brink to come to this level of protest

Lonmin has now shown their true colours and their reputation leaves a sour taste in one’s mouth

Not many miners will wish to return under these conditions and it is up to the Government, not the Unions, to…

…fight for their people and what they think is a good safe wage required for this dangerous job

Without the right miners, nothing will be excavated and the company will lose money and face in this industry

World opinion will grow against them and other miners within the area will also come out on strike unless…

…a peaceful and amicable settlement is reached, which is fair and does not go against these men

Respect for these miners and a better wage is now in the hands of the Government, who…

…must put pressure on Lonmin, who have continued to play the dirty tricks and has got away with it for far too long now! 

Universal Law now comes into operation and a better deal for these miners is in progress, but…

…it also needs the South African Government to play its part on behalf of and for the protection of its people

As Universal Laws continue to do their bit, so Polly Peck tycoon Asil Nadir has been charged and found guilty…

…at the Old Bailey of 13 counts of thief of £34m from Polly Peck International

The jury still has to reach verdicts over 9 allegations of theft. Many of these will also prove to be positive

This man was not rich enough in his estimation. He had a business empire of over 200 subsidiaries worldwide

The company collapsed after the Serious Fraud Office launched an investigation into Asil Nadir’s finances in 1990

It is bad enough that this man embezzled £34m out of the company, but the devastation to all those people…

…who worked hard for that company worldwide, were bereft of their jobs and livelihood

Something this man’s conscience has not yet come to terms with, but it will!

There is no amount of time that is ever wasted in bringing these thieves to justice

This man will have to come to terms in this lifetime still, of the devastation he incurred to so many innocent law abiding souls

He carries their burden on his shoulders in this life and the next

No one, no matter how powerful they feel they are, has the right to demolish another person’s life, especially for abject greed

Burma has abolished censorship of the country’s media.  They held tight security for over 48 years

Now with the new Civilian Government, a relaxing of these laws has allowed a free access to the media and what is now said

For a country to make a move towards democracy, then freedom of speech is a healthy thing

When Governments feel secure in their own position, then freedom to express oneself brings in an advancement to their own status and…

…one can learn by what the people say, instead of being threatened by it

A healthy society brings in healthy debate and this should be encouraged for progress to continue within that country and the world over

Fear rules too many countries and that is why they are in such a mess today

A Brazilian construction worker survived a 2m steel rod, which pierced his skull

It went through his hard hat before exiting between his eyes

The area, where the rod pierced the brain, was an area with no major known functions

The surgeon successfully removed the rod after a 5 hour operation, where there were no adverse side-effects to the patient

It was hailed as a miracle. This is one of many miracles that happen every day throughout the world

Who says we are not being looked after?  Those who are involved in them have no doubt in their minds

After centuries of mistrust and hatred of each other, the Russian Orthodox and Polish Churches have jointly urged their nations to…

…end their mutual bitterness and distrust. The appeal of the Polish–Russian reconciliation was signed at Warsaw’s Royal Castle

They called for forgiveness of wrongs and injustice and every evil, which they had committed against each other

This is an unprecedented milestone in the terms of the brutality, which has been inflicted on these two races

Good can at last come out of the bad…

…the ignorance of people & also the so called propaganda that was inflicted on both these Nations at a time of grave indifference and fear

Now the rebuilding can transpire, as they both have the will to do it, so achievement will be high on the agenda

One has to bare one’s soul and start again. To first recognise the wrongs that have been done and to put right what can be done

This is a time for healing. A time to reflect on what might have been and to decide together a way forwards

All the celestial energies come in to make this possible and to adjust a framework for active movement and reconciliation, which…

…before they did not think was ever possible and now can be. The transition between these two countries is now possible

They are not that far apart from their understanding of the situations. A Universal format will proceed, which all will adhere to…

…with satisfactory results and love can be restored to a higher level of understanding, which was not there before

A simple change in the mind-set can really work miracles and this is a big one!

Danilo Medina has been sworn in as President of the Dominican Republic

He vows to fight corruption, create jobs and invest in education in the Caribbean nation

“I’ll be good for the honest and the poor, merciless with the dishonest and opportunist”. Hurray for this man

At last we have a person with the right integrity and mind-set, who has announced it to his people

He will be a shining star in the Darkness of Ignorance and Corruption

The fact that his mind-set is already in tune with Spiritual Laws will allow him to be given every help with his mission

So much help in fact that he will be an example to the people that what he says he will deliver

When one makes a statement of this nature, usually the mind-set is already programmed to conduct their own life in this fashion

So it is perfectly acceptable that he would wish his people to evolve in how he already lives and by example

Israel’s attack on Iran will not come to anything

Yes, they may have the military hardware to counter an attack, but the threat to them in retaliation would be devastating to Israel

The more Israel isolates itself from the rest of the world, the more it will come under threat for its own annihilation

These people are so scared and instead of trying to find a compromise they prefer open hostility all the time

This from a race that believes they are chosen by God. If one is chosen by God then one lives in love and not fear

They would understand that because God loves them that they will be protected at all times…

…so there should be no need for the help of the US or of their own military.  No, the facts are that what they so called believe…

…does not resonate with them on any level, so they continue to live in fear and are aggressive to the rest of the world

This is not God-like living, but sheer aggression

As predicted, the Banks will be coming under intensive scrutiny, as more bank misdemeanours are revealed throughout the world

This process will be long & arduous. It will be thorough, as Universal Law is now in full motion to get these criminal acts sorted out and…

…the necessary solutions for their dissolvent put into place

Their irresponsible behaviour has cost the people who invest their money in these corporations dearly

Do not be naïve as to think their enormous fines are from their personal money

No, it is the money of the clients that is ultimately being sacrificed

When the heads of banks are brought to trial for their immoral practices…

…which they will, then and only then will the situation be finally resolved

Greed has got out of control.  Now Universal Forces are in motion to rectify these situations and bring an end to their reigns of avarice

The self-immolations by two young men, one a monk, continues to horrify the world

Their protests are on the tight control of the region by China and on their religious repression

These people are in fact in a so called concentration camp where their every move is watched and suppressed

Their lives are in a constant state of anguish

The Dalai Lama is blamed by China for inciting self-immolations

The fact that these brave people, who suffer daily under these severe constrictions to their daily life, have no fear anymore

Their hearts are broken against this suppressive regime.  They have no life

Yet their Spiritual leader continues to have a life of total freedom and never wants for anything

Where is the Dalai Lama?

Other leaders, who are passionate about the safeguarding of their people…

…would have dearly sacrificed their life for their people as a sure sign of solidarity

Jesus Christ when faced with the ultimate sacrifice by example to his people that he would be with them both in life and in death…

…did not run away. He showed his strength. He showed the world that to do what he thought was right was to lead by example

His love for Mankind was the greatest any living soul could have made

To proof that life continues after death and that his sacrifice was not for nothing…

…but to instil in people that a greater salvation was there for all

His message and his love for his people is legendary – his sacrifice the greatest of all

What are these Tibetans doing?  Nothing different to what Jesus Christ did

They are demonstrating with their lives that freedom and love is the only way forward and…

…that to remain here on this earth in a place of suppression is not the way, but to be in a better place for them is the only way

Their lives and their sacrifices will not be ignored nor will they ever be forgotten.  Their salvation is there

But what of the Dalai Lama, who has not stood shoulder to shoulder by his people?  His people love him still, yet he is not there

His silent approach has done very little in the safekeeping and wellbeing of his people

China rules and its bullying tactics will remain until the world stands up and fights against tyranny

Even their own people are suppressed and humiliated. They are restricted

At last they are fighting back.  Until the regime changes nothing will be changed

Every soul, who has sacrificed their lives have found salvation in one way or another

Nelson Mandela, who was incarcerated for 27 years, did so for his people and their rights above his own.  Can the Dalai Lama say the same?

He is in exile, but does not suffer the plight and indignities of his people

Nelson Mandela chose to be there for his people and that is why he is revered for it

His sufferings did not go in vain and the greater outcome against suppression was revealed

The Vatican situation will continue to get out of control, as more revelations of hidden transactions are revealed

It is now becoming the snowball effect

Once some information comes out, so others are revealed and the situation just grows out of all proportion 

Pope Benedict XVI can do nothing about it

He can try to go hush-hush to avoid any form of scandal, but the lid is being prized open and much will need to be revealed

There are private letters, which disclose discussions between the Pope and his personal secretary on corruption and…

…malpractice amongst Vatican administrators and the Vatican Bank – should we really be surprised?

The Vatican has so much to hide, yet this icon of so-called morality and justice can preach to the congregation…

…while they continue to perform their illicit dealings and sexual abuse behind closed doors

They really are a hornet’s nest of depravity and hypocrisy in so many ways…

…while pontificating on their billions, while innocent misguided Catholics are starving and depraved.  That’s Vatican morals for you!

The Vatican can no longer keep the lid on matters

One by one, like a rotten tooth; it will all come out and be revealed before the situation can heal again

It is the Catholic people who are in need of healing, as they see this industry crash to the ground and …

…will wonder in their own mind why were they were so hoodwinked into this hypocrisy in the first place

The way of life is Love with all that goes with it, respect and consideration with all the Spirituality that comes with it

Who needs the constraints of religion with all its control when you have love?

The Universal Energies are about unconditional love and respect. All is set in motion for perfect harmony and balance. That really is enough

Step out of the box people, you will get to Heaven if you are a good person and do the right and honest thing

You really don’t need the business of religion to get you there

Study the scientific proof of life after death, which has been researched over hundreds of years with well-established documentation…

…which is foolproof and then your questions really will be answered

The man in the pulpit really doesn’t know.  He has just been taught to recite jargon and to brainwash people

He has no idea about the afterlife.  He has never researched it!

The Arab League are trying to get another representative to negotiate on the Syrian situation.  They are also just going through the motions
What a pathetic bunch of little people, who cannot do anything to help or to intervene on their own kind.  What drives these people?

Where is their heart? When the First and the Second World Wars came, men and women from all races fought to save Mankind

They fought with conviction to save their race from being annihilated from a foe, who was a power-crazy demon of the highest level

Those people put their neck on the line and others came in to support those nations from that tyrant

They were not afraid to die for their fellow man, because they knew it was the only way they could be free

To beat the tyrant, no matter what the cost.  They knew they were doing the right thing

Where are the Arabs? Women, children and young men are being massacred and nobody is lifting a finger to help them

How can these Arabs all sit in their homes and watch the slaughter daily being administered and do nothing?

The West wants to go in, but it is not their job

It is the Arabs that must intervene to deal with this despot, who has held innocent Syrians to ransom…

…Who has slaughtered whole towns like his father before him and the Arabs just sit and watch

How can Arabs go every Friday to Holy Prayers with wholesale slaughter going on and do nothing?

Until the Arabs start doing something for their own people, they will have to live with the stain of guilt on their hands once again

Syria will get sorted out, as a Higher Power will intervene and take the situation to another level…

…which will see the impasse before the storm and the uprising by the people themselves will deliver the coup de grâce

As usual the Arabs are not at home.  They just sit and talk and count their money and do nothing!

For right to occur, one first must think right thoughts and to believe in a Higher Power to help you through the clouds of darkness, so…

…that right actions can come in to save these people.  They deserve, as others before them, to be saved against the oppression of tyranny

To allow suffering in so many countries, who blatantly turn a blind eye to the suffering of their own people…

…is now being slowly turned around

The Universal Laws are bringing in changes to start to bring a modicum of balance into these tormented countries and…

…the Governments will have to pay dearly for their own part in the continuing neglect

Everything can be transformed, if only genuine love is present.  Where there is no love, then destruction and disharmony occur

Everyone has the opportunity in life to make a difference

Those who have been found wanting will see their own decline and so the execution of the Law is achieved

Mo Farah joined the sporting greats by adding another Gold Medal in the Olympic Games for winning the 5000m race

He will go down in history for his personal achievements and for his quiet unassuming modesty

He is a joy to watch, a true gentle giant in his field of excellence and, like so many others, a marvellous ambassador of the sport

We could certainly do with more like him in this world

To see the world as it is in chaos at this time is a good thing

The entire planet is transforming itself and its people towards a better life

The past of greed, corruption & suppression is now being prized open & all involved in this disruptive way of life are being found out and…

…exposed to the world.  Nothing is hidden anymore. All is revealed

The atrocities of the past and present will see it all break down, so that Mankind can return to a better more structured way of life…

…where transparency is expected and decency is marvelled at and not shrugged off or placed under the carpet anymore

The entire globe now going through its painful crucifixion to bring in a rebirth and a sense of sensibility to the human race

For the world as a whole, it will be a painful experience and so it should be…

…as Mankind has been responsible in allowing so much to get out of hand for so long

Drugs are rife throughout this world and the cartels that drive them through the control of others

There is the promise of easy money & where lives are cut short at the hands of these monsters, as drug wars continue to fight for supremacy

Why don’t the people just stop and think, “Is this right? Am I contributing to mass destruction by taking these drugs?”

It all starts off as an innocent game and then the demons inside of one are revealed…

…as the mixture takes hold and creates another monster and so it goes on

Where is the world coming from that we should continue to sleepwalk through life and are not prepared to act to stop these atrocities

The wakeup call is all around us, as one by one, atrocities are being dealt with

The Universal Powers are now set in motion to bring down these giants of pain and affliction

See the response as Mankind now at last starts to act against the perpetrators of misery around this world

None are safe anymore. Their devilish days are coming to an end as more and more are found out

They will all get their just deserts as to what they have inflicted on others, so they will suffer at the hands of their own kind

People, as never before, are speaking out

Even a girlie band in Russia have now the mental strength to speak out against their President Putin

This is unprecedented in a world of so much killing that three young women have the guts to stand up for what they believe in…

…is an unjust, corrupt and violent President, who stops at nothing to get him his power

He knows it and so does the world. He is a very frightened man indeed. He will meet his Nemesis that is for sure!

Nepal has banned their women under the age of 30 years from working in the Middle Eastern countries due to their exploitation and…

…subjection to physical, sexual abuse, poor working conditions and non-payment of salaries. So many complaints have been given that…

…the Government has had to take action to protect their women. What does it say about these countries? 

Women who work are just cattle. They are not human. They are not respected. They are nothing

These countries, many who purport to have religious connotations, do not abide by the rules that are set out regarding humanity

These countries human rights do not exist, neither do they wish to change.  Their double standards do not fit in with the rest of society &…

…so it must be said that until women the world over are protected & are seen to have rights as human beings, the world will never change &…

…Man will pay a huge price for his own downfall when it comes in. These countries cannot plead ignorance

They know of their own suppressive ways and so, as Universal Laws now begins to make a shift in the world, so uprising after uprising…

…will occur to allow men and women to be equal and to be free of suppression and a part of an enriched society

France will continue to fall economically as it tries to pull itself up, so the banks will drain their resources and…

….pull them down into the mire of economic suicide. France like other European markets still listen to what other politicians & especially…

…what the banks decree must happen.  To save a banking system due to its responsibilities over and above the welfare of the people is facile

This now is becoming apparent even though politicians still play politics with people’s lives, because they think they know better

Europe and the world are being influenced by a corrupt global banking system, which is systematically jeopardising the entire world and…

…its populous. Many now, who are in authority, are at last starting to see it

I predicted the global credit crunch in 2005, it did not reach Wall Street until 2008. The world was in shock and…

…tried to refloat a corrupt banking system, which was flawed with so many bad investments with other people’s money 

Respective Nations had tried to bail this failing system out, because they felt they had no choice but to do so

The power and influence by the banks decreed they must be saved or the entire economy would suffer. Well they have been bailed out and

…the entire system is still suffering and will continue to decline until somebody who is in authority and…

…who is not corrupt will do the right and honest thing

A new financial system will emerge out of what now is known as the banking system.  It will have strict legislation and safeguards…

…so that people and governments can abide by these rulings, where transparency is there for all to see

Whereby corrupt dictators and drug barons can no longer hide their money in off shore accounts or into corrupt Swiss bank accounts

These global banks are being exposed almost daily for their devious illegal dealings with people’s money and…

…the penalty for them will be severe indeed.  The net is tightening and where they think they have got away with this code of practice…

…their exposure to their deeds will be revealed and the entire stinking mess will be seen by the entire world

Nothing can stop this process. The Universal Laws are exposing them one by one and, like the domino effect, they will come tumbling down

To see the Universal energies working every day is a sight for sore eyes.  Every day justice on some level occurs until Mankind wakes up…

…that to abuse another the retribution will come in for the amount or severity of discomfort that has been caused

The latest case is South African’s communications company Telkom, who has been fined £35M for using bullying tactics against its competitors

They could not abide healthy competition, so they blocked it and retarded innovation in the market place

The world is for all the people & everyone has a right to live and function within that concept. To damage another’s growth and survival is…

…tantamount to abuse in any language & so the Law must make amends against the perpetrator in favour of the victim, so the fine was imposed

As more and more misdemeanours are exposed on a daily basis throughout the world so…

…the Universal Laws are shown as doing the right thing to bring Mankind back into line

We, as a people, have lost our way. It seems that to behave badly is cool. It is accepted. We have lost sight of what is important

The old fashion laws of decency, love, respect and honesty and care for each other is in short supply these days, hence the rebellions…

…taking place all over the world. The entire world is top heavy with negativity and total disregard for human life and the environment

The world is tilting and people are falling into the abyss to serve their life out on…

…another plane of existence, where the laws of decency are taught and realised

Only then can Man fully realise the extent of the harm they have inflicted upon the human race

Only then will they come to terms with the hardship that has blighted so many lives

The shock to those individuals are felt hard indeed as they are not aware that one has to make amends for ones deeds at some point…

…in their lives, the arrogance that they have got away with it, fools no one who is in the knowledge of the Higher Power, who sees all and…

…knows all and who puts matters right no matter how severe or how long. All are accountable to the Law

The amazing gold medal won by a Grenadian man at the Olympic games in a 400metre race, his name is Kirani James

He is the role model for the young people of Grenada.  It must be said he is the role model for all the young everywhere

When he won his heat in the build-up to the final he competed against the South African Pistorius who was born with no bones below the knees

He runs on artificial blades.  James went to him after the race and hugged this man

He then exchanged his Olympic name tag as a mark of respect and admiration for this fellow athlete and…

…then shock the hand of each of his competitors

This man’s light shines brightly. His persona is of the highest quality and no matter who a person is, James is there to be of service or…

…with a smile, he brings a charm which is seldom seen amongst the egos of most people

His humble, but generous spirit, will allow him to shine through on every occasion. He is a true role model.  It’s a pity there are so few

Curiosity, the new US robot that has landed on Mars, will do amazing things

It will confirm that life was there all those millions of years ago

It will also send back information/data that was not known, but will revolutionise life on this planet

A real interest to science and to technology as a whole

See a new life particle being investigated, which will see a recovery to health as we know it

The Olympics are supposed to now draw attention to the plight of sports in our schools, especially at infant and junior levels

We have clearly been failing our young people, that is why obesity is now so prevalent

To start young, where sports are concerned, encourages children to take up sport into adulthood?

I would question the reasoning behind this concern

Surely sports are about life and should be utilised in the curriculum as part of the learning process anyway?

To have a healthy mind, one must also have a healthy body

To live and function properly it must be a part of the whole, the same learning/development process

A tree develops and grows as one being to bring about life to all its branches and roots, to work together to form the total structure…

…to be healthy, so that it may propagate and replenish itself for future generations to come

So sport must be in the mindset for all and to teach it from an early age is paramount to the structure and wellbeing of all of us

Like breathing and eating, sport is an integral part of our livelihood and discipline…

…and should be a part of life and not a side-line that should be considered

Pakistani police officers have been suspended for their cruel undignified act of forcing a couple naked to walk to the police station…

…because they were supposed to have had sex outside marriage.  The sheer indignation of the police’s behaviour is hardly surprising…

…in a country that has very loose moral codes of practise within their own country

It literally is one rule for one and turn a blind eye to the corruption and mismanagement of so many things that this country does and…

…expects the rest of the world to accept their draconian methods

It is no wonder that Pakistani people want to live elsewhere, anywhere except in their own country has to be better. Will they ever learn?

The answer is no. For if officials behave like hooligans, what does one expect from higher officials, who behave no better!

To look despair in the eye and know that nothing more could have been done is enough

We all must then just sit back and allow a Mightier Force to carry us through what might seem an impossible situation

We all must experience great joy to appreciate the very lows of great unrest and despair.  Even so the very best can and does…

…come out of defeat, because we all learn that inspite of those situation we have survived and will be there to come back another day

Our pains and anguish becomes our strength to renew our lives and start again.  There is a blessing in that, as we become reborn through…

…the hardships of life and so are not destroyed by the concept, but are remoulded to become more assured and…

…more constructed than before. Remember, we are all immortal and so we can begin again and are always saved

As has been predicted, Egypt’s new government will reflect the broader cultures of the people

It won’t be perfect, as it will take time to implement democratic rule after decades of tyranny. As the people grow in strength and…

…understanding of the policies needed to govern their country, so you will see more people interested in politics and the rule of governing

Egypt has many issues that it needs to address, their economy is shot to pieces, but they are a proud race.  They are also workers and…

…united they can achieve what before for them was impossible.  The way forwards is a gentle escalation of trust and diplomacy…

…so that the military can finally take a step back and  the US Government will not be so afraid to allow Egypt to rule themselves

Rebekah Brooks, with others, has been formally charged over the phone hacking scandal

Her arrogance in thinking she was above the law is her own downfall.  Her aggressive temperament has allowed her to fight Man’s Law…

…to her own advantage and so has got away with previous misdemeanours.  As a result, she felt she would achieve ultimate immunity

This of course is not the case, as she is now finding out.  Again her downfall was predicted and so it came to pass

The naivety of Mario Draghi of the European Central Bank to prop up Spain’s & Italy’s failing economy by buying back those countries debt…

…at a lower interest rate to help them out, is facile

Even he has said the crisis is worsening and yet he continues down this path. One cannot keep throwing water into sand and…

…this is how the ECB are conducting their business. Nothing can help these failing economies only total reforming of the banking industry…

…which is plagued with corruption and false accounting.  All this will be revealed step by step, as nothing is truly hidden

Yet again the Universal Forces for good are in action. Brazil’s supreme court is to begin the trial of 38 people on corruption charges

Brazil’s Attorney General has said this is the most daring & outrageous corruption scheme & embezzlement of public funds ever seen in Brazil

Brazil has high pockets of wealth, but equally high pockets of poverty and depravity throughout this wonderful country

Again innocent people are being denied basic amenities due to the lack of public funds

It is the poor and ill-provided for that must suffer, while others think it is their right to take what is not theirs

This trial in Brazil will expose and take the lid off that government of 2005

No matter how long it takes, Universal Law is there to sort out what is unjust and to it put right for the good of all

No one will ever get away with it. Their exposure is for all the world to see

The new openings of Nation’s minds into what was once thought of as impossible is now taking seed

The economic situations will take a further downturn before the upliftment of a global situation can begin to right itself

Start to see improved strategies coming in once the downfall has finally reached rock bottom and from there emerge into a vibrant concern…

…which will be followed through from Nation to Nation

All will have to sign up to the deal in order for it to work and to become a thriving concern

The Euro will collapse. It has to, to re-emerge into another currency, or name, where faith in its value can be contested and verified

All those who have invested in this currency will see its value hit rock bottom with nowhere to go

One cannot keep propping up a worthless commodity to maintain the banking powers

Banks will be demolished and another type of organisation will fit the needs of the people

It will be the people, who will demand this transition